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008 | Feel Safe In Your Relationship Using Human Design Profiles: Lines 1, 2, & 3

008 | Feel Safe In Your Relationship Using Human Design Profiles: Lines 1, 2, & 3


We're diving into all the nitty gritty details of Profile Lines 1, 2, and 3

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The speaker is excited to discuss profiles in human design, which are indicated by decimal point numbers on the human design chart. Profiles can reveal childhood wounds and their impact on success and relationships. The speaker introduces herself as a Human Design and Gene Keys teacher and talks about her podcast, Reignite Your Relationship. She recaps previous discussions on types and strategies. Profiles are related to gates and gene keys and have different archetypal themes. There are six profile lines that influence challenges, learning styles, and how we relate to others. Knowing our profile helps us understand ourselves and fulfill our purpose. Profiles are represented by fractions in the human design chart and have conscious and unconscious aspects. The two numbers in the profile fraction need to be balanced for peace and learning. The archetypal themes can seem at odds with each other but finding balance leads to harmony and self-growth. The speaker compares this to a flower bl Hello, my friend, welcome back. I am super excited about today because we're gonna be talking about one of my favorite things in human design because I really feel like not enough attention is paid to this particular aspect. And so what we're gonna be diving into today are known as the profiles. And profiles have to do with those little decimal point numbers that you see after the bigger numbers on the human design chart in that planetary data. And these are really powerful because of course they help us understand ourselves on deeper levels, but they actually can show you where potential wounds from childhood are, how they may show up, and how those can really impact our ability to create success and satisfaction and peace and harmony in our lives and relationships. And so if you're excited to dive in, then let's do it. Ready to feel confident in the woman you're becoming, clear in the direction you're going, and intentional in your daily actions? Are you tired of feeling lonely, struggling with balance and boundaries between your life, work, and family responsibilities, and not feeling seen, heard, or understood in the most important areas of your life? Do you wish you had more time to work on your personal development, be present with your family, and take bold steps forward in your evolution? If so, welcome to Reignite Your Relationship, where heart-centered women come to nurture the relationship that matters most in life, the one for themselves. Hey, I'm Kaia Dunn, a Human Design and Gene Keys teacher here to help you reduce stress, quiet the mental noise, and let go of the things that no longer serve you so you can create more freedom, success, and satisfaction in yourself, your family, and your career. In this podcast, I'll help you learn how to use your energy efficiently, hold boundaries like a boss, communicate confidently, be a more purposeful parent, and cultivate connection, independence, and wholeness in your relationship by cultivating it in yourself first. It's time to listen to that call on your heart urging you to wake up. The time is now, babe. You're ready. Let's do this. All right, so a quick recap of what we talked about over the last couple of weeks. First of all, we talked about the five different types, and you can think about your type as the type of character that you're playing. Then we talked about our strategy, which has to do with how you can best make aligned decisions. And when we get into the profile, this is coming more into the more minute role in your lifetime. It gives you the flavor of the lens in which you view your character through, if that makes sense. And so something I wanna point out here really quickly is that whenever you see the numbers in the planetary data, in those two columns on either side of the body graph, those are correlated to gates within the human-designed body graph, and then also to gene keys within the gene key system that we will get to in the coming episodes. But I want you to think that you have those specific gates, and all of those are related to a certain archetypal theme. Okay, and then whenever you get to the decimal point number that is after that gate number, that is a line. And again, the lines really show you the lens in which you view that bigger gate, okay? So I hope this is making sense. So they really give you, like, they color your world, the profile lines do. And there are six different profile lines, and they really build upon one another, as you'll come to find as I dive into these with you. But most likely, for time purposes, we're gonna be going through the first three, and then in a follow-up episode, we will be going through the next three. And so I just really wanted to kinda, first of all, give you a little recap, but also see how the profile lines come into this conversation. The purpose of the profile lines is they can really show you the different challenges that you will navigate throughout your life according to those major themes. They can help you understand your learning styles and what you can do in order to feel secure using your strategy to make aligned decisions. They can also influence how you relate to others and how you share your gifts with the world. And so I know a lot of this language I use to describe each of the different aspects, like the type, the strategy, the authority, the profile. I'm fully aware that