Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Think about something you want in your life, like love, a better relationship, more money, or finding your purpose. We'll ask your unconscious mind what's stopping you from getting it. Just relax and be open to whatever comes up. Now take a few deep breaths. I want you to think about something that you want or desire in your life. Whether it's true love, whether it's a better relationship with your partner, whether it's more money in your life, a bigger figure income, and maybe you want to find your true purpose. Maybe you feel stuck in your business where you are or in your inner work where you are and you want to know some answers. Maybe a physical, maybe of a physical issue that you're dealing with, health issue that you want to see what's stopping you from really fully healing. So what we're going to do is we're going to ask your unconscious mind what you need to do or what's stopping you from getting on the other side of your desire. To really figure out what's stopping you in certain areas. If you don't get it the first time, don't worry. Sometimes when you do these, what I just want you to do is open your mind and relax to whatever shows up.