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Voice 002-2

Voice 002-2




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This is a guided meditation that takes you through the different energy centers in your body, starting from the base of your spine and moving up to the center of your head. It explains how each energy center is connected to different elements and functions in your body. The meditation then expands beyond the body, moving through the sun, galaxies, and into the unmanifested realm of consciousness. Finally, it brings you back to the present moment, encouraging you to gather your energy and gradually return to your physical body. Good evening everyone. Welcome. Let's take this opportunity to connect with ourselves and explore the core of our hearts and the center of the universe. Let's gather up all that energy that is expanding outside. All that energy that is moving outside, they withdrawn. All the focus, all the attention, all the insecurities, all the thoughts and desires, they withdrawn. But just imagine, sitting in a comfortable place where there is nobody to disturb, in a position which you find comfortable. Just imagine, fine balls of energy in each of your toes, of the legs. Imagine ten energy balls, vibrating, throbbing. Golden vibration energy. Imagine it moving up through the nerves of sensation, along with the veins and the muscles. Try to feel everything, or as much as possible. Let it move up, and let all ten energy balls gather up at one place, the base of your spine, the Muladhara Chakra, the chakra that represents the earth element, the Prithvi Tatva. This is the place where our large intestines help us throw out the solid waste, and help us absorb the nutrients, the solids that enter within our system, enter through this place, to the third stream, and to all the cells of all sorts. This place also represents all the solids in the universe. The places like earth, with all the solid elements, the landscapes, the mountains, the caves, the trees, the Philippine nights, and everything like that. Imagine this ball of energy at Muladhara Chakra, swirling, dancing, contracting, expanding throughout the body. Imagine this as a parietal flow that further moves up to the place between the navel and the Muladhara Chakra, the center of the kidneys, the chakra that controls the water element, the Janma Tatva. This is the element which controls all the water within our body, and all the waters on planets like earth and across the cosmos. This is the place within our bodies wherein the waste water gets out, and the water that is good is absorbed, and enters the third stream. This contracting and expanding energy further moves up to the navel area. This area belongs to the domain of fire. This is the place where digestion happens. This is the place where oil juices and enzymes, etc., produce fire and burn our food. This is also the place where insulin is produced, which moves across the bloodstream, enters all the cells, and carries out cellular burning, thereby creating energy in the form of ATP in each and every cell. This contracting and expanding, swirling and dancing ball of energy at the navel, further moves up to the place between the lungs, just by the side of the heart, the element of air, the place which controls both incoming and outgoing breath, the inflow of oxygen, absorption into the bloodstream, and moving across the body, and cutting back the waste, that is the carbon dioxide, and moving it out. This element also represents and connects all the air around the earth, and within the atmosphere, and all the gases across the universe. Just like the water chakra and the fire chakra also connect with and resonate with the oceans, and this helps you understand them effectively. Now let this mighty ball, swirling, expanding, contracting, whirlpooling, move up to the throat region, the place that controls the space-time reality. This is the place that controls imagination, thoughts, speech, and the perception of space and time. With activating of this region, this chakra, you get to explore new horizons, new perspectives, new ways of thinking, new patterns of imagination, and a new way of being. Now let's move up, further up, to the center of the soul, to the center of our being, the place where soul resides. Allow this dancing, whirlpooling, turtle, energy ball to move up to the center of the head. To know this place, draw an imaginary line connecting both your ears, and then draw a line from the center of your eyebrows, straight backwards, and the place where these two lines intersect, that is the place where the soul resides, the pineal gland, wherein our limited being is dancing, surrounded by our emotions, trauma, past experiences, and the momentum created by all of it. Further surrounded by our brains, our conscious perspective, our RAM, manifesting in the physical reality as the billions of neurons, and their pathways, that is our conscious way of interacting with the reality, and the algorithms that we have created in this very life, to interact with the physical reality around us, and all of it