Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker is excited to answer Q&A questions in this video. They discuss when they started living for God and how it was influenced by videos they saw during COVID. They talk about their dream future home, their reaction to making an impact, and their upbringing in the church. They also explain how they incorporate their faith into sports and daily decision-making, emphasizing the importance of representing God and giving Him glory. They mention the role of prayer in dealing with anxiety and surrounding themselves with supportive people. They discuss the need for wisdom and discernment in decision-making and the importance of considering how their actions reflect their Christian beliefs. They advise building a stable relationship with God through consistency, resilience, and effort. Alright, we're back again, um, and I'm excited for this one, you know, cause last one was just a little intro one, you know, I actually have the lights, it's very bright, I'm not going to show it, dang, that's bright, but we actually have the light in, we got it set up in a bag, you feel me, we're getting professional now, and I'm actually going to edit this video, but today we're doing Q and A's, Q and A's, let's go, I'm excited to see what y'all, what y'all do, I mean what y'all said, and I'm going to give y'all some good stuff back, alright, alright, so we're going to answer the first one, alright, let's start with the first one, when did you truly start living for God? Alright, I didn't, I don't think I started really living truly for God until I would say 8th grade, cause before then I was just, I was just really lukewarm and just being on both sides, like just doing both sides and just thinking it was okay to just stay like that, and what really got me to like even do that, to start really living for God was back then when it was COVID, cause I was in 8th grade when it was COVID and we were shut down and all that, it was a bunch of videos on TikTok like, oh Jesus is coming back, Jesus is coming back, you gotta repent, and I'm like oh shoot, like oh my gosh, like I'm about to go, I was like oh shoot, I'm about to go to hell, and so, that's really all I was thinking, I'm about to go to hell, and so I had to, I was like I gotta lock in, so I was trying and I was trying, and then over time I realized that, you know, like I'm okay, you know, and a lot of that was just false people just saying false things, you feel me, and you know, I don't regret it cause I wouldn't be here today, you know, and I think after that, you know, all, I mean obviously, you know, you have ups and downs, trial and error, and you know, you're always gonna fail at some point, you know, that sounds kind of negative, let me rephrase that, sometimes you're gonna fall, you know, and it's alright if you fall and you fail, cause that's, you know, God, I mean Jesus died for our sins on the cross so that we could have another chance, you know, have a chance at eternal life, and to, you know, we don't have to do these crazy things just for us to be forgiven, so, yeah. Next question, when you envision your dream future home, what does it look like? My future home is definitely in the suburbs, so a two story house, and I would say in the city, in the city, I really love the city, even though I live in South, I live in South Carolina, and it's like the city, but the country a little bit, I'm in Greenville, so it's kind of like the city, but still a little country, I want the city city, I think, cause I plan on going to college in Atlanta, I plan on going to Morehouse, so I'm definitely going to be in the city there. What's your reaction when you realize you've been spreading the word and making an impact? My reaction was like, what the heck, like, I can actually do this, and like, people actually enjoy it, cause like, I made a group chat, I made a teen Christian group chat that's still up today, and it blew up during the summer, and it was like July, and it has like more than 8,000 people in it, right, from like all continents, and, except for Antarctica, cause I don't think anybody lives there, really, but like, that happened, and then everybody's just listening to me, and I'm like, what the heck, like, y'all listen to me, I'm in the same position y'all are in, so, it was just so crazy, I was like, dang, like, I'm really, you know, God really put this in my life, like, he blessed me with this, you know, and he wouldn't have blessed me with it if he knew I couldn't handle it, so, I knew he was letting me know, like, you can do this, bro. Next question. What made you want to turn to God? Were you born into it? Like I said, you know, what made me turn basically was, cause everybody was on the internet during COVID, like, the end times, COVID is the end times, you know, and so I was scared, I was doing it out of fear, and I had to learn to get out of that over time, and then, was