I use this similar language within that, but they all do interplay with one another. It's kind of like if you consider a diamond, it's like you have this whole diamond, right? But within that diamond, you can see a bunch of different facets as you turn it upside down and around, and you see how all of the different colors can really come out whenever you move it, okay? So it's similar to that. It's like there's this one whole piece of what we are and who we are, but depending on which way you spin it or look at it, you will notice different facets, but all of those pieces encompass the whole, okay? So knowing your profile is just a different aspect of this to help you understand yourself on a different level, but also can help you in moving towards fulfilling your purpose, which is what I think we're all here for. And I do wanna say that fulfilling your purpose, like purpose conversations are like super loaded and maybe even overemphasized in the self-development industry, but when it comes down to it, I really think that's why we're all here. We have this intuitive knowing within us that's calling to us, and by understanding these aspects, we can better identify what is even coming up from within us, like what is our intuition trying to communicate with us to help us really move forward on this path of enlightenment and self-actualization and just really embodying who we were born to be. Okay, so going into the structure of the profiles, there are 12 different personality profiles in the human design system. And your profile looks like a fraction in that data that's on the left side of your human design body graph. And I would really like to encourage you to go to geneticmatrix.com. That is G-E-N-E-T-I-C-M-A-T-R-I-X.com to follow along with me, pull up your human design profile, pull up the profiles of other people who you may have pulled, like your kids or your partner or your parents or your sister or siblings, and see what their profiles look like. And so when we're looking at those numbers, each one represents a specific archetypal theme that influences your experience of yourself and the world and also your experience within relationships. These numbers inform you on what is necessary for you to feel confident and strong in making those decisions, like I mentioned before, but also architecting a life that's aligned with your values. And if you don't know what your values are, then at some point, we are gonna do an entire episode on values because I am a stickler for values. They are everything because values inform your decisions. And so when you understand your archetypal theme that you have been imprinted through your profile numbers, then you can start to architect your life that's aligned with that. Okay, so the first number in that fraction, it represents the conscious side of you and how it's calculated is, or how you can find it in your human design body graph rather, is if you go to that very top box on the black planetary data side, that's your conscious side, and you see that first number within that box, and then you look at the point decimal number, that is the first line in your profile. And that is something that you will likely be more aware of because again, it's from that conscious side of your body graph. And then looking at the second number, if you go to the top box on the red planetary data side that has to do with your design, your body, that will be the second number of that fraction. And these two numbers really work in conjunction with one another because both needs of these archetypal themes in your profile need to be met in order for you to feel that peace in your life and with your choices so that you can learn what you need to learn and express that role that you are here to play in the collective. And that's what I love about this human design system is that it shows us that we have both conscious and unconscious aspects of us, but they're not only to help us master challenges, but they're to help us find ways of harmonizing the different parts of ourselves. Many of these archetypal themes within the two lines of your profile also present a conundrum. They seem to be at odds with one another being that these two different sides of yourself really are like battling energies, if you will, because again, one is conscious, one is unconscious, and they seem to be on opposite sides of the coin. For example, one side could be thought of as being extroverted while the other side could be thought of being introverted. And so they're at odds with one another, but you need to find the balance between both and also understand that this is who you are, but the more you increase your awareness around these aspects of yourself and you can start to dance with the two different archetypes, then the more harmony you will create and the more of a just flourishing aspect of yourself that you'll be able to cultivate. I really like to think about this as like a flower. It's like the deeper you go, the more that you can bloom. And so I just really think that this is a beautiful way to look at the different profile lines, even though it can be kind of a pain in the ass to like really dance with these two different themes in your life. And so when it comes to the way that the lines are structured in regard to one through six, there's what's known as the lower triagram and the upper triagram. And they're also akin to a house, and so I'll walk you through that as well. And so when it comes to the lower triagram, which is what we're gonna be going into today, that is lines one through three. And these lines are more interpersonal and they require more alone time and to be in their own energy, to process their feelings, to really get