together, cumulatively, giving us the sense of self, the sense of ego, driving its existence out of all of it. The dancing center, the rhythm of being, the momentum of past lives, past trauma, and future expectations, and the present conscious being, expanding into the physical reality, as our interactions and relationships with the objects and subjects, and the way we perceive them. Now let's do something drastic, imagine a fire, being created out of the center of being, imagine everything that you do not need in your mind, brain, or sense of self, or your external existence, burning up, imagine everything that is not needed, burning up, and turning itself into ashes, simultaneously, imagine those realities, blossoming as flowers that you need to create, and with this burning, and turning into ashes, imagine a conscious energy, falling back to its center, and increasing the vitality, and the energy of the dance, where in, the two opposite realities, the yin and yang, the limited version of Shiva and Shakti, are dancing with each other, manifesting as a soul, where in, the outgoing thought represents the Shakti, or the Yin, and when it comes back as perception or experience, it represents the Shiva, or the Yang, and our existence is made out of the dance of these two, creating infinite momentums, and infinite nodes of being, algorithmically defining our existence over a period of time, and giving us an automated system to work with, now gather up into the center, and move up to the center of the sun, feel the energy of yin and yang, the delicate balance of fusion and fission, expansion and contraction, allowing distributed centers to move around in elliptical whirlpools, existing as planets, swirling around the sun, get back to the center, and move up, see the trillions of suns, existing, burning, endlessly, some just getting up, some dying, becoming supernovas, or neutron stars, move up to the galactic center, get into the center of the black hole, feel the energy of yin and yang, the centripetal and the centrifugal force, allowing distributed centers to exist as the stars and planets around them, and the energy of gravitational pull, allowing them to swirl around the galactic center, into beautiful patterns, and creating the spiral, the Milky Way galaxy that we know of, move up, see other galaxies, move up, other spirals, see clusters, other clusters, different clusters, bound with each other, as leaves bound with each other on a branch of a tree, there are other branches, other clusters, there is a cosmic web, move up, move up to the center, the place where it all began from, in the form of a bank, where a yin and yang are dancing, where a Shiva and Shakti is dancing in the form of centripetal and centrifugal forces, allowing distributed centers to exist all across the cosmos, in the form of galactic centers and the realities all around them, and attached with each other, with the gravitational pull of the center, the central beam of dark energy, move up, feel this balance of yin and yang, from which all the souls, all the non-physical realities, and all the physical reality arises, and wherein all of it subsides, the arising and subsiding of the cosmos is like opening and closing of the eyelids of the cosmic being, or heartbeat of the cosmos, feel this heartbeat, feel the dance, feel the superposition of this center with all other centers, including yours, move up, move beyond this center, move beyond this universe, beyond this cosmos, move up, just like a smaller bubble would move out of a bigger bubble with some force, and enter into the unmanifested, this is the non-physical realm, wherein nothing really moves, there is no expansion, no contraction, but there are infinite universes arising and subsiding, this is infinite, beginningless, endless ocean of consciousness, wherein each universe is at a different phase, and at a different stage, some universes are like saplings just beginning, some have grown up into full of maturity, and are ripening up with the fruits, which are becoming the seeds for the next ones to come in line, and all of these trees and their centers represent the dancing beings, a realized couple, a combination of Shiva and Shakti, Now get back to where you are, here in this place, right now, again gather everything up, gather your energies at the Muladhara Chakra, and start taking a slow deep breath, and along with this breath, move up, across all the centers, slowly, gradually, feeling the reality, and the expanse of each center, keep moving up, across the chakras, across the sun, galactic center, and center of the universe, and move out into the unmanifested ocean of bliss and consciousness, hold your breath for a while, or rather forget about it, and flow with the ocean of nothingness, flow with the ocean there, wherein each droplet represents one universe, and the horizons of this universe, this multiverse, as not known, just not known, and then with the full force, with the momentum build up, because of the incoming breath, start moving out to the beginnings of your universe, and then there is a bank, the big bank, and there is