I born into, you know, being in church and all that? I was definitely born into the church. My grandparents are the, have been my foundation for, you know, just my relationship with Christ, and just knowing Christ in general. I've always been going to church, I go to Relentless Church, I love my church, I love Pastor John Gray, and yeah, I've always gone there, I was born in the church. Grandparents and my dad have always prayed over me, and so I'm so thankful for them, they've always been there by my side, and they're just people that I know I can go to whenever I don't know the answers to some of the things concerning God. Next question. How do you incorporate your faith into sports, and also just your daily decision making? Alright, so, if you guys don't know, you know, I play football, you know, receiver, you feel me, big receiver, and I also run track, and dang, I bit my lip, that hurt, but I really incorporate that into sports by just being humble, and just always having Him on my mind, you know, because once you build an actual relationship with God, He's always on your mind, He's constantly on your mind, and whenever I go out into the field or the track, I'm always thinking, alright, how can I represent God during my, you know, when I'm playing, how can I represent Him the best way, you know, because at the end of the day, I don't care, you know, who I do it for, all I care if I'm, hold on, let me rephrase that, I don't care as much for the other people and what they think, I'm caring for what God sees, you know, the things that other people in the stands can't see, you know, you know, you might, somebody might try to tear down somebody else on the football field, right, I don't like doing that, I would either, you know, if somebody's heckling me, you know, God bless, man, God bless, I just won't say nothing, you know, because I know, and sometimes, I'm not saying it's bad to talk trash, I still talk trash, but you feel me, just like excessive stuff, you know, and just making that your foundation for everything, because you got to realize, like, God, you got to give God the glory for everything you do, you know, for, because all the things you've accomplished are because of Him, you know, because in the snap of a finger, you could, your whole career could be done, so you have to really be thankful and just keep constant in that and have faith in Him, because every athlete goes through anxiety and nervousness and all this stuff and overthinking, and the quick thing that helped me, because I had a really bad anxiety with playing sports, because I was always overthinking about if I was good enough or not, was just praying and reading right before a game or a practice or any of that, and my coach really helped me with that, my head coach, that's my dog, man, like, he's really helped me through some tough times with my confidence and has reassured me time and time again that I'm built for this, as well as my father, they've let me know, like, I'm built for this, I got this, trust in God, that's the biggest thing, so, and surrounding yourself with the right people in those times of uncertainty is a really big thing, too, and just my daily decision making is praying for wisdom and discernment, praying for wisdom and discernment all the time, obviously, I don't make the right decisions all the time, you know, sometimes I'm a slip up, sometimes I slip up, I cut it, sometimes I slip up and say something mean, you know, I'm gonna keep it frank with y'all, you know, but at the same time, I'm not perfect, but you know, at the same time, I have to be aware, I have to be aware, you know, where I'm at at all times and how I have to represent myself to other people, so if I'm just out here cussing and doing all this stuff, and people are like, what, I thought James was Christian, and he's doing this and that and that and that, so now everybody might have a negative outlook on Christianity, you know, you always have to think about who's watching, you know, and yeah, just always, whenever you make, before you're about to make a decision, you literally have to ask yourself, is this what God, what would God say if he was right beside you, right, and he was like, and they just, and you were presented a situation, you were like, somebody's just like, hey, smoke this joint right here, smoke this blunt, if you make your decision, before any decision you make, think about, if God was right there, what would you say, what would you say, and what is the right thing, what would God say, so you have, I think, I try to incorporate that whenever I'm faced with decisions, especially hard ones. Alright, how do you build a stable relationship with the man above himself? I would say consistency and resilience, because you're not gonna make it and have a really stable relationship with him if you're not, if you're not gonna, you know, lay it all out on the floor, you know, if you're not gonna, even