Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The transcription is a guided meditation for abundance and prosperity. It instructs the listener to relax and breathe while visualizing a green light representing abundance. It encourages the release of negative beliefs and barriers to success. The meditation also focuses on aligning the body's chakras with the green light energy for stability, creativity, and manifestation. The listener is encouraged to envision their desired abundance and write down their intentions. The meditation concludes by bringing the listener back into their body with a sense of grounding and harmony. I want you to start relaxing, and breathing effortlessly through the beat of your heart with love and with ease. And as you get comfortable, start getting used to the frequency, the mindset, the ease and harmony in your body, in your soul, and in your mind. And we're going to start inviting you, visualizing a beautiful green light start embodying you, coming into you through your feet, through the back of your legs, your low back, the back of your heart space. The back of your neck, the back of your head, and start coming around you, and around you to bring the abundant energy, the green light of abundance, of prosperity, of legacy. And allow this green light to continue to grow around your body, and across your body, and to connect to the higher self. Allow it to go higher and higher, it's going to pass your crown chakra, your star chakra, and it's going to connect to heaven. And allow your breathing to create a higher and higher connectivity to your abundant soul. And allow your feet energy to connect to the middle of Mother Earth. So now this energy of abundance is going to come to you and circulate to you from the highest sources with ease and harmony, and it's going to circulate to Mother Earth. So you will always be supported, you always will multiply, you will always maintain the frequency and the energy of abundance, of prosperity, and this will come to you with ease, effortlessly, just like you breathe. And as you're moving into this lovely energy, remind yourself to move with ease and faithfulness. And I want you to start visualizing a waterfall. And allowing this waterfall to move with ease, and to remind you that your abundance and your frequency of money, creativity, come to you with ease, that is endless. As you allow this frequency of water to start running through your crown, through your third eye and your heart space, allow anything that became a barrier to start showing up in front of you. Remember that you are standing in front of this waterfall. You are rooted with ease into Mother Earth. What are those things that create barriers? Resistance. The fear of prosperity. What is stopping you to create new paths? What is stopping your dreams, your goals? What programming are coming up to you on your crown space or in your third eye that are no longer telling you about money, income, projects, jobs? Your higher version will start letting you know what is no longer telling you. Now release any of those emotions. Look into your third eye and visualize what are the things, people, situations, emotions that are stopping you to move forward into your higher visualization of your income, your money, your legacy, your higher version in the abundance side. Luxury. And move into your higher space of ease. What are those beliefs that have held you into low vibration relationships with money, with income, with contracts, with projects that don't allow you to move with ease and harmony, to move in a divine pace? And allow the frequency of the water to continue to cleanse and remove any of those beliefs so you can see them, to show you the known and unknown resistance that might have been holding you back with your financial goals. Promise you it's a piece of paper, write down, pull out from your higher space, your third eye and your crown space, all those low vibration beliefs, contracts, vows, fears, insecurity, barriers, challenges, all beliefs of opportunity. Your programming about who you are, how you make your money, how you move into abundance with your legacy. And after you write all these down, we're going to release them. I'm going to be holding a space for you so you can write these down. Allow yourself to feel any low vibrations, beliefs, emotions out of your soul, body and mind. In the right side is a green flame waiting for you. Take the piece of paper and release all these cold beliefs and allow this green flame to transmute these low vibrations into white light for your healing, to let it circulate and release. So whenever we release, we create a space for healing, for expansion, for evolving, for a new goal, new adventure, new memory, new reverting, new belief of income, projects, lectures, life, And now go back into this waterfall and allow the water to flow with ease through your feet all the way into your hips and your solar plexus. So allow the frequency of your body from the head to the toes to be cleansed and allowed to be aligned with Mother Earth, with your higher version, with the soil and with the water. So you get into the frequency of fluidity, flow, ease, circulation of money and abundance. And as you now have clarity, you have ease, I want you to now take out this water and continue to walk. And in this walk is a mirror waiting on you. I want you to look into this mirror and allow the green light to take over your third eye so you can see your highest version, you can speak to your highest version about the new project, the new abundance. The new belief, the new exploration and evolving that you would like to explore manifest and to live into your new life. And you start talking to her or to him about those beliefs. Right there under the mirror is a notebook. Write down in this notebook your new intention, your project, your new belief, your healing, your legacy. How do you want to create income? How do you want this unconditional money to come to you? How do you want it to multiply, to maintain? What kind of life do you want to create? What kind of legacy do you want to create? What kind of ease and emotion, frequency do you want to vibrate? Who do you want to bring with you on this new evolving journey? Breathe in the green light and continue to allow yourself to align into your highest frequency and continue to rebuild, to build and to rebirth the version of abundance. Remind yourself that you are a magnet of money. The money flows with you with ease. The money comes to you effortlessly. The opportunities for multiplication and abundance are always with you. That you move in a divine path. That you and money have a beautiful relationship. That you want money to come unconditionally. And believe that your heart is a generator and a circulator of abundance, prosperity and wealth. That you are grateful for every opportunity, every experience that life has given you. That you are ready and prepared to elevate and to embody the frequency of abundance. That you have the key for abundance, wealth and prosperity. And that you are in the path of evolving. Breathe in and breathe out with this amazing and beautiful frequency. Allow it to cease and to be activated in each and every one of your chakras. Allow the green light of abundance to move clockwise in your crown space. To create an alignment and move clockwise in your third eye. So you can see yourself in the abundance lens. So you believe an ethic of money, abundance, prosperity, wealth and legacy will match the view and the manifestation of the life that you want to create. Moving forward. Move this energy down to your throat chakra and allow it to move clockwise to remind you to speak with security and confidence. To allow you to manifest your intention of wealth and legacy. And allow this energy to move to connect to your heart space. And move this area with the green light clockwise. So you are circulating with grace, with harmony. And you are going to be building relationship, network, partnership with unconditional love and unconditional abundance that comes with ease. It's going to be circulating and aligning with your higher self and the higher self of those that are going to be involved. Your heart is going to allow you to invest and to circulate, to align your vision, your belief to your highest pathway. Allow this green light energy to move to your solar plexus for stability, confidence, harmony, centrality, connectivity, ease, joy, wisdom, happiness. Allow it to move clockwise in your solar plexus. Now move it and align it with your sacral space, your creativity. How it's going to be creating your higher version of magnet effortlessly on the birthing of new projects, new lives, new luxuries to create your living, your adventure, your vacation. Allow this energy to align to your root space for security, to step, to accelerate, to move into your divine path with ease, with passion. And align this energy all the way down to Mother Earth. So now you are aligned to your higher source, coming to Mother Earth for circulation, manifestation and intention, multiplication of your abundance as you're moving forward. And as this green energy is now activating in your energetic body, your soul body and your physical body, allow it to take one more big round spiral into your body. And if it's any shadow, any barrier, any low vibration, release it and allow it to become smooth into healing, into strength and great boldness, amplification as you're moving forward. And with this love emotion and this vibration, we're going to slowly start coming into our body with ease and love. Slowly start coming into your higher space and allow the frequency in your higher space expand through your body. Breathe in this frequency of harmony, breathe out grounding, start getting back into your body and when you're ready, open your eyes with ease.