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The speaker, Jeanne Ann Kenning, shares her personal struggles with her business and personal life. She talks about the importance of being honest and truthful about your situation, accepting hardships with grace, seeking professional help when needed, and having a strong support system. She emphasizes the need to prioritize self-care and not being ashamed to ask for help. She also discusses the challenges of having a partner who may not fully understand mental health issues, but encourages open and honest communication. Welcome to the Beauty Pro Elite Podcast. I'm your host Jeanne Ann Kenning and my mission is to help beauty business owners create a dynamic business they can be proud of with marketing, mindset, finance, and social health so you can start attracting those dream clients and building a brand you always wanted and deserve. If you are ready to explode your beauty biz then this is the place for you. It's time to get started. All right welcome to the Beauty Pro Elite Podcast. My name is Jeanne Ann Kenning and this is episode six I think. I've recorded it about three times this week and all variations but we're going to stick with this one and we're going to call it the truth. So I felt that you know the things that I've been through over the last couple weeks I wanted to share with everybody and impart some knowledge and wisdom that I've gained from what I went through and I feel like maybe somebody could benefit from that and you know it's always good to share your truth and be honest and be real but I didn't want to overshare so we're going to get somewhere in the middle so that's what you're going to get today. So this is called the truth and you know the subtext of this episode is going to be called what to do when you go through hard times with your business and not just hard times in your business but in relation to your personal life. So we'll back up a little bit so I can give you some subcontext to this story. Back in December I went on a trip with my parents and my family to Guatemala. My dad is aging and frail. He has Parkinson's so this was a big trigger for me to witness that to be immersed in it every single day. Then I came back and we immediately got hit with about two and a half weeks of COVID. So it was pretty intense and it was pretty bad. And when we right after we got after COVID I ran into some complications with some inflammation in my body which so what happened was all these things triggered a massive anxiety kind of breakthrough for me because I was basically compounding all these issues and not dealing with them appropriately as I went through. So what I wanted to talk about tonight was just how to navigate that when you are going through it because it's so easy to go in a dark corner and give up. And trust me over the last couple weeks I definitely was there a few times and I there was a lot of things that made me push through and when I say give up like give up in the business that sort of thing. I love my clients. I worked really hard to have the business that I want that I wanted and have so you know it just felt like one thing after another. First it was inflammation of the veins and then my filler got inflamed because of the COVID and it was just one thing after another after another and then it just you know never stopped and finally I had a breakthrough and I wanted to share that with you and the breakthroughs only come in the last like 24 hours so this is really raw and real and you know an honest conversation that's why I'm calling it the truth. And first things first so I'm going to give you five things on how to navigate when you personally are going through a hard time. How do you navigate that in your business so that you can keep moving forward and not take 20 steps back okay? Number one I want you to be honest. No matter where you're at in your journey I want you to be honest at where you're at, honest at what's going on in your business so that you can be real with yourself and be real with the people around you. When we're not honest we can't face the truth and when we don't face the truth we can't change and we can't step forward and we can't get the help that we need and we can't make the changes that we need because we're living in a fictitious area right? So all this time that I was struggling through these things through the trip and then getting COVID and everything I'm like everything's fine everything's great and I just did what I normally did which was march through and pretend like everything's fine when everything wasn't fine. Inside I was really hurting, inside I had a lot of pain, inside I was sad at the things that are going on in my in my dad's health, I was sad at getting COVID and being out for two and a half weeks and being so sick and then it just didn't stop after that like I was sad but I wasn't dealing with it I was just trying to march through and I had a pretty big breakthrough a couple weeks ago on a breathwork session where I realized that it's okay to struggle, it's okay to be not okay and it's okay to step back and take care of yourself and that when things are really hard you need to put yourself number one first over anything else right? I built this business from the ground up and I can do it again a million times over if I have to right? So I just kept telling myself you need to take care of yourself, you need to be honest, you need to be truthful about what's going on so we're going to talk about that. Number two is be graceful. Being graceful in your life when things go wrong is you know accepting things with grace and not trying to