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Arkham City_ Hugo Strange Voice Clips

Arkham City_ Hugo Strange Voice Clips

Jack Boyd



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Wake up, Mr. Wayne. We have much to discuss. I already have. Well, as you can see, no one is untouchable. It will be my legacy, a monument to your failure. And if you try to stop me, I guarantee everyone will know your secret. Goodbye, Mr. Wayne. I very much doubt we will meet again. This is not acceptable! Find him! Find him now! Work together! Do not allow him to defeat you! By the end of the night I will be a hero, just like you, Batman. See? There you go. There you go. Blame me, blame your parents because you failed to revive the neighbor's pets. Blame Ferris Boyle for spoiling your plans to cure Nora. Blame Batman for stopping your revenge against Boyle. And now your Nora is in danger. Do you know what it is to love someone? To really love them? No. I have studied you. I have learned every last technique at your disposal. And now I, Hugo Strange, have beaten you. You are nothing to me, Batman. You hide behind that mask, but I shall rip it from your broken face and show the world what truly lies beneath it. Protocol 10 has rewritten this cesspit of a city's future, and soon I will ruin you too. I am better than you, Mr. Wayne. Perhaps you wish to die here, Mr. Wayne. That can be arranged. The broken bodies you have left in this room are of no concern to me. The rules of Arkham City must be obeyed. You should be proud. A new day has arrived. A new Gotham will be born. This is our finest moment. A chance to destroy everything that plagues this city. Do not underestimate the Batman. He will try to get in here. He will try to defeat you. Do not let him. So thank you, Batman, for all your help. Now, kill him! Had you ever considered that all this is your fault? Oh, how it is beautiful to have at long last defeated the great Batman. Oh, you are a truly extraordinary specimen. I look forward to breaking you. How does it feel, Wayne, to stand on the very stones that ran with your parents' blood? Do you feel sad, full of rage, or does that outfit help bury your feelings, hiding your true self? Soon, I will take my rightful place at my master's side. We will rule over this world. Your presence creates these animals. Like germs, they spread. You created the environment that allowed the germ to mutate to become stronger. Look at the Joker. Would he even exist if not for you? It appears that Mr. Gobblepot has made his move. Leave them to it. It will be interesting to witness how things progress as we approach Protocol 10. Please provide him with the welcome he deserves. You should all be proud of your part in this. We are the solution this world needs. We are the future. As I look at the screens in front of me, I can see that we are rapidly approaching fatalities of 22%. My projections show that within three hours, every single inmate of Arkham City will be dead, and Protocol 10 will move into Stage 2. As we move into the final stage of Protocol 10, I would like to congratulate all Tiger forces on this wonderful achievement. I knew I was better than you, Wayne. Now you have proved it. Your thieving ends now. I will enjoy dissecting your brain, Miss Kyle. So, the great Batman has fallen. Good. So, you failed to live up to his expectations. How predictable. Arkham City has become your tomb, Wayne. A pointless effort, Dark Knight. Good afternoon. My name is Professor Hugo Strange, and you are... That's enough, patient. God, leave us. How are you feeling today? Excuse me? I believe that you have fabricated a series of events that you use to conceal the truth about your condition. I have read twelve different accounts of your past. All different, except for one detail. Batman. Thank you. Of course. Let me tell you what I believe. Who? I assume that wasn't the case. The box. That must have been upsetting for you. Whose fault, Batman's? Who else? Yours? I'm never facing up to the truth of what happened. What you did. How you got here. Really? Sit down, Mr. Tetch. God, restrain Mr. Tetch. Alice isn't here yet. Just relax, Jervis. She will be here soon. I promise. Please, you need to focus. Think about your work for a minute. You theorize that there is no such thing as free will. That you can change a man's allegiances, his motives, emotions. All of what we believe makes a man with chemicals. Your formula was really quite brilliant. That's why I used it. No, I'm afraid not. Let us talk while we wait. You and I have much in common, Jervis. Soon, Jervis, soon. Unfortunately not. You and I both share an interest in the mind, do we not? I studied your papers, Jervis. You're quite brilliant. Truly an extraordinary mind. Take a look at the pictures, Jervis. Look again. How many Alice's were there? I think you know exactly who this is, Mr. Tetch. I think you remember the night you lured Stephanie Williams back to your research lab. How you offered her tea. What happened then? You killed her, didn't you? She was the first. It's okay, Jervis. It's all right to remember. Look at the first picture. Look at the dress she is wearing. Look at the hair. It's Alice, isn't it? I have arranged for a number of test subjects to be at your disposal. They have been here at Arkham for so many years that