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Fueling Faith by Dr Pastor Paul Enenche [PT.1 ]

Fueling Faith by Dr Pastor Paul Enenche [PT.1 ]

Josephat KennedyJosephat Kennedy



15-03-2017 Fuelling Faith

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In the service tonight, as we receive the miniatures of Dunami's voice, they are singing an awesome song, received and written by God's servants. And I believe that as they sing tonight, that God will give you an encounter in Jesus' name. Let's receive Dunami's voice. In the service tonight, as we receive the miniatures of Dunami's voice, they are singing an awesome song, received and written by God's servants. And I believe that as they sing tonight, that God will give you an encounter in Jesus' name. Let's receive Dunami's voice. In the service tonight, as we receive the miniatures of Dunami's voice, they are singing an awesome song, received and written by God's servants. In the service tonight, as we receive the miniatures of Dunami's voice, they are singing an awesome song, received and written by God's servants. And I believe that as they sing tonight, that God will give you an encounter in Jesus' name. Jesus called my hands to pray. I will never let you go. And the wind will not let me go. I will never let you go. I will cry my heart out. I will never let you go. And the wind will not let me go. Jesus called my hands to pray. I will never let you go. And the wind will not let me go. I will never let you go. I will cry my heart out. I will never let you go. Jesus called my hands to pray. I will never let you go. I will cry my heart out. I will never let you go. And the wind will not let me go. I will cry my heart out. I will never let you go. And the wind will not let me go. I will cry my heart out. I will never let you go. I will cry my heart out. I will never let you go. And the wind will not let me go. I will never let you go. I will cry my heart out. I will never let you go. I will cry my heart out. I will never let you go. And the wind will not let me go. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will never let you go. I will cry my heart out. I will never let you go. I will cry my heart out. I will never let you go. I will cry my heart out. I will never let you go. I will cry my heart out. I will never let you go. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. I will cry my heart out. The cabinet changed around December, before Christmas. And it was confiding in somebody. He said, last year's Christmas I received so many Christmas gifts and Christmas cards. But this year, as the cabinet has changed, I haven't seen any Christmas cards anymore. That is the nature of life. People know you in prosperity. But if it is in adversity, you know people. They know you in prosperity, you know them. Let's replace that word adversity. When things are not as it used to be, that is when you know people. The Bible says, and Jacob was left alone. That is why, when the crowd is around me, I won't let you go. And when I am left all alone. And then he wrestled, until something changed. There are many of us, there were times in your life when the crowd was more. And then there are times when you are looking for people, even your family members. When they seem to desert you. But I like you to know that rejection is the best place for distinction. Rejection is the best place for the option. Have you been left all alone? Get ready. God is about to change something in your life. Let's go right away. This call is a message. When the crowd is around me, I will never let you go. When I am left all alone, I will never let you go. When I don't know what to do, I will never let you go. This is my call, it's a message. When the crowd is around me, I will never let you go. When I am left all alone, I will never let you go. When I don't know what to do, I will never let you go. This is my call, it's a message. When the crowd is around me, I will never let you go. When I am left all alone, I will never let you go. When I don't know what to do, I will never let you go. This is my call, it's a message. When the crowd is around me, I will never let you go. I will never let you go. When the crowd is around me, I will never let you go. When I am left all alone, I will never let you go. This is my call, it's a message. When the crowd is around me, I will never let you go. When I am left all alone, I will never let you go. When I am left all alone, I will never let you go. This is my call, it's a message. When the crowd is around me, I will never let you go. When I am left all alone, I will never let you go. When I am left all alone, I will never let you go. This is my call, it's a message. When the crowd is around me, I will never let you go. When I am left all alone, I will never let you go. This is my call, it's a message. When the crowd is around me, I will never let you go. When I am left all alone, I will never let you go. When I am left all alone, I will never let you go. Father, we come before you with a commitment of no return. Times may change, seasons may change, but we have refused for our commitment to you to change. Job said, even though you slay me, yet I will trust you. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego said, the God whom we serve is able to deliver us on the wheels. But if not, be it known unto you, O Nebuchadnezzar, we shall not bow. Father, we laid our hands on the floor, we have refused to look back. We received the grace to keep at it. The world may try to laugh and to mock and to try to jeer at us. Results may appear to be flowing, coming, but we have refused to let go. In the name of Jesus, it is forward never, backward never. We put our hands in your hands and we receive the grace to keep on keeping on. We receive the grace to keep at it. We receive the grace to press on. Thank you, Father, because those who look up to you are never let down in shame. Thank you for glory coming. Thank you for beauty. Thank you for favor. Thank you for honor. Thank you for dignity. Thank you, and thank you, and thank you, Amnia, because your worship surely there is an end, and thy expectations shall not be cut short. Father, I believe that our expectations are coming to pass. My expectation is coming to pass. Your people's expectations are coming to pass. The devil cannot laugh at us. The agents of the devil cannot laugh at us. We shall laugh at the devil and laugh at the agents of the devil. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. And even this evening, we trust you for a miracle. We trust you for a testimony. We believe someone will be living here in the touch of your power. Thank you, Father, for hearing. Raise your hands and give him the praise. Give him the praise. You believe that your expectations shall not be cut short? Give him a clap and a shout of praise. Help me, send me a house of seven people. Tell them, don't let go. Your expectations shall come to pass. Don't let go. Don't let go. Your expectations shall come to pass. In the name of Jesus. Don't let go. Your expectations shall come to pass. Don't let go. Your expectations shall come to pass. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus. Give the Lord a big clap and a shout of praise. The Lord bless you. Please have your seats. So impactful, Father. We are grateful. What a privilege for such impactful sons. Blessed be your name. I welcome everyone here tonight. In the precious name of Jesus. Chewelling, feeding and growing your faith. This will be part three. Because we did parts one and two last Sunday. Chewelling, feeding and growing your faith. 2 Thessalonians chapter one verse three. Was our text. We are bound to thank God always for you brethren. As it is meet because that your faith growing exceedingly. And the charity of every one of you all. The charity of every one of you all. Toward each other. About it. The Lord bless his word in Jesus name. Last week we saw that faith is a living thing. Hence it can die. And that faith is a living thing. And it can grow. It can be fed. And it can grow. It has the capacity to grow if it is supplied the right conditions. Last week we saw three of the conditions that will make faith to grow. First it is through the illumination of the word of God. For faith coming by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Second we say through revelation and encounters from God. Through revelation and encounters from God. What God showed you. What God said. What you heard. Can make faith to grow. Thirdly we talk about through testimonies. Of the acts of God. Through testimonies of the acts of God. This evening we are going to look at three more. But before we do that let me further charge your hearts. As to the need. Why do we need to grow our faith? On a continuous basis. Why must faith be grown? On a continuous basis. Why do we need to grow our faith? Number one we need to because number one life is a battlefield. And according to God's servant Papa Bishop Weedepore. Life is a battlefield not a playground. Ephesians chapter five and in verse twelve. Six twelve. For we wrestle. If you stop there it makes sense. For we wrestle. Whether you are interested or not we wrestle. Whether you look for anybody's trouble or not we wrestle. The fact that you are a Christian and not an unbeliever attracts a fight from the devil. The fact that you decided to be a child of God and not an occultic person and not a wizard. So faith must be built in order to meet the challenges or the realities of spiritual warfare. Life is a battlefield. Life is a battlefield. Why must faith be built? Why must we grow our faith? Number two. Life places a continuous demand on faith. Life places a continuous demand on faith. And I am not just talking about battles now. Life generally places a continuous demand on faith. First Corinthians chapter sixteen and in verse thirteen. First Corinthians sixteen and in verse thirteen it says. Watch ye. Stand fast in the faith. Quit ye like men. Be strong. Watch ye. Stand fast in the faith. Meaning there are things that want to floor you in the faith. Watch ye. Stand fast in the faith. That is if you are not careful. You can suddenly be off your feet in the faith. In second Corinthians chapter thirteen verse five it says. Examine yourselves to confirm whether you are in the faith. Which means it is possible for your faith to have disappeared and you are not aware. Examine yourself whether you be in the faith. So life places a continuous demand on faith. Like