accept things with power just like we talked about. Being in power all the time makes you move forward but accepting things with grace is like you know what this is okay I'm not in any danger I can deal with whatever is going on if it's a relationship problem, divorce, problems with your kids, whatever accept it with grace and move forward right? And you will see that you can manage this in such an amazing way by doing that right? Number three is get help. So if you are really struggling and you are having a hard time managing I highly suggest going seeking professional help and when I say professional help I mean a doctor, a psychiatrist, a counselor whatever you know works for you because I want you to be able to step forward okay? And when I say that I say that with the utmost honesty and this is the part that I want to be truthful and real and honest about my journey. I've had anxiety for 15 years. I've been on and off medication throughout those 15 years but here's what I want you to know. There is never any shame in getting help and taking this step forward. It does not mean that you're a failure. It does not mean that you are doing something wrong. It just means that your brain chemistry is not operating at full optimum level right? And so you need to accept that because you know yes there are tons of natural ways to get yourself out of it but if you are in a place where you seriously think you need help please go to your doctor, please go to a counselor, please go to someone to get help because it's the best thing you will ever do right? The reason why I wanted to talk about this in a truthful manner is if I struggle with this I can only imagine that there's hundreds of women out there who are struggling with the same thing, who go through things and aren't honest and aren't graceful and hit those hard times and then it compounds and becomes a major problem right? So I want you to be able to feel comfortable going to the doctor, not be ashamed, be prepared for the medication ride. It's never an easy thing but get help. There's people out there that are willing to help you and there's people out there that will make things better and that that is perfectly okay. Number four, you have to have a great support system. If you don't have people around you that you can be honest with and you can say I'm having a really hard time or this happened or that happened or you know I need some guidance, you need to find somebody like a counselor or something. I'm blessed to have several people in my life that are a great support system and I can have those honest conversations about you know today is a bad day or today is a good day or I feel this way or I'm scared or whatever it may be and if I didn't have that support I wouldn't be able to accomplish 99% of the things that I accomplish on a day-to-day basis, a hundred percent okay? Having the proper support system is truly so so important because when you hit those tough times you need to have people that are going to rally behind you. Now I will warn you if you're somebody who's been through depression or anxiety and you're dealing with somebody who has never dealt with that it's a very difficult and different conversation because they think you should just be able to snap out of it that's not how the brain works but just having that cheerleader in your corner to be able to say what can I do to help you? What can I do to be there for you? It's really worth a lot and just having you know those people texting you to say how you doing and is there anything I can do for you and it really changes your life. Excuse me while I have a cry. So you know one of the best things that I love to do, now I'm getting an eyelash in my eye of course, is have my husband come with me when I go to the doctor because when I'm there I'm super anxious about talking about whatever's going on with me so I like to have that second set of ears and get that interpretation that if I do have something that I need to bring up later on he was there he can do that. I'm gonna tell you right now that it's not always sunshine and rainbows for me in the support system. It takes a lot of honest and real conversations in that that you know he he doesn't understand because he's never struggled right so he doesn't understand but throughout the years having these honest and real conversations with him about this and about my anxiety and how you know all these things compounded and it felt like the world crashed around me. When somebody's not supportive you need to tell them I need you to be on my side. I need you to be there for me. I need you to encourage me. I need you to understand. I need you to stand up for me right and having those conversations a couple of times with him had over the well we've been together 17 years so over the 17 years that when these dips in the road happen it makes him step up a little bit more right and that's freaking amazing right and that's so great now that he understands that. Finally the last point I want to make is this there is nothing wrong with you. You are perfect just the way you are and these dips in the roads and these bumps that you're hitting in your life and your marriage with your kids with your health with your anxiety depression whatever it is that you're struggling with it's just that it's just a dip. You are not a failure. You are not damaged goods. You are here for a reason okay and one of the things I actually watched a documentary if you want to know which one it was I'll tell you you can DM me I'm not going to stay on the podcast it's super embarrassing but I was watching a documentary and in this documentary they were