back in their own energy and neutrality. And they also don't need others to fulfill their destiny. But whenever you go into look at the upper triagram lines, which would be the four, five, six, these lines are more transpersonal and they do need other people to help them grow in their personal development, bring their gifts to the world and fulfill their destiny. And so I'm gonna go through the six lines real quick, just a quick name drop of what they are so that you can be aware of what I'm talking about as we go into more depth here. So the first line is known as the investigator. Oh, and I wanna caveat real quick and say that the language that I use to describe the lines, I have gotten from different teachers within the human design world, like Karen Curry-Parker or my teacher, Jamie Palmer, because the names that you will see described most likely in your chart are the names that came from Ra'aruhu and the source material of human design. But like I mentioned in previous episodes, the way that Ra' has described the human design system, it's from a more like negative perspective, I think, and so do other people in the human design world. And so other mentors in this field have come up with more positive and optimistic names to the lines. And so that's what I'm gonna be rolling with today. So just know that if you have different words to describe your profiles, that's why. And I'm gonna give you both so that you know which one I'm talking about, okay? Okay, so going back to the first line, this is known as the investigator. And I'm cool to stick with the investigator because I feel like that's truly aligned with the first line profile. The second line in traditional human design is known as the hermit, but it can also be referred to as the natural, okay? The third line is what's normally called the martyr, but I prefer to call the third line the experiential learner. When it comes to the fourth line, it is called the opportunist. And I roll with that for the fourth line. I will refer to it as the opportunist in these conversations. The fifth line is what's known as the heretic, but I prefer to call the fifth line the teacher. And the sixth line is also known as the role model, and I still think that's pretty fitting for the sixth line name. And so, again, for time purposes, I'm only gonna be going over the first three lines today, but be sure to tune into the next episode where we're gonna be going over lines four, five, six. So when it comes to living into your profile numbers, in theory, the first number in your profile provides the foundation of your expression to be able to then live more into the second number. So, for example, with the 1-3 profile, which is what I am, that's the investigative experimental learner. And so the investigator needs a really strong foundation of information before they can then journey into starting to experiment and explore those ideas. So when it comes down to it, in reality, it can be kind of difficult to tease out which of the two foundational needs needs to come first or which is the more expressive type, because, again, you'll kind of fluctuate between living into one and living into the other. There's a lot of fluidity between them. And the truth is is that all charts have a certain amount of internal struggle regardless that's associated with them. And so just know that these struggles that you're facing within the nuance and the dichotomy between the lines in your profile, they're really designed as catalysts for your growth in your life and in your relationships. So I just really wanna invite you to be open as you're learning about the different lines of your profiles and start to contemplate how these aspects show up in yourself and in your life so that you can start to just illuminate them more and live into them more as well. And so sometimes you must push against part of yourselves and do the uncomfortable thing and you really kind of gotta play with finding this balance between those different facets of you, like you're a diamond again, and discover ways to harmonize between those parts and bring it all together so that you can increase your emotional maturity, your spiritual maturity, your just maturity overall, and really live into the wisdom that you are. And so when it comes down to it, the bottom line is make sure that you're taking time to meet both of the needs of the lines in your profile. And if you accomplish this and the more that you practice it, you will feel better, first of all. You'll be able to make more solid decisions and you'll be able to feel more confident and aligned in your relationships. And it will feel like you're making more progress and more steps forward and fulfilling your destiny in life, if you will. And, oh, I totally just realized I didn't show you about the house. I guess we'll do that now. So whenever it comes to this house analogy, the first line is known as the basement, okay? It's the foundation of the house. And then we move into the second line and that is the first floor. And I want you to think about, you know, the floor of the house, like it has windows for people to look through. That's gonna be an aspect that I'm gonna wind in here later in the conversation when we get into the second line. Going into the third line, it is known as the stairs that are really kind of bridging this gap between the lower trigram and the upper trigram. Then we're going to the fourth line, which is the second floor. The fifth line is known as the attic and it kind of has this like bridge towards the roof, which is the sixth line. And going on the roof as a sixth line is a context that we'll talk about whenever we get to the sixth line, okay? But we're gonna start to