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i am water

i am water

julia butterfly hill



Trying out microphone with Audacity. Let me know if it works. The sound is quite quiet on my end even though in my headphones it sounds loud while i am recording it, when i listen back it is quite soft.

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The speaker is trying to use the Audacity software for recording but is experiencing issues with low sound volume and background noise from the refrigerator. They apologize for the inconvenience and explain that they are currently sick and unable to find a quiet recording space. They suggest trying a different microphone or receiving recommendations to improve the sound quality. The speaker then transitions to talking about water, mentioning its eternal nature, its various forms, and its connection to life. They apologize for coughing and promise to send the recording to their friend for feedback. They express their determination to get the recording right despite the challenges they have faced. Okay, Connie, I'm trying this audacity that you sent or that you said we should try, but when I listen back to it, the sound is very, very quiet, and I don't know if that's just on my end or what, and also in the background, I can hear the refrigerator thing running. I will be using a better space for recording, but unfortunately, I'm just getting over being sick, and all people around me are sick, so I don't have a place to go to yet until everyone's done being sick to get a quiet place to do this, but I do have a quiet place to do this. I just have to get over everybody being sick. My apologies that it's been one thing after another. I'm going to send you ... Sorry about that. I didn't mean to cough in your ear. I'm going to send you some of this, and if the sound doesn't sound right on this, it might be best for you to send me the microphone that you're used to working with, and then I'll use it, and I'll send it back to you when I'm done with this project because this is a microphone that I thought was working well. When I actually tried it on a different sound format software, it sounded great, but then I couldn't figure out how to send anything off of that sound format, so I'm just technologically inept, but here we go. I'm going to send this to you, and then you can let me know if it's coming through the sound quality okay, and if not, then we'll go to plan B, and you'll send me your microphone, and then by the time I get it, hopefully, everyone will be done being sick around here, and ... Sorry. Oh, my God. I'm going to use my inhaler. Just a moment. My inhaler helps a little bit with the coughing, and then I'll be able to get you some actual sound for you, but here we go. I am water. I am you. You are made of me. Life is made of me. I flow through time and space, living eternally, raining, soaking in, flowing, and rushing to the sea, evaporating into clouds. I rain down again in an endless cycle, becoming, changing, flowing, eroding sand and soil and stone. I flow, time flows. Like thought bubbles, light, airy parts of water float away like time. Tears are water, too. Allow them to flow when they pass through you. Infinite enlightenment with sunlit illumination, conscious and subconscious. Our dreams together change in the current as if time and space don't exist. You are water. I am water. We are all water. And there came the cough. So I'll, oh gosh, I'm sorry. I will stop there and send this to you, and then you can let me know, Connie, if the sound came through okay, and if so, I'll keep using this microphone. If it didn't, but you have some recommendations that might make it come through better with this Audacity software, let me know, and otherwise, send me the microphone that you think I should use, and then I'll use that and send it back when we're done. And again, my apologies that it's been one thing after another going wrong. This is not normally how I do things, but I've definitely had some stumbling blocks since agreeing to do this with you, but I'm so glad that you didn't have a super time crunch, but I am determined to get this right for you, so let me know.

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