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Tiara kuykendahl [joseph Magee case] (online-audio-converter.com)

Tiara kuykendahl [joseph Magee case] (online-audio-converter.com)




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Ms. Tyaira Karkendahl's brother was shot and killed in their apartment. There are discrepancies in the details of the incident. Quincy, the brother's friend, was present and claims it was an accident. However, Ms. Karkendahl questions how the gun was loaded and why there was a bullet in the chamber. She also mentions text messages that suggest Quincy may have played a role. An investigation is ongoing. All right, here we go. Today is Wednesday, June 14, 2023. The time now is 11.37 a.m. I am here at 4623 Brinkley, Houston, Texas, at the residence of Ms. Tyaira Karkendahl. Okay. Ms. Karkendahl, again, how are you today? I'm fine. Good. For the record, can you please state your full name, date of birth, address, and telephone number? Where's the bag of gum? Yeah. Hold on. Oh, no, thank you. It's Tyaira Karkendahl, 4623 Brinkley Street, Apartment 4, Houston, Texas, 77051. Telephone number, date of birth? 832-935-3245-72090. All right, and Ms. Karkendahl, tell me, so your brother was staying with you at the apartment? Yes. And the apartment at the time was under a lease of who again? A guy named Trey. Trey? What's his full name? I don't know. Okay, and so basically you were just subleasing the apartment? Yeah, I was just basically staying there for a while until I got ready to move here. Okay, okay. So, and then of course your brother came and was staying with you? Yeah, he was always living with me, so we moved from house to house. Get out of here. Yes, he's always living with me now. Okay. We moved from our other apartment to over there with Trey. Then we were going to move here, but you know. Right. So, when your brother stayed with you, was your brother into anything that you weren't aware of? No. Okay. And your brother, as you know, never had any kind of beef with any of the young men? No, none at the house. Okay. So, there was no reason, there was no motive for what happened to happen? Right. Correct? Right. So, Quincy, how well do you know Quincy? I mean, I just know he was my brother's best friend, and he was pretty cool. He said he was staying, like, he was there probably like three weeks with us at the house. Whatever happened, he was in and out. Okay. But he was pretty cool. So, when you first met Quincy, and the time that you get to learn about him, I mean, what was your first and last impression of Quincy? I mean, first impression, he's always been a cool guy, quiet. Well, not quiet, but you know, I don't know, he was any good friend. He was just like my brother. Right. Okay. And so, what about Quincy's personality characteristics? I mean, how would you best describe that? He was a good guy to me, around me at least. Okay. So, you didn't have any major concerns at the time that you were getting to know Quincy. So, when… Give me a second, please. Sure. Get down. No, you don't know how to do quiet. Come on. It's a tablet. Don't do it in my face. I'll get it over there. Where's the tablet at? Here? You don't know how to do quiet. You guys have to go outside the building. Yeah, so I was asking, so on the day of the incident when all this happened, I understand you work as a security guard and you always have two guns. You usually always leave one at home and carry one for work. Right. So, tell me about your brother's interaction with guns. I mean, as far as I know, with guns and how I've seen him, he will empty the clip. Like, if he's handing it over, like if I tell him to go get my gun out the room, he will make sure the clip's out, he'll pop it back, make sure there's no bullets in there. Like, he was pretty good with guns or whatever. Very cautious. Very. So, for it to be an accident or, you know, I just don't know how to put a gun in the chamber for him to be shot in the back of the head. Right. And when I looked through all the reports, the gun was never located. Right. And when I asked Quincy about it at that time, I was like, well, where's the gun? You know, he looks like it's in the house. But he said, when they searched or whatever, because they ended up asking me where, you know, to find out where the gun was, and I was like, no, I'm here. But Quincy said it was in the house. So, they searched the house and did whatever they did. They said it wasn't in there. That Joseph must have, you know, took it. So, I was like, the cop said it's not in there. And he was like, well, he must have took it. Quincy, and this was afterwards he told you that, right? No, this was the day of, because I was wondering where the gun was then. Okay. So, you got a call, because you weren't at home. No, I didn't get a call. I was already on my way from, I was at work, and then I went to the doctor's office. The doctor's office was running late, and they played with me the whole time I was there. So, I didn't even get done what I needed to get done there. I ended up driving from the doctor's office, which is down the street from here on MLK, I mean on Cleveland, driving from there. I made it back to that side on the north side around like 4 something. I guess it happened