dive into the first line here and they are known as the investigator. And they are deeply driven to research, investigate, figure out why things are the way they are, how they got that way, what's going on to make them that way and so on and so forth. They really crave knowledge and are constantly seeking to dig deeper into topics of interest, like whatever strikes their fancy. Through this really in-depth exploration, it often leads them to becoming like super niche experts in a particular field. And they really do their best to gather as much data and comprehensive knowledge of this particular topic that allows them to feel secure in that. And so being that the first line is the foundation of the house, it is rooted in security, safety, foundational needs. It really needs to feel safe in order to move in the world. For the first line, they love that we have the internet. I am a one-three and I love that we have the internet because if I'm not learning, I feel like I'm wasting my time. I am constantly listening to podcasts or watching YouTube videos or researching stuff. And it's not that I don't listen to music because I do, but again, I often feel like I could be better leveraging my time to go deeper in my topics of interest, which has everything to do with self-development and obviously human design and the dinkies. And so it's like everything that I'm about. And another cool thing about the first lines is they are super intuitive and they really like to learn about other people and really go deep in understanding them. And as a first line, this totally makes sense for who I am and what I'm about because not only have I been energetically attuned to it, for my entire life, to other people, to the environment that I'm in, but I feel like I can see people on a deeper level and I'm just like super interested in who they are and how they got to where they are and their childhood that formed them. And I just love to ask questions. I love to go deep. And so I, whenever I found out I was a first line, I was like, this makes perfect sense. Thank you. I feel so validated right now. Being a first line, even though with this deep need for information, I can also feel like I never know enough. Like I'm inadequate. It took me forever to start this podcast and to really embrace that. I know enough about human design and the gene keys to talk about them because there's always so much more to learn. And I feel like I never have enough information because honestly you can't ever have enough information in my perspective, but as a first line, that can be a really limiting factor and like the shadow aspect that we have to contend with is that you need to trust yourself that you do know enough, okay? To all my other first lines out there, I love you so much. I feel you so hard and know that you know enough to at least start taking some steps forward, to at least start sharing what you do know with people that you can trust and that you feel secure with. And I want to challenge you to really lean into this aspect of sharing and just trusting yourself and building yourself up that you are a well of knowledge and people really would benefit by you sharing what you have to say about your particular topic. And remember that the first line represents the foundation of a house. And so you have a solid foundation that you have built. And so be willing to step up and step out and be willing to share your gifts with the world, okay? First lines are highly focused on moving from that place of insecurity that I was just talking about to security. They really need a solid foundation in life. Like think of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. It's like you need food, water, shelter, and safety to feel confident in your ability to go out and do other things. And so in order for them to really live out their purpose, they need to have their foundational needs met. And that even has to do with the knowledge base that they've cultivated over years and years and years of research. They can be often slow to change or try new things because they feel like they need all of the information to move forward. Like they're not ones to make spontaneous decisions because that's just stressful for them and it can really make them feel uncomfortable in their body. I know I have felt this way before. It's like, oh, but what if everything goes wrong and I'm gonna blame myself because I didn't have enough research and evidence to support me making this move. And again, this is just gonna be something that you'll have to contend with as a first line, just like I have, but embrace it, go with the flow. And if you need more time to research it, that's okay to ask for that too if you need. As a first line, you might struggle with this sense of freeze because I know that's something that I have really struggled with as well is like just this inability to move forward and really struggling with perfectionism and constantly tweaking their work, i.e. this podcast for me, hello, and just feeling as if they never have enough information to move forward. The first line's process of growth is obviously rooted in learning and is highly introspective. Again, they are in that lower trigram and so they really need a lot of alone time to go and research and to be in their own energy and to make time for that self-reflection because it's just vital for their process. They can tend to work alone or prefer to work alone anyway and they really like to gather this information and build their expertise without needing that external validation because they're so interpersonal, like they don't need other people as much as other lines do and so just recognize that within yourself and let that be