like when times are hard and you're having a horrible, a bad season in your life, things just aren't going right, are you, you know, you just have to keep in faith, at least he wants your effort, he's not, he doesn't want perfect, he doesn't want you to be perfect, he just wants you to keep in faith and just to stay loyal, and for you to have effort, that's the biggest thing, is your effort, cause Lord knows if I was, if I was judged based off of, you know, if I got things right all the time, I wouldn't, I would fail that, you know, I would just, I would just keep trying, cause the day I give up is the day that I conform to the ways of this world and it's the day that I lose myself, cause it's, you really have to, you really have to be resilient, because everybody in the whole world is gonna tell you, no, why are you doing that, why are you doing this, just do this, like it's not even that big of a deal, just smoke weed, oh, why don't you, it's just a little blunt, just smoke it, oh, oh, it's just sex, just do it, oh, it's just porn, just watch it, oh, it's just, um, fighting somebody, just do it, you know, it's just, you have to go against the grain, and that's another thing, you have to go against the grain if you wanna be in this relationship with God, you know, everything that, you know, you do can't be regular, we're not called to be regular people, we're not from here, we're from above, we're not called to, we're not called to just be doing all this stuff, anything, everything, and don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's bad, like, you're just going to hell if you, if you do, I'm saying, I don't feel, I didn't, I have my own fair share of stuff, you know, and I'm being quite frank with y'all, like, I, I mess up a lot, like I tell y'all, I mess up a lot, and I just, I really stress that a lot, because I feel like, like, a lot of people, especially where I'm at, where I'm at, they see me, they know me, and they're like, oh my God, James is Christian, perfect, all this stuff, right, and, but, no, like, I'm not perfect, I'm just like, I'm just as much of a sinner as any, anybody else, but, yeah, you have to be, you have to have all those things in order to just keep a stable relationship, and the thing is, I go against the grain, that's really the biggest thing, and not being afraid to do it, and don't get me wrong, you don't have to gain confidence in, like, two days, it takes time to build that up, but I'm just saying, going against the grain, and following what God's telling you, where your spirit is leading you, is definitely true, being obedient. PS, I'm so proud of you doing this YouTube stuff. Thank you, that was Maya, thank you so much, Maya. When am I gonna drop the skin routine? I don't, my skin, I don't know if it's just the camera on my phone or something, but my face ain't even that clear, y'all, I'm not gonna lie, I got me a little bump right here, and it's just, dark spots right here, I don't know how to get rid of the dark spots, I just ordered off the TikTok shop, like, some lemon turmeric face wash, so, we're gonna see if that works, but, I mean, suggest something in the comments if y'all have anything for little dark spots, you know. Can I make a video about changing your mindset, self-doubt, and confidence? I definitely will, thank you so much for suggesting that, because I need more suggestions for videos. How did your journey with Christ start? Um, so, I can go into a little more depth, so, I didn't, like I said, I didn't really start getting locked into it until 8th grade, but I knew who God was, and I knew the stuff I was doing even before 8th grade was wrong, I just kept doing it because I just felt, I was doing it out of a place of hurt, and I was doing it, um, you know, just cause, I just, I was just acting off my feelings, and I don't regret, you know, going through those stuff because it made me to the person, the young man I am today, but going through those things like, excuse me, um, going through those things like, uh, having, like, no mother figures, had two mother figures just dip on me, you feel me, but, and I, don't get me wrong, people sometimes, that stuff happens, it's alright, but, like I said, my mom, I love my mom, you know, me and her have gotten a real great relationship now, if you're watching this mom, I love you, it's just some things just don't work out, and that's alright, sometimes things happen, but, for the lack of time, I didn't have a mother figure, all those times, when, you know, my mom left me, you know, my step mom doing this and that to me, I won't go into depth of that stuff, maybe I will in a specific video if y'all ask for it, but, you know, that stuff, it just led me to a lot of hurt, and I didn't know what to do with that hurt, so, and I, I kinda took a grown up role, in a sense, cause I would feel like I had to make everybody feel happy, you know, my mom happy, my dad happy, my