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The speaker welcomes listeners to the "I Don't Wanna Get Down With Me" show on Vibe 95, discussing the topic of procrastination. They explain how procrastination can chip away at one's peace and purpose, and how it feeds fears and frustrations. They encourage listeners to resist the urge to procrastinate and not put things off until tomorrow. Procrastination hinders progress towards dreams and desires. The speaker concludes by mentioning the "Locked In" chapter on Vibe 95, where they provide the latest art, beats, and throwback music. You're arriving on Vibe 95, your home for the best R&B sound and throwback music. Welcome to the I Don't Wanna Get Down With Me. Your girl, your host, Ivy Joy, on the Ivy Joy Show. Namaste. Peace love. Live on to you. Thankful Thursday is here. And I welcome you all to the I Don't Wanna Get Down With Me. And today, you know what I'm saying? I feel like we want to talk about a few things that can happen to all of us. Like procrastination. Sometimes you just want to wake up and handle everything on your to-do list. And you wake up and don't want to do nothing at all. What do you do, right? So give yourself a little procrastination. So those little procrastinations that keep getting into are slowly chipping away at your peace, right? And at your purpose. They're distracting you from your best self and your best life. Procrastination only ever feeds your fears and your frustrations. So don't allow yourself to be talked into procrastination. It's never worth it. Refuse to give in to that voice within you that says, put it off until tomorrow. Every time you procrastinate, you're adding momentum to everything that stands between you and your dreams. So by procrastinating, you're continuing to resist who you are and what you desire at the deepest chorus level. So consider a little procrastination here and there. You feel me? Let's say, let's say, let's say, let's say, let's say. Continue to stay tuned to this chapter of Locked In right here on Vibe 95. Where we are giving you all the latest, all the best art and beats and throwback music. Sit back, relax. Vibe 95. Enjoy.

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