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Intuitive Healing

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CHANGE is a podcast that focuses on personal growth and education. The host, Rebecca O'Rourke, is joined by guest Jodi Reed, a psychic medium. Jodi explains that her role as a psychic medium is to provide a safe space for expression and healing by connecting people with their loved ones who have passed away. She also offers advice and insights on life circumstances. Jodi talks about her own journey and how she transitioned from a career in the medical field to becoming a psychic medium. She shares her plans to do more platform mediumship and talks about an upcoming event where she will collaborate with a stage hypnotist. The event will include a psychic fair during the day and a show in the evening. Jodi shares some inspiring stories of how her readings have helped people find healing and closure. The podcast ends with a discussion about a specific incident where Jodi was guided to buy blue flowers and how it had a special meaning for someone in her group reading. Welcome to CHANGE! Community Helpers Affecting Growth and Education. Join us as experts and community helpers come together to share with you wisdom, tools, strategies, and ways that you can evolve into the best version of you. I am your host, Rebecca O'Rourke, Behavioral Expert and Master Hypnotist. I look forward to guiding you through all of these tools and strategies that will assist you to becoming the best version of you. Prepare yourself! Our special guest today has spent years honing her abilities to connect with the spiritual world. Jodi helps bridge the gap between physical and spiritual realms, providing profound messages that inspire healing and growth. Today, we welcome Jodi Reed from Jodi Reed's International Psychic Medium and Jodi Reed Events. We are thrilled to have her here today to share her journey and wisdom. So welcome, Jodi. Thank you so much for joining us. Oh, Rebecca, thank you for having me. It's a privilege. Yeah, and so I'm really excited to share with our listeners today how a psychic medium is really helping people grow and change and, you know, in the ways that we're sort of, you know, helping in the professions of helping people. So how does a psychic medium sort of fit into that realm of helping and healing and guiding? Sure. I can only speak from my own experience, but this is what I've seen out of the many readings I've had the privilege of doing, is that, well, first of all, it just kind of creates a safe space for expression, for processing those emotions when we lose somebody, which ultimately leads to relief and healing. And that's done by giving validations, I believe, from our past loved ones so you know who we're speaking with and so that we can feel like we're never actually without them. So through the validations, it shows them that we remain connected. But they also provide clarity and understanding about life circumstances, too. So when you go to a psychic medium, it's not just about connecting to loved ones, but it's those loved ones who come through and offer advice about maybe our lives, you know, past, present, or future. You know, they give us a little insight on that. And I always have to say, a psychic doesn't necessarily know everything. We're just sensitive to the energies around us, right, that we stay connected to the other side, because I believe we are simply energy. It's a bit hard to think anybody knows everything, like in any profession or any way, you know, to really think that a psychic should know that you want them to contact you. It's a little, right, a little ridiculous. And we often get, oh, well, you're psychic, so don't you have the lottery numbers? I wish we did. It doesn't quite work like that, does it? Not always. I have heard stories in which people have dreamt up the numbers, and I believe that is a spiritual connection. Why are we not all exposed to that? Because that's not part of our journey. I believe if, as long as it's part of our journey, those pathways or information are provided to us. That's amazing. Now, Jodi, I've often looked at you and been inspired over the years. I've seen you grow in so many ways. I've seen you grow so many businesses. I have been part of one of your events before, so I've seen how you bring communities together. So tell us, yeah, and it is special. So I'm really glad to have you here today. You definitely are an inspiration to just women in business in a general way. So tell us a little bit about who is Jodi. Thank you, Rebecca. Well, I spent 27 years in the medical field before I decided to jump into the readings. I think it's something we all have. I don't find that I'm special in any way. I just feel like I've taken the time to understand how we can remain connected to the other side and how that can provide guidance and healing. So I feel like I basically went from one, I guess, medical healing atmosphere to another. So I just find that this is something that called me all of my life. I did want to open a wellness center when I was 16 years old, and