okay. Like for me, I love alone time. I can work all day if I'm like growing my podcast or creating content or researching. It's like full transparency. It can be really hard for me to unplug from my work and be present with my family. Like this is something that I have to work really hard to do is to like close my laptop when my daughter gets out of school and to just let it be done because I just want to keep learning because I feel inadequate even though I'm not and I'm doing it and I'm moving but it's just like this call to learn more is always coming through and so if you need alone time as a first line, just know that that's crucial and that's okay and you like to learn and dive into whatever you're researching without those interruptions because it's how you cultivate this depth of understanding and feeling of security but just know that you have to pull the plug at some point. You have to push the stop button and you have to engage and really nurture those relationships that are so important to you because you will always have more time to learn and to dive in, okay? Okay, when it comes to first lines in relationships, they really prefer clear expectations and they don't necessarily like being taken by surprise because they want to know what to expect in every situation because the unknown can make them feel uncomfortable and so I really think that's an important aspect to voice to your partner or your family that you have certain expectations to help you feel safe and that this is just how you're designed to be and hopefully they'll respect that and understand and the more that you can be open and communicative about your needs as you continue to understand yourself on these deeper levels, I believe the more that they'll just start to respect you and want to help you feel safe as well. Additionally, in relationships, they can tend to keep their cards close to their chest if you will, like they want to protect their hearts, they want to protect who they are and they want to wait and see how other people act before making a move themselves because it's all about security and specifically this internal security and so as a first line, I know for me, I really had to cultivate this sense of safety within myself built on self-trust and respect and just really knowing myself on these deeper levels before I could really make moves specifically in my relationship, like in my previous relationship, I did not feel safe for a multitude of reasons and so I had to cultivate that safety within myself first by researching all of the different aspects of my decision to leave that relationship and like what it would cost me and what it would mean for me to go out and strike this new venture of creating independence for myself as an individual, like I had never had that before and so again, this sense of safety as a first line, it's like stepping out and doing something on your own, especially something that you've never done before, you really need to cover all your bases and make sure that you're checking all of the boxes so that you can move forward in confidence and so I wanna encourage you to cultivate that safety within yourself based on self-trust and self-respect and pride and belief in yourself so that you can move forward confidently and just know that you are safe within yourself regardless of external circumstances. For the first line, I believe I've painted a pretty comprehensive view but I do wanna just wrap up that you are a natural learner, you have gifts that you need to share with the collective and just trust that you have enough research and to not get stuck or overwhelmed in this freeze mode by believing that you don't know enough yet because you do and so balance that need for research by taking action because I promise you as a fellow first line, when you move and you take action, you will start to trust yourself more, you'll build yourself up, you'll show yourself how much you do know and what you're capable of and then that will help get the ball rolling even more. All right, so next we're gonna roll into the second line and line two is known as the hermit or I prefer to call it the natural because second lines are just naturally talented people, they are people who can just innately do things without prior research or experimentation with that thing, they can just pick up a new skill and try it out the first time and almost nail it. Of course, there will be a learning curve but they are just innately good at things, I see this within my boyfriend, he's a two four and he's just so good at whatever he tries and it can be something that he has literally never done before or heard of but he just intuitively understands how to execute it and he does it pretty flawlessly or at least his learning curve isn't as big as other lines and personally, I find it super attractive. But the interesting part of being a second line is they don't know why they're good at the things that they do, they just are and they often can't tell you why or they don't even recognize that within themselves and so they really need to be recognized externally like by other people, other people need to recognize them and be like, wow, you're really good at that, you're a natural talent and just call them up and out for them to better see and recognize themselves and additionally, with the second line, they are the most introverted of the lines, like they really like to be in their own energy and their own safe space, whether that's for work or for family or for whatever, they just really thrive when they're in their own environment and they have a high need for alone time to rest and recharge because they are sensitive beings, they are here to respond regardless