sometime between 4 or 5 to 15, because I was like literally down the street. And they said the police got there like within 5 minutes. So, I was there within like 10 to 15 minutes. So, I came, I walked up on it. So, when you arrived, the police was already there? Yeah, they were just now putting the tape out. And I was like, you know, no one knew who I was. I was walking there, and two cops were, you know, walking towards me to go to their car. And I was like, you know, what happened? They was like, you know, something happened. They didn't tell me what happened. And then they was like, where are you headed? And I was like, to my apartment. And he was like, what apartment number? I was like, what apartment did it happen at? And he was like, 36. And I was like, that's my apartment number. And then he was like, okay. And they moved me to, you know, to the cop car. And that's when Quincy was like, Sierra, he was in cuffs. And they were putting him, well, they were talking to him. And it was like, Sierra, he was like, Sierra, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. And then the cop told him not to do that, and they made him get inside the cop car. And then I was like, you know, trying to figure out, like, what happened? And that's when I started hearing the radio talking about a guy leaving and a gun. And so I didn't know who, because I heard three people. I had forgot that Quincy had told me that, you know, that Joseph's guy was coming over to smoke with them or whatever. So when the cop had asked me if I knew about anybody else was supposed to be there, I was like, no, because I forgot about that. And so it was like, you know, I was just hearing basically from radio what was going on. They never said a name until the investigator got there. Right. And so what was Quincy's first argument to you about what happened? He just was like, basically, well, it wasn't just, I don't know. It was like, you know, he was telling me, like, trying to explain to us what happened. Like, basically, he just told me sorry that it happened, and it was like he didn't think Joseph would do stuff like that or whatever. And he felt like it's his fault because he brought him there and, you know, stuff like that. He didn't see what happened. And, you know, he just went to the bathroom and turned on the water because he, I guess, just finished cutting Anthony's hair or was about to cut his hair. I don't know really which one to cover. So he was cleaning the clippers. And then he turned on the water, and that's when he heard the shot, and he came out, and he saw my brother stand up and say, damn, bro, what the fuck, and just fell. Okay. So he saw that. And did he say where Joseph were at the time? He said that he was behind him. Joseph was standing behind Quincy. And Joseph still had the gun in his hand. Yeah. Okay. And Joseph told him, come on, let's go. Like, we're going to get in trouble. Like, we got to go. And Quincy was like, no, I'm not leaving because that's my brother, you know. He's sitting here bleeding on the floor. I'm not going to leave him. So he, you know, he stayed. He said he held him. He stayed. Mm-hmm. And so at what point did Quincy mention that the gun was inside? Because here's my discrepancy about all that. When I initially spoke with Quincy, if I'm not mistaken, at one point, I believe he did mention that Joseph ran out the house with the gun. Right. So I'm wondering why he would tell you the gun is in the house. Right. I don't know if it's because he was probably, you know, shook him up. He didn't really know or, you know, what was going on. Okay. So what is it? What is your gut feeling about all this? I mean, my concern is, like, the text messages of that night whenever it happened. Like, when we were all in my car, like, Joseph was texting Quincy, and he was like, I'm not going to let you go down by yourself. And he just, you know, kept saying that. Like, so, like, what do you mean not going to let him go down by himself? Like, what part did he play in it? Like, you know, because my brother, he don't do stuff like that with people. So it wouldn't just be, like, unless it was really an accident. But, like I said, my brother, if he gives a gun to anybody, he empties out everything. So how did the bully get back in the gun? And when did he put the clip back in? Like, you know. I have to go back and listen to the audio. But if I'm not mistaken, I was told at some point that when your brother fell to the ground, the clip was still in his pocket. So it was just a bullet in the chest, and it was an accident? So the question is the same question you have. How did one single bullet get into the head of the gun? Right. That's very puzzling. And then Quincy had a conversation, which was on FaceTime, with a young lady who lived in Austin, Texas. And it was basically live. They were seeing, she was seeing certain parts of it. She didn't see when the incident happened because she claimed she ordered some food, so she got off the line for a quick minute. And, of course, the next time she spoke to Quincy was to hear the bad news. What she did say that she saw when the gun was given to Joseph by your brother. And her statement was that she saw your brother did exactly what she just described, removed the