tremendous amount of energy moving out, fracturing the reality into the opposites, into two sides of the energy, into the duality of the energy, which initially keeps destroying each other, annihilating, building the momentum for condensation and withdrawal, but the big bank, was such a big bank, that due to the momentum, not everything could destroy, or rather, the distributed centers were stabilized all around, and the positives and negatives started swirling around it, becoming the first particles, and when such particles together create cumulative centers, they created galactic centers, with distributed centers all around it, became stars, with planets around it, and on such one planet, the life blossomed, just like many others across every galaxy, and life flourished and evolved in ways that we do not know, from single cellular organisms to multi cellular organisms, from water based life to earth based life, from reptiles to mammals, to different kinds of smart species, different periods of annihilation and evolution, the ice ages and dark ages, and the humanity, and through evolution, from being the early man, to being the man that we today are, and in the modern world, becoming somebody like you, trying to gather the energies which are scattered, help to scatter, and spread all around, unprofitably, in a manner which is leading to stress and chaos, and destabilized chakras and centers, and the destabilized souls, moving around haphazardly, due to the unbalanced momentum from the past and the future, but now trying to rebalance it, and then going back, and try to do this in a single breath, starting from the muladhara chakra, take an incoming breath, slow and deep, connecting all the centers, and then to the center of the universe and beyond, hold your breath for a while, and feel the unmanifested, and then come back, after the big bang, and creation of galaxies, planets, earth and life, and you, and here one breath finishes, and from the muladhara chakra, again take a breath, gather everything up and move up, take a few breaths like this, only a few breaths, it will be overwhelming, take your time, do as many breaths as you want, until such time you feel full, have fun exploring the cosmos, I will leave you two at it, for a while. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Now let's get back, and do something that we want to do in this session, again take a deep breath, this slow and steady, connecting all the centers of all the chakras, and centers of the celestial entities and beings, the sun, galactic centers, and the center at the heart of cosmos, move beyond, experience the infinite, unmanifested ocean, and the infinite multiverse, and the unlimited joy and fun that comes with the superposition, with all the universes, and all the entities, objects, and subjects therein, and all of it being manifested, as a rhythm, as a dance, of eternity, with this idea, gather up at the heart of the cosmos, and with the full flow, with that energy, reach back to the earth, to the galactic center, and the energy of the sun, reach out to the earth, and take the earth with that energy, allow that energy to seep deep into the earth, and merge with the core, allow that core to strengthen up, to heal from being fragmented, dried up, in a crisis kind of a reality, to a healed up, fully vibrating, throbbing, core, and then let the energy flow out, into the layers all around it, the layer of molten lava, the layer of underground oceans, the layer of rocks, crystals, and hydrocarbons, the layer of mycelium connecting the roots of all the trees on the surface, the hydrosphere, the layer of oceans, rivers, and the ice on the arctics, and the layer of human consciousness, and the bacteria, and the virus, spread around, all around, as layers of their own, and their atmosphere, all around, with the layer of ionosphere, helping the electrostatic charge of the earth, to retain itself, and to help absorb the cosmic rays, to remain there, instead of entering, and destroying the earth's electrostatic field. Now with the healed up flow of the core, and its energy, all expanding out, and healing all the layers, imagine, whatever, that everything that needs to be destroyed, is being destroyed, across the layers, and everything that needs to be created, is being created, and everything that needs to be healed, is being healed, and energy for this overall process, is being channelized through you, from across the centers of the cosmos, and from beyond, and from the infinite, beginningless, endless ocean, it is pouring, like a waterfall, would fall, and it's healing you, in the process, and everything around you, and healing the earth, and everything around it, just feel the beat, just feel the rhythm, feel the music, feel all the centers, and the realities around them, the expansion, contraction, destruction, creation, and the intricate balance, that's created, right from the beginning, because of which, the process, within it, the first phase, just feel it, just be, just be, just be, namastasye, namastasye, namo namah.

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