of what type you are, the second lines are here to respond to the emotional and energetic needs of other people, like they are very attuned and sensitive and so they really need a lot of that alone time and so if you're a second line, I hope this makes sense to you and feels so good to know this about yourself because you innately knew, right, but now you have the specific information to validate that and if you have a second line in your life, really honor that about them, again, I see this with my boyfriend all the time, I'm more extroverted and he is innately born to be more introverted and I respect that about him because I know that's how he operates, yet he is still so energetically attuned to the needs of myself or the needs of my daughter or even my dog and my cat and he shows up for us and so I just think it's a really beautiful thing whenever we can respect and honor our uniqueness as different types and different lines and our different inner authorities and all of the goodness that is coming out of the human design system and so another thing about this aspect of my boyfriend being a second line is I recognize him for the innate gifts that he has, like I am showering him with so much love and recognition all the time because as a second line, I know that he needs that and I have literally seen him become healthier and more confident in who he is because of this recognition because he doesn't see that within himself but whenever you shine that light on the second line, it helps them step more into who they are and bring their gifts to all of us and the second lines, they will always have a higher trigram line in their profile and so second lines are two fours, five twos and six twos and so again, the lower trigram is more introspective and interpersonal but the upper trigram is more transpersonal. They need other people to fulfill their destiny and so there's this dichotomy between the second line and whatever other line is in that profile and so that's where it comes from having this awareness of what your profile is so that you can do your best to find this delicate balance of being shy and retreating with taking action and being bold in who you are so that you can fully fulfill your purpose and your life as a second line in this world and so do your best as a second line to really honor this need for rest and alone time with this need to step out and step up and to be of service to the whole and so something that you can do to help with this is honor your strategy and your authority to help you be more discerning about what is the right call to answer because like I mentioned before, with the house analogy, they are the first floor of the house and so they have windows into that house and they need to be called out of the house so that they can be who they need to be for all of us but use your strategy and authority to help you be selective about which calls you need to answer to avoid burnout and so as children, if you have a second line child, honor that need for introversion because they will honestly, they will probably be the child who's like totally content with just staying at home and being in their safe space whether that's just at home in your more family dynamic spaces or if it's in their bedroom but call them out, help them balance that need for alone time with the need to come out and share their gift with us and shower the second line child with recognition because it will help them boost their confidence and be able to step up and step out and share their innate gifts with us and we can all just witness their natural talents like maybe they're a baller soccer player and they've literally never picked up a ball until you sign them up for soccer season or maybe they are a really great artist but they don't see that within themselves and so really shower them with that recognition and that praise to help build their confidence so that they can further expand on whatever that natural talent is and lastly, the biggest challenge for the second line is something that I've already alluded to but it's to not retreat too much but just know that once you have fulfilled this need for that rest and recharge and that introversion hermitage space that your body will send you signals that you're ready to go and engage with the world again and so if you're a second line, you're probably aware of this already because it's shown up for you in your life before but now you have this further validation that's like oh, I am aware of my body's cues and signals that I can go out and be more engaging with the world and your purpose depends on finding that delicate balance between the two and so wrapping up the second line here, the natural talents, they need to be recognized and called out for those talents and they're really in this space of dichotomy between balancing that need for being a hermit and the introverted side of them with the need to go out and share their gifts with the world okay and so now we're gonna move into the third line and the third line is known as the experimenter. This is the trial by fire. This is, as my third line client likes to call it, the firewalker because you are the person who's needing to literally walk on the coals to see if they actually burn. You need to touch the fire to know if it's safe or not and you really learn through this experiential process. You are the experiential learner and so you gather wisdom directly from your experiences and this can be a really tough space as a third line because you can feel like a failure because you have tried so many things. It's this massive trial and error process and it can take a hit on your self-worth but I wanna give you permission as a third line right