talking about you need to get up and look in the mirror and know who that beep you are every single day. Look at what you've accomplished. Do not let some sort of obstacle bring you down to the dark corner okay you are better than this you can rise up and be everything that you wanted to be not all people will understand your journey not all people will understand your obstacle but what they will do is be there for you. So stop being hard on yourself stop being a failure and show up the exact way that you want to show up in your life. It's gonna suck. It's gonna be so many days where you just don't want to do it but I'm telling you you have to do this for yourself. You need to stand up and face that demon every single day until you are back to where you need to be and if that's going to the doctor going to a psychiatrist getting counseling you know having those honest conversations with the people around you that maybe are not supporting you or hurting you or doing whatever you need to do that because hiding and letting the darkness take over you is not the answer okay you need to be in a supportive place there are so many people out there that love you and will support you no matter what. I was I'm on a new whole thing with medication and everything and I'm really struggling with the side effects they're really taking me down and when I've been struggling I reached out to somebody that I know about the side effects and it was a great honest raw real conversation about you know how much these medications suck and she gave me a tidbit of information which has now helped me and you know there are people out there that want to support you right this is a normal thing life is not an easy path okay I don't know what religion or spirit or you know whatever you believe in but I want you to listen to this things in our pathway bumps dips potholes rocks whatever are put there to teach us a lesson okay and when they happen our immediate reaction is to think well why did this happen to me why did the universe happen to push this in my pathway why is this happening somebody gets sick or you know all the stuff that happened with me with COVID or you get really bad anxiety or you get a divorce or whatever you're like why me why did this happen and our natural instinct is to turn inwards and blame ourselves when they should opposite should happen what is the lesson here what do I what am I gonna gain from this right trust me I have not seen it for five weeks it took me five weeks to to find the lesson to view the lesson to really look at that there was a positive because I was like what did I do to deserve all this negative right and here's what I've I've learned I was not on a pathway of taking care of myself my inner peace my journey I was on a mission of burnout and exhaustion and not showing up in my life the way I wanted to show up and that was this lesson being knocked down like that showed me that I need to pay more attention I need to pay attention to the people that I love more I need to pay attention to myself more I need to show up and take care of myself so if you are going through a hard time right now I will read go through the steps one more time so number one be honest have those conversations with yourself a journal your husband your best friend be graceful give yourself grace don't be hard on yourself at the pause there for a second so be honest be graceful get help there are so many resources out there that Facebook groups things on tick-tock psychiatrist wherever you live you can get the help that you need right and it doesn't matter what you're going through in your life there's help out there for you you just need to ask and there's nothing wrong with just asking get support find your people find your tribe that are going to sit there and support you no matter what sorry that that one just gets me in the emotion and finally be brave I know it's hard some days to get up and have a shower and wash your face and put on your clothes trust me I get it but I want you to be brave and I want you to show up and look in the mirror and say I have a bad ass I got this I can do this I am meant for this and I promise you every day that you do that will get better and each day will get better so be brave show up with passion show up for that life that you fought so hard for and you will get rewarded in return okay life is not meant to be easy it's supposed to have obstacles to teach us and when you learn those lessons and you see the other side there is another side for you when you get to the other side you're gonna be like damn it look what I did right there is another side you will come out of this so I hope that I imparted some wisdom and some honesty and some truth into if you are struggling with anything like this in your life there are so many ways that you can get support get help move forward and become a better stronger version of yourself never be ashamed of who you are never be afraid to show up in your life never be afraid to be honest I'll see you guys next week hey thanks so much for tuning in today it means everything to me to have your support my mission is to help thousands of beauty business owners grow as big as they possibly can so if you found today's episode valuable the best way to share the love is to screenshot this episode share to your socials or even better share with another business owner perhaps you could leave me a review however you're listening to this podcast and if you are looking for additional support please reach out to me at beauty defined coach on Instagram can't wait to see you next week

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