Guided movement meditation with Reiki
Guided movement meditation with Reiki
The speaker guides the listener through a meditation practice. They emphasize the importance of movement during meditation and share their preferred posture. The speaker instructs deep breathing, with longer exhales to signal relaxation to the nervous system. They suggest grounding oneself with the earth, connecting with Mother Gaia, and feeling gratitude. The listener is guided to imagine roots connecting them to the earth's core and to visualize reaching up to the sun for energy. The speaker encourages the listener to move from their mind to their heart, expanding the energy in their heart chakra and guiding it through their body. They prompt the listener to open their throat chakra and connect with their third eye and crown. The listener is advised to create an energetic protection shield and express gratitude to ancestors and the source. The speaker concludes by suggesting sitting in the lotus position, setting intentions, and generating love and joy. I'm going to take you on a guided meditation, so just relax and you can actually move along with me. The way I like to meditate is with a movement, so I like to sit up straight, start out sitting up or standing, pull my arms over my head, reach, opening up all the muscles and feeling into the flexibility of the spine, breathing deep through, down into the lungs, down into the belly, exhaling through the mouth, and returning the arms down, slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, slowly, down to your side, stretching out each finger, so your hands are in a prayer position, in front of you, in front of your heart, feel your heart opening up, roll your neck, relax all the small muscles in your neck, if there's any tension in your jaw, relax that, roll your neck the other direction, when you're doing your deep breathing, breathe in through your nose, breathe out through your mouth, and try to make your exhale slightly longer than your inhale, because this signals to your nervous system, it's time to relax. So what we're going to do, we're going to start by grounding ourselves with the earth, connecting with Mother Gaia, show gratitude to Gaia, come to our knees, all we can do is standing, and feel down, imagine roots, growing deep down through your feet, grounding you, your roots, connect all the way deep down to the earth's core, and wrap around Gaia's core like a hug, feel her strength, feel the abundance of her love, the abundance of love that Gaia provides to each and every one of us, her children, as we walk upon her skin. Breathe forward, take a deep breath, go up, back up, and feel the light rising through, your core, up up up into the sky, connecting all the way out to the top of your head, and reaching your hands way up to the sky, reaching reaching reaching, imagining you're reaching all the way to the sun, allowing the golden light from the sun to wash over you, feeling the light, spirit, sun, fill your energetic field, now take your hands, now that you've connected with your soul star chakra, and take your hands and move them towards your heart chakra, your heart is going to allow you to open and feel, sometimes the feelings are uncomfortable, but more than likely it will be warm tingly sensations, what we want to do is close your eyes, move out of your mind, move down into your heart, to connect your mind and your heart, imagine a large glowing ball of light, right in the center of your heart, and your hands enable you to expand that energy, larger and larger and larger, slowly expanding and feeling, maybe the feeling is going down into your solar plexus, follow the energy, where it's going, feel it, maybe it's going down to your sacral chakra, down, down to your feet, wherever it's going, use your breath, to guide that energy through your body, so that you can clear and cleanse any stuck energy, now come up back to your heart, move up to your throat, feel your throat chakra opening, this is where you communicate with the world, come up to your face, feel your palms right over your face, you don't have to touch your face, just hovering about one inch around you, and just feel that energy, just connect with it, the energy around your third eye, your crown, you can touch your crown, top of the head, move your fingers, up, up, up, up, and out, as if you're a flower, blooming, gently guide your energy, it doesn't feel just so beautiful, tingles, maybe you're feeling tingles, warmth, you can even create a cloak around your body, as a protection, take your hands and swoop them over your head like a hood, take your hands and swoop them around your shoulders, and wrap them in front of your chest, like you're putting on a cloak, wrap them down, down, down, to your legs, and this will be an energetic protection shield for you, because as we're doing this work, this light work, we must protect ourselves, and always, always, for the highest good, for the highest good of all beings, and we thank our ancestors, and we give thanks to the source, at this point, I'll move down and sit in the lotus position, your spine will be in line, correct, sitting up straight if possible, if you're comfortable that way, or you can lay down, put your hands in the prayer position, feel the light coming into your hands and through your arms, slowly move your hands in front of you, and feel every molecule in the air, feel that quantum energy, maybe you want to smile, maybe it's tingling and good, hold the light in front of you, set your intention, what's your purpose here, who does this light work for, to assist all beings, may they reach enlightenment in this lifetime, generating love, joy, love, have a good day.