now to really embrace that your life is colorful. It might feel chaotic and you might perceive it as chaotic but I want to give you permission to start to shift your perspective on that as colorful and that you're gaining wisdom as you go because this is literally your purpose. As a third line, you are here to gain wisdom through that trial and error process so that you can let other people know what works, what doesn't, why it doesn't work, what they should do instead and so you make a really great teacher. I am a 1-3 and so I have to balance this need for introspection and learning with this ability to take action and to not view myself as a failure for trying a bunch of different modalities and a bunch of different ways of serving the world with this fire inside my heart and my belly that is just driving me to go and to lead and to serve and to learn. I really need to give myself grace which has been a struggle for me but I'm getting there to embrace that I have learned a lot along the way and now it has led me to Human Design of the Jinkies and that is me sharing all of this wisdom that I have gathered over these years to now bring this cutting edge approach to self-development to you now and that really makes me or you as a third line super resilient. You are adaptable and you are naturally experimental like it's just a part of your process and so lean into the aspect that you're not a failure and mistakes happen but that is where you gain this wisdom that you are meant to share with others and there's this theme with the third line specifically in relationships about bonds made and broken because they may create or break bonds frequently as they are learning what works and what doesn't in both professional and personal life and so if you are a third line and you feel like you have wanted to approach your relationship differently and try this thing but it didn't work and maybe it caused you to want to turn your back on the other because you feel like a failure or you feel like it's never gonna work, I really want to let you know that this is just a part of that process and you don't necessarily have to cut off people or end relationships if things don't work because you are here to trial and error what works or what doesn't and to just kind of dig your heels in if that feels right for you because there's a lot of wisdom to be gathered by this trial and error process whether that's in your personal relationships or with your work and just know that it makes you dynamic, it makes you adaptable, it makes you wise, it makes you resilient and wow, it can be a heavy cross to bear. It's our gift. I feel really blessed to be a 1-3 because it comes with its dichotomy and struggle and challenges of knowing when enough is enough of the learning phase and when to take action but it's a gift. It's whatever your profile line is like for the third line, you can be a 1-3, a 3-5, a 3-6 or a 6-3 and so again, you are gonna have these different flavors, these different roles that you are meant to balance this experimentation with so that you can continue to dial up that investigator role, that teacher role as a 3-5 or that more role model space as a 6-line in that profile and so just really give yourself a lot of grace if you're a third line because we can tend to beat ourselves over our head and feel like failures but you are here to challenge that status quo through your trial and error process and you can spot what isn't working faster than other lines because you know so much and this really makes you a great catalyst for change and innovation because you are here to really guide the other people and help them mitigate that trial and error process because you can be more straightforward and so for me, this is showing up now by me telling you, counseling and all these other practices are awesome but if you know your human design and your gene keys profiles and understand the different nuances that come through, you can cut so much time out of that self-discovery process because it's written out for you in your human design and gene keys profiles. It tells you the specific ways that you are designed to express and utilize your energy for service, for the collective, for your own self-actualization and expression which I know is what is calling to you. You want to be a service, you want to lead by example and you wanna feel embodied in who you are and confident in that so you can be discerning on the direction that you're going, on the actions that you're taking, on the way that you nurture yourself, on the way that you engage in relationships and reignite those relationships. It starts with yourself and so this information I'm giving you today is like the key to everything that you've been looking for and so I hope you're seeing that with this information. If you have a kiddo who's a third line, really do your best to help them reframe their mistakes from failures to lessons and opportunities for growth because I know for me as a third line, I have kicked myself down so hard ever since I was a kid feeling like I couldn't do anything right and I was always messing up and so really nurture your babies by letting them know that this is how they're designed to be and this is what makes their life colorful and how they're meant to help others and grow to be really smart and intuitive and wise and that they're here to share that with other people as well and so really boost up this aspect that this is a gift and how they're meant to learn and to just really take a positive spin on it so that you can nurture their wellbeing and their self-worth to help show up and grow into what it means to be a third line. Wrapping up the third line here, your mistakes are