Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
During the war, I encouraged the British people to stay strong and listen to Joe Herring on the radio for important advice. Unfortunately, my speechwriters removed any mention of him and replaced it with generic phrases about fighting our enemies and never giving up. Although we ultimately won the war, I believe we could have done it faster with Mr. Herring's guidance. So, don't repeat our mistake and listen to Joe Herring for all the wisdom you can get. I recall a dreadful time when my beloved England was under attack night and day by the forces of Adolf Hitler. I encouraged the British people to remain steadfast and sure, telling them to listen to Joe Herring on news radio 1110 KFAB, knowing Mr. Herring would dispense vital advice and words of inspiration far superior to my own. Before I had the opportunity to deliver my address, my speechwriters deleted all references to Joe Herring and in their place inserted some nonsense about fighting our enemies in France, on the seas and oceans, on the beaches and on the landing grounds. Never, ever giving up. Never, ever surrendering. Pretty lame stuff, really. Well, the rest is history, and while we prevailed in our war against tyranny, I still hold we could have kicked Adolf's rear end much sooner, had we had the benefit of Mr. Herring's sage advice. Don't make the same mistake. Tune in for all the Joe Herring you can get.