no one will miss them. I must say you have outperformed even my wildest expectations. Yes, they did, Jervis. I am very pleased. And Alice, I know. Shall we meet again next week? Oh, and I took the liberty of having your hats returned. I assume that will provide all the encouragement you require. Side project that I am working on? I could use your help. A figure of speech. Do not worry. Arkham Asylum will not exist forever. Its techniques are old, its mission outdated. I intend to create a new Arkham. An Arkham that will rise Phoenix-like from the ashes of this one. This facility is old, tired, full of ghosts. I have just one last request to make of you. You must keep it a secret. Can you keep a secret, Jervis? Exactly. I have a new assistant for you, Jervis. I had her brought in specially. Look at her. She's just through there. Of course, she'll be all yours. She's Alice. It will have to. I need you to pay a visit to Warden Sharp. He needs to come around to my way of thinking. And you can, as soon as you do what I ask. How is he today? Good. Hello, Harvey. Are you ready to talk? Please, take a seat. I have one last thing to discuss, and then I will give you something in return. Of course it is. I want to talk about Mr. Wayne. Indulge me. Hardly surprising. Did you ever consider that you were alike? A traumatic event created you. An equally traumatic event altered him. Do you really believe that? I am. A combination of first, second, and third degree burning. Hmm. A scar tissue is quite fascinating. Maybe you should. Listen to me, Harvey. I am going to give you a simple choice. This is your coin. It was your father's, correct? You know every inch of it. When you close your eyes, you can feel it, can't you? I want you to understand what I am about to tell you. You believe that this coin determines the fate of your world. I, however, believe that your condition has always been present. It was there before you were attacked, and it is still there now. You probably had headaches. Your wife found you unpredictable. Scary sometimes. I am going to throw the coin in the air. If you let it fall, I will do whatever I can to cure you. I will help you become the man you used to be. If you grab it, I will let you loose in Arkham City, and I will tell you what Catwoman is doing right this second. You have to. At this moment, Catwoman is preparing to steal the contents of the safe in your old campaign office. And you may. Goodbye, Mr. Dent. Arkham City is an experiment, Mr. Cobblepot. A new way of thinking. We've separated you from society, so I am more than willing to study the results if you all just decide to kill each other. Besides, your feud with the Joker is intriguing. Excuse me? Again, you refer to owning things. Quite fascinating. I believe we gave you the opportunity to leave. A wise strategy. I have no idea what you are talking about. Of course not. After all, considering the challenges you faced. And you think that's okay? It's nothing. Oh, and one last thing. Here is a list of ten prisoners I believe work for you. Good. Now, one last thing. Your face. The eye. I believe it was the result of a bar brawl, correct? You're a rich man, Mr. Cobblepot. You could have had that glass removed. No, Victor. Because of you. You have always had a heart of ice. You stole people's pets. You stole GothCorp resources. And since then you've stolen so much more for your own selfish scientific inquiries. If you had shared your genius with others. Devoted your energy to medicine instead of crime. Perhaps your ice princess would be at home now. Preparing you a hot meal. Instead of being delivered to the Joker. Then this is over. Guard. Tell me. What would you do if I let you go? Attempt to escape? Try and find the confiscated items? Contact the Batman? I've been studying you. Very amusing. Tell me. What was it like growing up alone? Fending for yourself? Doing whatever was necessary to stay alive? That depends on your next answer. If you could save one person tonight. Who would it be? Holly? Or the Batman? If you say so. Have you calmed down yet? Captain, do you have the girl in your sights? Kill her. Kill her. So do I. Escape is impossible. I see. Leave us. You are both very similar, aren't you? A shared disregard for the law. A belief that you are doing the right thing. And a similar taste in attire. But beneath the surface there is a weakness. You both risk everything for a chance at redemption. You tell yourself it's to help her. He does the same for the boy. It's all just to make his life more complete. To become the father he never knew. Your father. Did you ever meet him? Unfortunate. He certainly seems to have made an impact on you. The distrust of men, for example. Your relationship with Batman. Would you call it close? Two-Face has placed what you are looking for in his safe in his old campaign office. He is someone else who cannot let go of his past. I hope that the contents of that safe make you happy. I touched a raw nerve, didn't I? You're hurt because he knows who you are. But you don't know anything about him. Do you love him? Plans are afoot, Miss Kyle. Soon you may wish to re-evaluate your admiration for him. I will be the one standing over his body. And the world will know that Hugo Strange is better than him.

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