not failures. They are opportunities for learning and growth and so I encourage you to become wise so that you can help us know better, right? Know what works, know what doesn't and you are here to be resilient. You are trial by fire, you are the fire walker and you are willing to be big and bold and make mistakes for your own process of discovery and development and to help others do the same and to be kind to yourself and nurture yourself specifically in your intimate relationships and know that if things aren't working thus far, you are literally just like sifting through what works and what doesn't so that you know better and you can really cultivate deep relationships by you cultivating this deeper relationship with yourself first and not shaming yourself for learning the hard way and just recognize yourselves as you are here to be wise and to grow and to lead and getting your hands dirty is how you do that. Okay, so that is a wrap on the first three lines of the profiles. I hope that you have learned a lot. I hope you have loved diving into this information with me today. I hope it has validated you or other people in your life with so much more clarity and can really just liberate you from the self-imposed limitations and stories that you're not good enough or you're a fuck-up and you're just doing things the wrong way. It's like, no, you are literally designed to be introverted or to research or to get your hands dirty and learn the hard way and you need to balance that with this other aspect of your needs of experimenting and sharing what you know and getting out there into other people and being sensitive to their needs and showing up for them after you have shown up for yourself. So I would love for you to reach out to me on Instagram at IamKayaDawn and share any insights or ahas that you have taken away from today's episode. If you would be willing to leave a review, I would love that even more because it lights me up to hear what you have to say about how this information is catalyzing change in your life just by learning a little bit at a time. And if you want to go deeper into your design and really cut this time of your self-development process in half or even more, then fill out the Google form in the show notes and let's figure out a time for us to do a one-to-one reading together. I'm gonna dive into your human design and your gene keys during that time and I'm really gonna help you start to have these massive breakthroughs in your mind and in your body and in that relationship with yourself as you understand what your four prime gifts are, how you're meant to share them with the world, how you can discern whenever you're living more in the lower vibration shadow patterns that are keeping you like, you're feeling like a failure or feeling stuck and help you start to live more in your gifts because you will know what gifts you are meant to share with the world and how you can move into those more and more every day so that you can start to express your highest essence with all of us and just emanate this quiet confidence that you feel within yourself and that other people can perceive from you. Like you will literally stand taller and feel lighter and more open in your life and relationships by learning this information and so if you wanna cut so much time and research out of the process, then fill out that Google form and let's get on a call because I'm ready to rock your world if you are ready to have your world rocked and be sure to join me in the next episode where we're gonna be diving into lines four, five, six and this is really gonna pull it all together as you've found that most of the lines have both a lower trigram number and an upper trigram number and so you'll better understand how you can start to find this balance between more of the conscious side of you and the unconscious side of you so that you can start to fulfill your role in the collective and bring more of that purpose to the world and to your life and just feel so good about yourself. So until next time, be brave, not perfect. I love you and I'll see you next week. Thanks for joining me today, girlfriend. I hope you had some fun. If this episode inspired you, educated you or stretched you, I'd be so grateful if you could take a minute to leave a review. It's like sending a little love note to the universe and the best part, you'll be entered into a monthly drawing for a free Human Design and Gene Keith reading with me. Each review helps us reach more heart-centered women just like you and create a massive ripple effect in the world. Remember to subscribe, share this episode with your crew and tag me in your stories so I can celebrate you and we can grow this incredible community together. Sending you all the love until we connect again. If you have a kiddo who's a third line, really do your best to help them reframe their mistakes from failures to lessons and opportunities for growth because I know for me as a third line, I have kicked myself down so hard ever since I was a kid, feeling like I couldn't do anything right and I was always messing up. And so really nurture your babies by letting them know that this is how they're designed to be and this is what makes their life colorful and how they're meant to help others and grow to be really smart and intuitive and wise and that they're here to share that with other people as well. And so really boost up this aspect that this is a gift and this is, and how they're meant to learn and to just really take a positive spin on it so that you can nurture their wellbeing and their self-worth to help show up and grow into what it means to be a third line.

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