magazine from the gun, you know, and she also mentioned that your brother did release it just checking to see if there was any bullets in the gun. So I assume based on that statement that your brother did give them an empty gun. Right. Where's his phone? Like, no one say anything about his phone. Like, where his phone is. Like, his phone wasn't there whenever we went back to, you know. His phone is still missing. Yeah, so yeah, his phone's not. Like, whenever we, the apartment or whatever, like his gun, his wallet. I mean, not his gun, his phone, his wallet. I didn't see none of those. And he didn't, he wouldn't have anything to be like robbed or whatever as far as, you know, the gun. I mean, the wallet, he didn't have like money or anything like that. All right. A couple of ways that I looked at this. And those are some of the. And I did look at the inventory list of all the items they list that they observe in their apartment. And I noticed, yes, there was no wallet mentioned. And my brother always keeps his wallet, his phone on him. He'll never really too much keep his wallet on him or whatever. Because it could have been in a drawer or something like that. Or it could be in, I still got his stuff, so I can go through his stuff. I'll try not to do that. But, you know, it might be in some of that. Look, just to be absolutely sure. Because. But I know his phone was nowhere. Do you know if your brother at the time, if he was part of any bank? Like he would have a debit card or anything? No. No? That's why I wouldn't expect anybody to take the, you know, wallet or whatever. OK. Phone either, because the phone wasn't on, but, you know, he only used the Wi-Fi. How well did you know your neighbors at the time? I didn't know them. Because there was one neighbor who had a camera inside his window. I'm curious to see, and I'm going to check with the attorney to see if anything was recovered. Because if we can get a copy of that footage, that would then show us where Joseph was running outside. Right. Did he have a gun in his hand? Did he have anything else in his hand? Right. You know. And his phone would have been, like, you know, right on his butt. What are you doing? With him standing up. What are you doing? It would have been somewhere around or probably slid under the bed or something like that. And most times with people having cell phones in your home, your cell phone is not going to be too far away from you. Right. Yeah. Even though it was off, he still kept it right by him. Come on, Mama. No. And if Joseph, let's just say, was playing around with the gun and accidentally, you know, the gun accidentally went off, I think with the way how he panicked and decided to take off running, I don't see where he would have time to even pick up a wallet. Yeah. Or pick up his cell phone. Yeah. So the question now that I need to ask Quincy, where is the wallet? Right. Quincy should be able to tell us whether he saw your brother's wallet or cell phone or anything along those lines. He lost his cell phone, so that's what he would have on him. So the only concern that you have is the fact that Quincy made that statement to you. Mm-hmm. Okay. And when was the last time you spoke to Quincy? Oh, we just had a balloon release. Okay. And he was there. Mm-hmm. And did he say anything to you? I mean, the boys all went off walking. They had their conversation. They were going for like, well, they wasn't far from us, but when we all decided to, you know, take our little shots and, you know, kind of get ready to release and stuff, we went over to get him, and, you know, he was crying, and they were all talking about, you know, the situation or whatever. And, you know, he was like, you know, basically that, you know, he's just so bad and such, like, so he had a few tears rolling down his eyes. Why didn't you just do it? I honestly, I honestly, and this is my professional opinion, I honestly don't see where Quincy would have anything to do with hurting your brother on any level. Right. That's what I'm saying, too. And at the same time, Quincy never had a motive to do anything to your brother. Joseph, on the other hand, he also don't have a motive to hurt any one of them because they never had beef in the past. You understand me? So there wouldn't be any reason. So I'm looking at this as probably an accident. But, um. There's something more to the story. I mean, I'm looking at it like, I mean, it could have been an accident because I felt like didn't nobody have beef. The neighbor said, like, the girl, when I, like, a little bit after my brother passed, like, she, um, I seen her at the store, and, you know, we were talking about it, and she was like, yeah, like, you know, they was all in there. They was killing. No one had beef. It was just, you know, they was all outside. They was all in the house. They was smoking. They was just killing, you know? And then that happened. Because let's just say. I mean, I feel like, I mean, it's just an accident. It may even be an accident. It just, it's something that just don't sit right with me. Like, you know, I don't understand why would you say, you know, I'm not going to let you go down by yourself. I don't understand, like, kids point these emotions to things. Like, I mean, some