I said last week. Every time you hear a bad news your faith is challenged. Whatever frightens you is a confrontation on your faith. Whatever makes you fear places a demand on your faith. Whatever makes you fear makes a withdrawal on your faith. That's right. So you need to build faith to a level higher than the level where the fear met you. Life just continues. Because the devil knows how important your faith is. If he continues to fight your faith to say bad things. Very very important. Why must we build our faith continuously? Finally. The strength and size of faith determines the strength and size of testimony. The strength and size of faith determines the strength and size of results or testimony. Little faith will produce little results. Matthew chapter fourteen verse thirty one. Peter had faith before. But when the faith was not big enough he began to sink in the water. And Jesus stretched forth his hand and cut him and said unto him oh thou of little faith why did you doubt? Little faith equals little results equals little testimony. When the size of your faith changes the size of your testimony changes. When the strength of your faith changes the strength of your results changes. When a man's muscle capacity changes the ways he can live also changes. Hallelujah. Jesus Christ has said father I receive the grace for the construction of my faith. Having said that we go further to the other ways in which faith can be built. And number four right now we did test three last week. The fourth means in which faith can be built is through praying in the spirit. Through praying in the spirit. Praying in the spirit and practically fellowshiping with the spirit. Through praying in brackets fellowshiping with the spirit. Jude chapter one verse twenty. He said but ye belong building yourselves building up yourselves on your most holy faith. Praying in the Holy Ghost. Building up yourselves on your most holy faith praying in the Holy Ghost. So the Holy Ghost is a faith builder. Building up yourselves on your most holy faith. Praying in the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is a faith builder. The Holy Ghost is a faith construction engineer. That is why men of faith are men of the spirit. There was a man called the Apostle of faith. This Apostle of faith he prayed in tongues he said tongues was the making of his ministry. He said one day he said it is a luxury to pray in tongues. It was once said that you couldn't catch him thirty minutes interval without him tonguing. That man was documented erased from the dead almost twenty dead people. The Apostle who taught us faith. Who manifested all manner of manifestations of the spirit. He said I speak in tongues more than you all. First Corinthians chapter fourteen verse eighteen. He was talking to the Corinthian church. All of you put your tongues together my own is higher. That was the man that handkerchiefs and aprons left his body and checked out death row. The question we want to ask and answer is. How does the Holy Spirit help in the building of faith? How does the Holy Spirit help in the construction of faith? Two ways and I will take one in this service and one in the next service. And that is first the spirit of God broadens man's understanding of scripture. The spirit of God broadens man's understanding of scripture. The spirit of God broadens our understandings of scripture. Say it another way. The Holy Spirit illuminates scripture for understanding. Illuminates scripture. He shines light on scripture. That is why men of the spirit are men of light. Men of the spirit are men of insight. Look at that in first Corinthians chapter two verse nine to ten. He said as it is written. I have not seen nor hear heard. Neither have entered into the heart of man. The things which God has prepared for them that love him. But God has revealed them unto us by his spirit. For the spirit searcheth all things. The deep things of God. The spirit searcheth all things. Whenever you go. And you are in such process and you open scripture. Either at that time or before that time or after that time. There is an illuminator that has been turned on. That makes you see scripture beyond the surface. Somebody pray in the street for thirty seconds or fifteen seconds. In Jesus name. Take your seat. Hallelujah. John chapter fourteen verse twenty six. John fourteen twenty six. He said for the comforter which is the Holy Ghost whom the Father will send in my name. He shall teach you all things. And bring all things to your remembrance. What so ever I have said unto you. That is the assignment of the Holy Ghost. Please don't forget this for as long as you live. Depth of understanding equals strength of faith. Depth. Your depth of understanding of scripture. Is directly proportional to the strength of your faith. Faith. Faith is essentially a product of understanding of scripture. Is there any medical doctor here nearby? Or anybody in the medical field like a nurse. Maybe an emergency nurse. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. If you have a question I will ask. If you have a question you will be able to pass. Medical doctor Becky. Come. Right. Doctor. Nurse. Somebody came into the hospital. On emergency. He has fainted. He is hypoglycemic. And they brought the person. Fainted. What will you do? What are the things that we can do? To bring the person. The diagnosis of the hypoglycemia is already established. Don't forget the diagnosis. So the first thing is. If he can. If he can. Your first thing is. You could put in a cube of sugar in the mouth. If not you set up an IV. IV fluid. Maybe you set up 5% dextrose. But then you inject 50% dextrose into him. And what will you tell the people? The people that brought the patient. When they are agitated. You will tell them not to be worried. They should calm down. In a few minutes he will be awakened. Why are you saying that? Because you are a magician? No. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Now. What I have just tried to do is. The man knows. That. I will give him an IV fluid. And give him a shot. Hypoglycemic means that low blood level of sugar he has. And he just needs to be boosted with some. Glucose injection. And then he is given that boost. And he tells the people relax. Just give us a few minutes. You will see him. And after a few minutes, 2 minutes, 3 minutes. The man sits up. Is this not the man we just brought? See this doctor. Is that what you would say? When he said give the man a little time. Give the man a little time. Is not a matter of faith. Is a matter of understanding. There is something where he knows. So understanding makes faith natural. They bring somebody with a very very massive high blood pressure. 180 over 120 or almost 200 over 130 or 150. And the medical doctor and everybody is panicking. And they say relax. I will crash the blood pressure now. And then he does something and the blood pressure is down to normal. You don't say the doctor has faith. If he understands what to do. He understands what to do. Brought somebody in a massive crisis. To the emergency. And the doctor says calm down, calm down, relax. You will be okay in a few minutes. Just give me a few minutes. He gives him a shot maybe of aminotheline or something. And the man's chest clears on the spot. Oh doctor thank you. Nobody says the man has faith. In the course of his medical training. He did medicine, he did surgery, he did pharmacology. He did drug dynamics. He understood medicines and medications. Not just that this can cure malaria or this can handle hypertension. But how it handles it. Not just that this is a medicine for diabetes. But the particular enzymes to block. The particular things that he attacks in order to make this work. The mechanism of action. He was fast in that understanding. So he is practicing his trade. Not because he may be an atheist. But he is 100% convinced. That if this is administered, this is the result. As it is in the physical, that is how it is in the spirit. See. If you follow me inside an aircraft now. And you say I should fly you. Accept both me and you. Accept both me and you. Dream of me. Because I have never been a pilot. I have never learnt to fly. I mean I used to know the fact that it is highly anointed. It can do all things through Christ. In fact it can speak in tongues. That is God will be watching all of you die for nothing. Oh you command me. Oh I enter and I am not tank now. And I say let me. That is not my realm. But the pilot enters the cockpit. And he says move this, move this. This is the landing gear. This is this and that. In one hour we should be in Lagos. Are you talking by faith? It is not faith. It is by virtue of understanding the system is set. If I take off from here and I fly at so and so miles per hour. I will be in Lagos at so and so time. Or the man has a private jet and he tells his pilot I want to be in London by 8am tomorrow morning. Is it alright if you want to be in London by 8am? We take off from here by 2am. And we are there. And he says is this talking by faith? No. That is how it is work to function. Any realm you have understanding. In that realm you don't struggle to believe. Stand up on your feet and help me. Walk to 7 people and tell them stop struggling to believe. Stop struggling to believe. Stop struggling to believe. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. Just understand. What is the meaning of that? Your atmosphere, the atmosphere around your life, determines the attainment of your life. The atmosphere around your life, determines the attainment of your life. The atmosphere around your life, determines the attainment of your life. Who surrounds you determines what you can believe. Did you hear what I just said? Who surrounds you determines what you can believe. It takes being in the climate of faith, to see the growth of faith. It is in the climate of faith, that faith grows. When you are in the right climate, when you are in the right climate of people, the right climate of people, I will give an example in this service, and give another example in the second service. In Acts chapter 3 verse 1, and all the way to verse 8, we saw Peter and John, they were moving together, to the temple at the hour of prayer, and there they saw, the lame man at the beautiful gate, and said, silver and gold I have not, but as I have, I give unto you, in the name of Jesus, rise up and walk. Peter was talking, John didn't say, are you mad Peter? What came upon you? Crippled walk? Me and