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The person has had a fever for two days and has symptoms like mucus, sore throat, and cough. The doctor examines them and determines they have a common cold. They prescribe paracetamol for the fever and suggest an over-the-counter cough medicine. If symptoms worsen or a fever develops, they should return to the office. The person thanks the doctor and hopes to feel better soon. Tell me, how can I help you? DÃgame, ¿cómo puedo ayudarle? Pues mire, estoy dos dÃas con fiebre. Tengo mocos, me duele la garganta, y tengo tos. Well look, I've had a fever for two days. I have mucus, my throat hurts, and I have a cough. Do you have other symptoms? In addition to the others, are you tired or are you having trouble breathing? If you blow your nose, is your mucus green or clear? ¿Tiene otros sÃntomas en adición a los otros? ¿Está cansado o está teniendo los problemas con respiración? Si se suena la nariz, ¿la mocos es verde o transparente? No, no son muy verdes. Son muy claritos y me ahogo solo cuando tengo tos. Quiero que me de algo para quitarme la tos. No, it is not very green. It is very clear and I only feel choked when I cough. I want you to give me something to get rid of my cough. I'm going to examine you. We'll look at your oxygen saturation levels and see what we can do. Take a seat on the exam table and take off your shirt so I can examine you. Open your mouth so I can look at your throat. Alright, now I need you to take a deep breath, please. I'm going to examine you. We're going to look at your oxygen saturation levels and see what we can do. Take a seat on the exam table and take off your shirt so I can examine you. Open your mouth so I can look at your throat. Alright, now I need you to take a deep breath, please. Nothing looks alarming. It looks like you have a common cold. Take one paracetamol every eight hours. The effectiveness of cough suppressants has not been proven and they have side effects. Nada parece alarmante. Parece que tiene un resfriado común. Tome un paracetamol cada ocho horas. La eficacia de supresores de la tos no se ha demostrado y tienen efectos secundarios. Pues yo quiero que me de algo para que me quite la tos. No puedo vivir con esta tos. Well, I want you to give me something to get rid of my cough. I can't live with this cough. Well, we can try an over-the-counter cough medicine. Take ten milliliters before bed. If symptoms worsen or you develop a fever, come back to the office. Pues podemos tratar un medicamento para la tos que se pueda comprar sin receta. Tome diez mililitros antes de acostarse. Si los sÃntomas empeoran o desarrolla un fiebre, vuelve a la oficina. Vuelva a la oficina. Muchas gracias. Hasta luego. Thank you very much. See you later. Nos vemos. Espero que se sienta mejor pronto.