grandma happy, everybody happy, you know, cause I just, I'm a natural people pleaser, so, I didn't have anybody to, and I didn't express it to anybody that I was going through this, because I was only like, I was young, and I didn't know how to even communicate that, so I ran to other things, I ran to porn, I got introduced to porn in like 4th or 5th grade, and I ran to music, you know, music, and I'm not just, I'm not talking about like this weird, like like, like, like, oh, like, I'm just, I'm talking about like, music, like, XXX, uh, Tension, whatever, however you say his name, right, I was into a lot of that, and if you see in the lyrics, he's saying, my demons doing this and that, my demons, ah, ah, you know, and say, I'll be killing myself tomorrow, you know, stuff like that, right, and it just wasn't good to, to put in my mind, especially at that young of an age, so I ran to things like that, and it took me till all the way from that point to 8th grade to realize, man, bro, like, I have a lot of hurt, and I can't find anything to fulfill that pain, or to fill that void, so I knew my only other thing was God, and I knew of God, but I didn't, I, I knew who God was, but God ain't know me, and I didn't really, I wasn't really trying to do anything with that, I just liked, I just liked the title, I just liked the title, I didn't want to commit, I just liked the title, but that was, that was really the foundation of why I really wanted to go to God and all that stuff. Um, at what point do you hear God the clearest? When I take a leap of faith, or when, um, or when I'm going through times of trouble, just in certain cases, and when I'm, I'm deep in my prayer and I'm on fire with God, that's, that's definitely where I can hear God the clearest. Um, let's see, what do you think about Christians listening to worldly artists? Um, it's definitely a thing, I, I struggle with this too, uh, listening to secular music, you know, it happens to everybody, you know, and um, I just really, it's, it's hard, you know, cause sometimes secular music, it might not be saying bad stuff, but at the same time, it's still, I'm talking about God and praying to God, you feel me? I just think there's a balance to it, I don't, I'm not condoning, you know, all that music, I don't, I, me personally, I don't be listening to a bunch of, a bunch of like, Youngboy, and Lil Baby, and, uh, Baby Tron, uh, what's the dude, Huncho, I don't listen to none of them, but I, there's other artists I listen to that be talking about some crazy stuff sometimes, you feel me? Or they'll have like one or two songs, and they talking crazy, I'm like, talking about, I heard a, it's not on my playlist, but it was literally, it was saying, it was saying, dancing with, dancing with the devil, I'm like, oh, I'm not dancing with him, I'm not dancing with him, heck no, I don't even like to dance, matter of fact, I don't want to dance with him, but, um, I think it's good to, to, I think you should be able to stay away from secular music, you know, I'm, I'm, um, trying, I'm really trying my, you know, really trying a lot to make my non-secular playlist, and it's really good if you go out and actually try to find, uh, replacements for it, you know, like, there's a bunch of Christian artists out here that are doing the same as R&B, and Indie, and like, all this stuff, you know, rock, all that stuff, you know. Let's see, how early do you wake up to get ready for church, and what time does your service start? Uh, it really depends on what time I go to bed, because if I'm like, alright, if I go to bed late, like at 12am, or like 1am, I'm like, I'm counting my hours at this point, I'm counting down to the minutes, the seconds, right, I'm like, alright, if I go to sleep in the next 10 minutes, and I'll get, I'll get like, 7 hours of sleep, right, and if I sleep in until like, like 9, 13, I can get almost 8 hours, right, so then I'm, I'm gonna wake up in a minute, I'm just stressing, right, so, uh, yeah, my service starts at, so I get up based off that, so sometimes if I go to bed at a decent time, I just wake up even more earlier just to get myself together, get my clothes ready, iron my clothes, all that stuff, and my service starts at 10am, and go watch Relentless online, you know, it's called, well, it's not called Love Story Church, but it's still on YouTube as Relentless Church, so go follow that, Pastor John Grace is a GOAT. Um, what's one major thing that you struggle with being a teen? This is a good one for the last question. Um, I don't think I can say just one thing, I can just, I'm just gonna throw some stuff out to y'all so y'all can try to relate to it, cause that's what I want this to be, I want y'all to be able to relate, and so y'all don't feel like y'all going through this by yourself. So, I would say the most major thing, if I had to say the most major thing was, um, let's see, the most major thing would probably