you passed through this gate, with our master Jesus Christ, when he was alive. He didn't branch near this cripple. And you think you have more faith than Jesus, to raise this cripple? You are your own men. No way. They were at frequency. And Peter could say such, because he was surrounded by somebody, that whose iron is sharpening his iron. Am I communicating? How many of you know that Jesus did not raise the dead, in front of everybody? Many times he would drive the crowd out, because he didn't want anybody's own belief to interfere. He drove the crowd out, except the mother and the father. And on occasion Peter and John and James. Those he believed were of the same frequency with him. See it is not every prayer you pray in front of everybody. It is not every desire, not every expectation, you express in front of everybody. There are people when you are talking, they are mocking you in their heart. Some will even say it to their mouth. Some will even counteract you. Okay, go ahead, do it. I will do it. I will do it. I will do it. I will do it. I will do it. They will counteract you. Okay, go ahead. They will wink their nose at you. Let's see when it will happen. Yeah, yeah. Has suffering also made you lose your mind? In this country at this time? You are trusting God for what? Am I communicating? Jesus drove them out. He drove them out. So that nobody's unbelief, nobody's disbelief, nobody's doubt contaminates and dissolves and deflates his faith. How many of you know that doubt is contagious? Unbelief is contagious. Fear is contagious. It takes only one fearful person to make a whole house here. It takes only one timid person to make everywhere timid. In the real battlefield, a commander can be gunned down if he is not careful for cowardice. If he is not careful. He is fighting and he turns and runs away. Because everybody knows what that kind of action can do to the troop. If he is not careful, you become a victim of friendly fire. Not the enemy, fire at him. Are you following what I am saying here today? Take your seat in the presence of the Lord. So, watch your company. Don't reveal your dream to anybody. Especially, to just everybody. Especially those who are going nowhere. Don't say all your mind to those who are achieving nothing and are interested in nothing and are going nowhere. If you are an eagle, don't surround yourself with chickens. If you are a lion, don't let your closest friends be dogs. Look for other lions. People who can encourage your roaring. Watch your atmosphere. Hallelujah! Take your seat. Acts chapter 4 verse 13 When they beheld the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled and took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus. Who you have been with determines what you can manifest. They have been with Jesus. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! The spirit, the climate of faith. And this is my counsel on this point. The climate and company of faith. First is 5A. Consciously select your company. Consciously, consciously. Consciously. We are not saying become the enemy of people. Love everybody, but select your friends. Be liberal in love, but be selective in relationship. Liberally love, selectively relate. Secondly, never manage or tolerate the wrong company. Never manage it. There are people whose faith, whose passion for God, enthusiasm in life, and journey of impact on earth were aborted because of who they call friends. Hallelujah! Are you convincing at all tonight? Are you getting something at all tonight? God will connect you with the right people. In the precious name of Jesus. Finally, number six. True impact from higher vessels in the faith. True impact from higher vessels. Faith can be built. Faith can be swelled. Faith can be fed. True impact from higher vessels in the faith. Impact from higher vessels. I just read Acts chapter 4 verse 18. They beheld the boldness of Peter and John. And they took knowledge of them that they had been with the master. True impact from higher vessels in the faith. Those ahead of you through their impact. A timid pastor can never give birth to loyal members. I and the Son of the Lord are given to me for signs and for wonders. Like priests, like people. That is why you should beware who you call pastor. You should beware who lays hands on your head. Well, let me say some things very, very quickly. First of all, it is important that the influence over your life. That's 6A. Determines the inflows into your life. The influence over your life determines the inflows into your life. Who influences you is determining what is inflowing into your life. Determining what is inflowing into your life. Secondly, who you follow determines what follows you. And thirdly, the imputes you receive determines the impact you release to your generation. The imputes you receive determines the impact you will release on your generation. The imputes. Very, very important. Peter and John had been with the master. And because they had been with the master, something came on them that made them audacious, ferocious, rogues. Something. Impact from higher persons. What God is building for himself in this city, there was no way it could have been there if we didn't see it somewhere. I hung around my father, the