I had this vision of what it would look like. And I remember seeing the tree shelving and how it would be, and I was able to execute that. Two years ago, I opened up Calm Surrender with a friend of mine from the hospital at the time, and she has actually since carried on the name, and she's doing her services under Calm Surrender, in Lindsay, actually, which is phenomenal. But I've embarked off into just the reading aspect. It's gotten really busy, which is amazing. I'm so grateful. In many opportunities, I think my biggest inspiration or goal that I'm heading toward is to do more platform mediumship, where I speak in front of a larger audience, reaching more people in a shorter amount of time. You've done this already in places like Niagara Falls. Have you done any locally? I have, actually. It's probably not going to all come to mind, but I want to speak of the Town Hall Theatre right here in Fort Perry. I've done a few shows there, and I actually have one coming up I'm so excited about, that I will be doing a kind of a combo theatre show with Mark Lewis, who is the – he's a hypnotist, so he does shows. He's known as the famous Irish psychic, as well as the golden buzzer winner on Canada's Got Talent for his magic. So it's going to be a really great, great event. That is super exciting, and I'm really curious, and I can't wait to sort of see how you bring stage hypnosis together with psychic readings. As somebody who has done stage hypnosis shows before, I have never collaborated with anybody else. I've seen collaborations, and I've talked to a few people about collaborations, but tell us a little bit about what that's going to be like. So it's going to be one show, but I'll do my little piece at the beginning, and then Mark will wrap it up with his stage hypnosis. So even though mine is like – mine can have moments of humor, but it's very heartfelt at times, too. So there could be emotion, but it's always around healing, and it's always meant to give us opportunities. We still have free will here, so we don't have to take the opportunities that spirit suggests, but certainly it is there for our best interest. And so from that, it leads into Mark's show, the stage hypnosis, which is going to be full of laughs, as I understand. So it should be exciting. Yeah, absolutely. They're always a great time. So tell us again, November? It's November 1st at the Town Hall Theater right here in Port Perry, and the show will be at 8 p.m. But prior to that, we're having a psychic fair all day long from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on the same day featuring myself and Mark Lewis. Mark Lewis is the famous Irish psychic, so he does palm readings and tarot readings. Awesome. Oh, wow. That's going to be such a good time. So on November 1st, if anybody is looking for something fun and entertaining to do, Port Perry Town Hall is a great place to be. Let's talk a little bit about maybe some of the inspiring stories that you or people that you've given readings to, and maybe you can give us some examples of how that's changed their lives. Oh, my gosh. Yes. Where do you begin, right? Honestly, it's such a privilege because I never know what spirit will bring through, but I've seen people shift right in front of me from coming in just really broken to having a sense of healing. So where do I pick? Okay. I did have this grieving mother come to me, and some are very emotional, I have to say. She lost her child, and he was only five. We had spoken one session, and he brought through validations, which made her feel better. It was kind of like a spiritual counseling, I would say. But then she quickly booked with me not even a month later, and I always suggest that people wait six months to a year to book with me because I don't want them to receive the same information, allow things to unfold, et cetera. But she really wanted to come in, and I'm in no position to push people away when spirit is calling them. And I really felt like her son was, and he needed that connection, or she did, even though she has the ability. And I always express that to my clients as well. But she came in, and before she came in, I spoke to her son. I said, I don't know what you can do in this moment, but please bring through. And there's many validations, so Mama knows you're connected. And he brought in some profound things. One was about a little, it was like a birthmark or something he had on his back that was raised, and his mom would rub it, and he brought forward that information. So it was like little things that nobody would possibly know other than herself and her son. So for her, it was just a sense of I remain connected. The validation too, yeah. Incredible, just incredible. And one other time, I was doing an open group reading, and sometimes spirit hops in, Rebecca, before I actually go. And I had this gentleman come in, and he insisted I go buy blue flowers. And I'm like, blue flowers, okay. And I had it in my head, so I told my husband, I got to go grab some blue flowers, and this was in February. He's like, where are you going to find blue flowers this time