be keeping consistency, and applying, actually applying the things to your life, the stuff that you say, the stuff that you pray about, and not, and not faking, and not, um, acting different once, you know, once you actually have to go and, um, do the things that you said you were gonna do, you know, cause we can say this and this, we wanna do this and that, all we want, God, this year I wanna do this, God I wanna do that, and you, and, you know, we say it, but we have to have faith for it too, and that's my thing, you know, sometimes if I, if I see a big goal, and I see a big goal, right, and I'm like, ah, I wanna do that, but then, self-doubt comes in, I'm like, man, I just think about it as like, it's too realistic, like, nah, you only see that on TV shows, like, a lot of that, one personal thing in my life with that is scholarship money for school, I wanna go to Morehouse, and I don't, I don't, I don't wanna spend any money, I don't wanna do no student loans, right, and I'm like, I gotta get a four-hour scholarship then, academics, you feel me, or half, half football, half, um, academics, or full football, you know, so, I have to really, I have to, I have trouble believing that I can do it, because it just seems so far away, it doesn't seem realistic, and that's me, and that's, and that's not me having a lack of faith that God can do something big in my life, and, um, I think, because I have, I have faith about other things, like, little, like, circumstances in my life, but when it comes to the big things, like, doing this, having a great career, doing this and that, it just seems like it's out of reach for me, and I think that's the enemy trying to take me over, because he knows I can really do something, you know, but some other things that I've struggled, some other things that I've struggled with personally as a, as a teen Christian, um, having faith, you know, in, through times of uncertainty, um, lust, um, unforgiveness, you know, I've had a lot of unforgiveness, I've had to, I have to be real with myself about that stuff, um, discipline, spiritual discipline, and just discipline in general, um, and I would say the last one I'd say would be just, um, let's see, one major thing I struggle with, I would say being lazy, being lazy, being lazy, I'm not gonna lie to y'all, I be being lazy sometimes, and it's something about this year, this year specifically, and school year wise, I'm just like, I'm like, what? I'm noticing like, I'm getting home, and I'm like, I know I got homework, but I don't be doing the homework, and in my mind when I'm scrolling, and I know it's, and I know all the parents be saying that all the time, my dad be saying it all the time, everybody's parents be saying this, it's cause of that dang phone, and it is cause of that dang phone, which is why, I don't want to admit it, but I have to, cause that's what it is, so I'm going through my phone, scrolling, scrolling, scrolling, that I don't, I'm just trying to flush away my, you know, my responsibilities, and so that's why my dad be getting on me sometimes, like, Jay, like, why you ain't do this, why you ain't do that, and all I can be like is, dang bro, I was scrolling, I was scrolling, so laziness, I struggle with that too, um, but yeah, yeah, I love this Q&A, you know, I think it's definitely, I think it's definitely something for y'all to just even get me, get to know me a little more, um, I definitely can take suggestions for any next videos, I'm taking those out in the open, I don't have a certain schedule, so um, and I'm actually going to try to edit this video this time, you know, not like the other one, but um, yeah, I just appreciate y'all, I love y'all, thank you for all the support that you guys have been giving me, we're at like 130-something, 40-something subscribers already, so I appreciate y'all a lot, and I love y'all, and one thing, I just wanted to share with y'all, because I'm excited about it, I'm running for student, for senior class president, and that's so crazy, because I feel like I could win, but you know, I just have to trust God, and I have to do what I gotta do, and guess what, whatever happens, happens, if I don't win, guess what, it was meant for a reason, it was in God's plan that I wasn't supposed to win, so that's how I'll be thinking about things, if this didn't happen, if that didn't happen, then it wasn't in God's plan, and God's plan is the greatest plan, so can you really be mad at it? Can you really be mad at it? You could be salty for a little bit, for like a day or two, but after that, you're like, man, this had to happen for a reason, it was for motivation, or it just wasn't supposed to be there, God knew something you didn't, so I'm thankful for that, so I appreciate y'all, I love y'all, see y'all in the next video, be kind to somebody today, please, make somebody's day, I love y'all, I appreciate y'all, keep God first, God loves you, and I do too.