Lord Bishop David Reuven. Saw that building from the foundation, the ground, when the ground was broken, saw it. Saw that place when no house was there. Saw the building rise. Did sadness inside when the roof was not yet complete. One day we were inside it and the rain fell through the center. And with my eyes I saw it. And then today, you think I should doubt that something up to 50,000, 60,000, 70,000, 100,000 can be built. No way. It's an abomination of association. If association does not produce assimilation, it's an abomination of association. If association does not produce assimilation. There are people, some people who should be ashamed to say this is my father. If you don't look like him in any way. But that will never be your story. You will reflect everything. Say it louder, Amen. So what do you do in terms of relationship with higher persons? Number one, listen to them. Whoever is your father, your pastor, your mentor, your prophet, listen to them. John chapter 6 verse 63. He said the words I speak to you, their spirit and their life. The spirit of a speaker is in his words. And when we say spirit, we are talking about the virtue he carries. The graces on a man's life flow through his utterance. It flows through his words. That is why words are a means of impartation. It is a means of impartation. Listen to them. Secondly, be around their atmosphere. Now chapter 4 verse 13, and that's what we are doing right here. Around their atmosphere. They have been with Jesus. They are around. And something robbed on them. The things that determine your destiny are not just things that you have been taught, but things that you have caught. Some things are taught, some things are caught. There are things that it is not what we taught you, but what you caught. The mantle of Elijah on Elisha was not just teaching, but catching. Hallelujah. Around their atmosphere. Around their atmosphere. Around their atmosphere. That is number 2. Number 3. Watch their steps. Watch lamentation chapter 3 verse 51. It said, my eye affected my heart. Observation brings impartation. Watch. You are observing. You are observing. See the things he said. See what he did. See the actions. Watch their steps. The things they said they do. I did this and this was what God said to me at so and so time. I did this and that. Watch their steps. And number 4. Take their steps. When a man of God or a pastor or a servant of the Lord said, at a point in my life I began to do this because God told me this. I began to do this and I began to see this result. He is not telling you ordinary stories. He is showing you steps to take. So this man is zealous. Can you imagine? The time came in his life when he began to offer himself almost everything and sacrifice. Take their steps. Judges chapter 7 verse 17. See what Gideon said to the people. He said unto them, look on me and do likewise. Look on me and do likewise. And behold, when I come to the outside of the camp, it shall be that as I do, so shall you too. God is no respecter of steps. He does not respect the pastor or any other pastor more than any other person. He is not a respecter of persons. He is a respecter of principles. Let us operate the same principles. And we will experience the same product. Welcome to the journey of faith. Stand up for your faith. Give the Lord a louder shout of victory. A louder shout of victory. A loud more shout of victory. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Someone say a louder amen. Someone say a louder amen. Someone say a louder amen. Did you receive something tonight? Lift your hands and appreciate the Lord for His word. Appreciate the Lord for His word. Appreciate the Lord for His word. Appreciate the Lord for His word. Father we thank you for your word. We thank you for your word. We thank you for your word. Thank you for bountiful testimonies we have received in the course of this service. Thank you for this season in our lives and our ministry. Thank you for what you are doing for us. Be thou glorified. Be thou honored. Be thou honored. In the name of Jesus. Lift your hands and say Father. I connect with the spirit of God. And I receive the grace to pray in the spirit. Aggressively in the spirit. And as I do so. Father I ask that you broaden my understanding of the scriptures. Let me understand scriptures like never before. In the name of Jesus. Open your mind and speak to God. Understanding of scriptures. In the name of Jesus. In Jesus precious name. Lift your hands and say Father. I ask for help. To be in the right company. Deliver me. From the wrong atmosphere. From the wrong climate. Oh Lord. In the name of Jesus. Lift your voice and speak to God. Deliver me from the wrong climate. Deliver me from the wrong climate. Deliver me from the wrong country. Deliver me from the wrong atmosphere. Masha'allah. Masha'allah. In Jesus precious name. Lift your hands again and say to me. Say Father. Whatever grace. And spirit of faith. Is upon this commission. Is upon this lineage. I connect. I receive. By impartation. I receive. By impartion. On the spirit of faith. I receive it. Now. Lift your voice and speak to God. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. 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