of year, Jody? And I'm like, I don't know, but I just feel like they're going to be available. He's going to show me. So I ran across the street from where I was doing this open group theater to a little local grocery store, and they happened to have a section of flowers. And I'm like, I don't know. He's sending me there, so they have to be there. And I go quickly by the freezer part for the flowers, and there was one bouquet of blue roses. So I'm like, well, that must be it. So I grab them. I run over. I still don't know what I have them for. But before I open up to read the floor, I said, I have to mention, there's a gentleman here who insists I went to buy blue flowers. And this lady slowly raised her hand that she felt really drawn to that statement. And I went over to her, and I said, can you tell me what this means to you? She said, I went to find blue flowers today to put on my husband's headstone. And I couldn't. I only found white. So I placed them. And I turned around and grabbed the flowers. And I said, your husband wanted me to give these to you. And he says, happy anniversary. And they were the blue roses. And she said, our anniversary was yesterday. So it was just remarkable. Like, I never know until the moment, right? So just incredible. And I can only speculate how that makes someone feel, right? Absolutely. She felt like it was like a reunion, or he was still taking part. And that's really what these readings are about, right? But you understand, we never lose connection. We don't. And they take part in every moment in our lives. Just like she was going to find these blue flowers, he's like, I'll find them for you. So it's just, it amazes me too, Rebecca, to be quite honest. I'm simply the channel. I'm humbled by it. And I just, I see profound healing in it, absolutely. Amazing. Well, that is so beautiful. And you're also, you know, bringing the community together, the psychic community, through Jodi Reed Events. So tell us a little bit about that. Yes, thank you. My sister, who is a psychic card reader, and myself, we wanted to get out to the fairs and whatnot. They're traveling like little local fairs and markets to offer readings. And a lot of the current ones were kind of filled up, and it was almost like the universe pushed us in our own direction. It's like, yeah, let's just make some and travel. So we decided we would bring a group of people we knew together who offered holistic services. It could be healing as well, as far as like reflexology, reiki, that sort of thing. Hypnosis. Hypnosis, yeah, absolutely. Exactly, exactly. So it doesn't have to be just readers. It could be a collective of us offering the same thing or at least having the same goal as to helping people live their best lives, right? So we decided to put this together. We ended up creating a few events. And we had an agreement, my sister and I, Jackie, had an agreement that we would not only do these fairs as like a traveling kind of offering, but also behind the scenes cultivate an atmosphere where people could grow, come into their best selves, even the healers, to heal and continue to grow together, support each other, and know that there's so much healing this world needs, and we need more people like us to help. So we want to really support the people who come along with us, even outside of the events. So we try and do that as well. And that's amazing because, you know, healers often sometimes don't have the right supports for themselves. And there's a lot of healers out there that very much give, give, give, give, sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice. And so you sort of by having Jody Read Events, you're offering not only an event, but a community that sort of offers that support to people that want to have connection or further their skills or even just sort of bounce some ideas, right? Because, I mean, I think you've been a great supporter of me and my business and hypnosis. And we met. That's how I met you was at one of the events that you were hosting at the Armory in Lindsay. And it was a psychic fair. And I'll be honest, it's the only time that I've ever participated in an event that's labeled psychic. But it was wonderful. And I found that the atmosphere and the people that were coming to my booth were really open-minded and really just genuine, connected people. And it was just a great place to be. So if you're somebody that is interested in learning more about your own skills, Jody Read would be a great person to reach out to. Yeah, absolutely. And if you're somebody that's, you know, looking for a sacred, special space to connect with the lost one, that helps you maybe bring some closure or some healing or whatever it might be, that, you know, Jody Read's pretty local. You just moved to Port Hope, did you? Port Perry, actually, yeah. Port Perry, right. Yeah, yeah. I don't think those are too mixed up. I know. I know a lot of people do, actually. The port part, right? Yeah. Yeah, so I share a room, actually, with my sister inside Inner Vision, which is a healing center here in Port Perry, located on 180 Mary Street in