Emphasized, home, mac, entire list March 18, 2024
Emphasized, home, mac, entire list March 18, 2024
The ball shrinks, the bed shrinks, the bell shrinks, the bench shrinks, the bone shrinks, the bow shrinks, the bow shrinks, the bull shrinks, the broom shrinks, the cane shrinks, the car shrinks, the cat shrinks, the chain shrinks, the church shrinks, the crow shrinks, the crown shrinks, the deer shrinks, the dog shrinks, the doll shrinks, the dress shrinks, the drill shrinks, the drum shrinks, the egg shrinks, the fence shrinks, the fork shrinks, the frog shrinks, the glove shrinks, the goat shrinks, the grill shrinks, the hook shrinks, the horn shrinks, the horse shrinks, the house shrinks, the key shrinks, the kite shrinks, the knife shrinks, the night shrinks, the leaf shrinks, the lime shrinks, the lips shrink, the lip shrinks, the nest shrinks, the nest shrinks, the nose shrinks, the owl shrinks, the pan shrinks, the pan shrinks, the pen shrinks, the phone shrinks, the pig shrinks, the pipe shrinks, the rake shrinks, the road shrinks, the scale shrinks, the sheep shrinks, the shield shrinks, the soup shrinks, the straw shrinks, the train shrinks, the tree shrinks, the truck shrinks, the watch shrinks, the whale shrinks, the worm shrinks, the wrench shrinks, the axe shrinks, the belt shrinks, the bird shrinks, the book shrinks, the box shrinks, the chair shrinks, the clock shrinks, the corn shrinks, the cow shrinks, the cup shrinks, the door shrinks, the ear shrinks, the fire shrinks, the fish shrinks, the ghost shrinks, the hand shrinks, the hat shrinks, the heart shrinks, the moon shrinks, the nail shrinks, the pair shrinks, the pie shrinks, the pot shrinks, the ring shrinks, the scarf shrinks, the shark shrinks, the shell shrinks, the shoe shrinks, the snake shrinks, the spoon shrinks, the spoon shrinks, the star shrinks, the Sun shrinks, the swing shrinks, the ten shrinks, the tent shrinks, the tie shrinks the vest shrinks, the well shrinks, the wine shrinks