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cover of Fallout_Maximus


Javier García Arevalillo



Nothing to say, yet

Voice Overmusicspeechtimpanimusical instrumentpercussion

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AI Mastering



The person being asked if they have anything else to say in their defense expresses gratitude for the advice given and for being given a home. They explain that they didn't have a place in this world before, but now they want to help humanity improve, even if it costs them their life. They appreciate being given a purpose by humanity. Overall, they are thankful. ¿Tienes algo más que decir en tu defensa? Solo... Solo... Darles las gracias. Por... Sus consejos y... Por darme un hogar. No tenía un sitio en este mundo, así que... Si puedo ayudar a la humanidad a mejorarlo... Haré lo que sea. Incluso aunque me cueste la vida. Lo haré. Y siempre agradecería a la humanidad darme un propósito. Buen chico.

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