Port Perry. And it's such a beautiful environment. There's a lot of different modalities there and a lot of different facilitators that offer different things as well. We just love it. Awesome. Great. And I'll also make sure that in the show notes that there's links for people to be able to find you and follow you and all of the amazing events that you're hosting and all the fun things that you're doing. Thank you. Yeah, absolutely. I think it's great for people to really remain open-minded because, you know, there's so many different aspects to humans that we don't understand. And that's okay that we don't understand them. And to some degree, we all need to be willing to be guided. We all need to be willing to have someone show us the things that we maybe couldn't see. True, true. Yeah. And, you know, a lot of almost all of the guests that I've had and the guests that come on this show are really people that are guiding you to see the things that you need to see in order to make positive changes in your life. And so sometimes that is connecting with somebody that you've loved and lost and even sometimes connecting with someone in the community that's like-minded and supportive. Definitely, definitely. And this is what it's about, right? It's about letting go. And it does deal with past traumas, too. So letting go of past traumas and healing and pushing ourselves into our best lives because we're all worthy of that. And we just sometimes need that push. And certainly our loved ones can help us do that. Absolutely. Yes, yes, yes. So is there anything else that you would like to share with our listeners? Any advice that you might be able to give somebody that's looking for some healing with a lost loved one? Yeah, absolutely. I feel that having just even a small session, being open to hearing what your loved ones might have to say about even the grieving process. They're really good at helping us through the grieving process. It's very enlightening. It helps with closure and comfort even. So absolutely, I recommend reaching out and doing your research about the mediums for sure. And go to the person you feel drawn to. I'm huge at we are very intuitive ourselves. So if you're drawn to somebody, I really feel like you have a message there. And I love that point because I do think that we all have our own sense of intuition. And a big part of it is being willing to trust it. I think that's the hardest part for most people is being willing to just have that faith that goes with it. And you've really honed your skills. And you've, I'm sure, had to overcome some of your own inner dialogue, let's call it. Absolutely. And you know, Rebecca, I think I still deal with that. I think we're forever evolving. We're human, right? We fight that ego. And it was no coincidence that my business ended up being called Calm Surrender. So I think it was more of a message to surrender in my channeling. But ultimately, surrendering in life and where it takes you. I am doing a free online, not online, but a free live on Facebook about the art of surrender. I've also written a little guidebook that is like a little reference book that you can carry around. And just as a constant reminder that, you know, we have the ability to navigate our lives as long as we work with the universe. And surrender to the flow as opposed to pushing against or resisting. Yes. And I don't know about you, but I've had that lesson, I don't know, let's say beaten into me many times in life. I don't think it ends. I don't think it ends. Wrong direction. Dead end. That's my intuition. That's right. Worth it. I love it. I love it. Yeah, I don't think it ends. Yes. So, and, you know, it's a real gift that, you know, it's not just a gift that you have. It's also skills. It's something that you've had to practice and learn and challenge yourself. And like you said, it's continuing. And it just is something that I'm assuming just evolves and keeps going. I agree 100%. It's forever evolving in my eyes. And like I said before, everybody has it. I'm not special to it. I think we come here with it. We just quickly forget it with circumstances in life and ego gets in the way. Ego has a place. I'm not saying it's a complete bad thing, but certainly we need to put it where it belongs and remove it sometimes when we want to flow with life or want to have changes that work for us. So certainly everybody can learn. It's something else my sister and I actually teach. So we offer a Zoom teaching as well on coming into your own abilities like psychic mediumship. So I feel like everybody has it. Sometimes we just have to be reminded of it. And it's really subtle sometimes. We overlook it. And we miss those cues. But certainly it's something that can help us through all of our lives in every direction. Absolutely. And trusting in yourself and trusting that you know what's best for you in your life is, I think, a huge part of it. And sometimes we need to learn different resources or new tools or strategies in order to make that true. And I think that's a really high-level learning. And it doesn't just apply to intuition. It applies to the idea that our nervous system isn't actually designed to withstand thinking that everything is our responsibility. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And so we have to be able to give up some of the responsibilities of the world and the problems. We've got to have some kind of faith or trust. Otherwise, we're going to be a nervous wreck. We'll be lost, right? And I wanted to add, too, it's not anything I would ever push on somebody as a belief. I welcome all religions. It doesn't matter. This isn't a religion. It's just a faith in something grander, whatever that looks like for anybody. I never try to convince anybody or push anybody or persuade anybody. Just simply here to share the messages that our loved ones share with us that we remain connected with. And it's really important. And it's a high-level thing. And I think, again, a lot of the helping practitioners that come on this podcast, we're saying it in different ways with different modalities and different canvases for our art, let's say. But the truth is, even in psychology, there's something called a godlike complex. And we're not trying to say you need to believe in religion. It's not about religion. There's a lot of rules and judgments in religion. But the idea that if we don't believe in something, that our nervous system is just not going to be healthy. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And it doesn't change, not to get into religion, but it doesn't change your own beliefs either. Like, we're not trying to do that. Absolutely. I grew up in a Catholic house. I believe in God very much. And I know some people will have a different opinion as to what I do. But I've seen just some amazing things, like a wife who has been longing for her husband and the things he brings through just to show that we remain connected. I do believe we go on to another plane and we stay connected. Yeah. Yeah. You know, even in our hypnosis center, we're using things like ho'oponopono for forgiveness and letting go. Very familiar. Right. And there's a lot of helping professionals using this technique. And it's an ancient Hawaiian traditional spiritual practice of forgiveness. Absolutely love it. Right. And so, you know, again, it's not about the spirituality or the religion behind it. It's about the health of the individual and needing to let go in order for them to feel really good and, you know, strive and chase their goals. Right. So sometimes maybe, you know, getting a psychic reading and meeting up with somebody that you've loved can really help you with that forgiveness and letting go. Yes. Oh, my gosh. Yes. Absolutely. Sometimes we might need a little extra forgiveness and letting go on top of that. And that's OK, too. Yeah. And there is science behind it, too. So for the logical minds as well, I mean, certainly I've had clients come in, Rebecca, who were very, I'm not sure, Jodi, I don't know if I believe it. That's OK. You know, I welcome a skeptic mind. It's healthy. But there is science behind it, too, because everything is energy. And if we could only just physically see that energy, what happens when we're having that conversation, then it would be easier for us to open up to it, I think. Yeah, certainly. People are interested. They're curious, right? And, again, there's no point of persuasion. And that's not why I do this. I certainly don't want to. I do it from my heart and to help people heal and get into their best lives and remain connected to their loved ones. Beautiful. Yeah. Yeah, it is. Absolutely. So, you know, there's a lot of different elements that come with connection in life. And so connection isn't just about what you see in front of you. Connection is really everywhere you've ever spent your time, energy, and love. And I don't think that that connection and love, I think it's always with us. So we all have our own ways of looking at that. And we all have our own belief system. And that's a wonderful thing. However, healing and taking steps in the direction to become the best version of you is really what we're looking for and what we're encouraging people to do. So Jodi Reed is a beautiful human who can help you hone your intuitive skills, connect with people that you might want to connect with in the other spiritual realm. And if you're just ever in her area of Port Perry, just, you know, stop in and ask her any of your questions. And she's a great person to talk to. Thank you, Rebecca. As you are. As you are. Thank you. Thank you. So is there anything else that you would like to add or share with our guests before we wrap it up today? I don't think so. I just want to thank you for having me on your show. Hey, it's been my absolute pleasure. And we're really grateful to have you in the community. Thank you, Rebecca. Truly appreciate it. We are so grateful that you joined us today. Tune in again next week, where we have another amazing professional giving you tools and strategies for change. I am your host, Rebecca O'Rourke, and you can find me at coorthypnosis.com. Thank you.

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