people are good, and they don't show the emotions. I understand that. But, like, if you held your best friend in your hands, in your arms while bleeding out and, you know, like, I would have more emotion. You didn't cry. Like, you wasn't crying at all whenever we got. Well, I was there first. You wasn't crying at all. And then you talked to my daddy about it, and he wasn't crying at all. Like, you didn't have any emotion. You didn't have any emotion, like, none of the time. And then you went partying right after. Like, it was like, you didn't stop. I, yeah, I definitely would be concerned. But then again, like you said, some people, they're not good about showing emotion when they're around people. Right. That's how I am. And my dad, he said, well, Anthony is, too. He was like that. We'll separate ourselves and have our moments and stuff, you know, breaking down in front of somebody or, you know, stuff like that. So, I can understand, but something like that, that would be sometimes, to me, but, you know. Here's the thing about it. If, in fact, it was an accident. If we're all sitting here, and we had never had any beef, we're just having a good time. But there's a gun in this room being passed around. We all love guns. And somehow, I accidentally discharged a firearm accidentally. And someone, yes, I would be shook up really bad. But at the same time, and everybody deal with the situation differently. But I wouldn't take off running. Right. I wouldn't stand up and face the music. Right. And tell the story from day one. He just got out of jail. He just got out of prison or jail or something like that, and he didn't want to go back. That could be one of the reasons, too. You know, people do things based on, and who knows? He's probably never experienced, never shot a person in his life. Right. You know. I can believe that it could be an accident. I can believe that it could be purpose, but, I mean, I just, you know. And if it is. Hey. And if it is, he needs to step up to the plate. Right. And say something, you know. Because an accident is an accident. It happens all the time, you know. But when you take off running, and you do all the things you do, and that just makes you look like you're guilty about something. Right. But I haven't heard Joseph die, so I don't really know. That's what we ought to wait on to hear, like, what he wants to say about it. Well, you know he's in jail. Yeah. He's locked up. So, matter of fact, I went and I spoke with him once before, and he was giving me a totally different argument, which is one of the things that kind of blew me off completely. Because I'm like, he's acting like he didn't do anything, you know. And that puzzled me. Because I'm expecting him to say, well, okay, yeah, it happened. I had the gun. Explain how the accident even happened. And he's not saying that, you know. That is very disturbing to me. He's not saying that. Like, he wasn't like, I ain't did nothing, I ain't got nothing to do with nothing, like. Well, he admits he was there. But pretty much he's saying, I didn't shoot anybody. Okay, so if you didn't shoot anybody, then how did it happen? Right. Because Quincy got, didn't he get the. . . Quincy, they did a GSR on Quincy. And Quincy did not have any gunshot residue on his hands. So he could not have been the person to discharge the fire. No way possible. Because it's not like they didn't speak to or didn't see Quincy the same day, you know. Quincy was there. Which is one of the reasons why they handcuffed him, put him in the car. And they did do the GSR, you know. And there was no gunshot residue. On the other hand, Joseph disappeared. So if it's an accident, and I hate that they move him. I went back to go see him again, but because of the overcrowdedness in the jail system, they shipped him out to Louisiana. But that's all right. Now I have to just send the prisoner in Louisiana an email requesting a video conference with him. And they'll get him to the lines where I can still have a conversation with him. So his court date is going to be way down there? No, they're going to bring him back to you. Are we allowed to talk to him? To the court? Yes, you definitely can. I hope they change the date, though. What date do they have in mind? July 27th. July 27th. It's a good possibility their case is going to reset for a while. And one of the reasons why they continue to reset cases every month, it's not just this case, it's every case, is to give both sides enough time to gather whatever they need to gather, their evidence, and look at the overall case for what it is. And once everyone decides that they're ready to go, then they're looking at when they can actually finalize it. With Joseph in jail, unless he decides to come forward and tell the story for what it is, he's facing probably going to trial. And if he's convicted, he's on a capital murder charge right now. And, you know, when you're on a capital murder charge, there's only two ways out. If you're found guilty, either life imprisonment or death penalty. So he needs to, I don't think Joseph quite understands the system. And he's got people in his office, he's got people in his ears trying to tell him, you know. He's saying he wasn't there, he's saying he wasn't doing it, not understanding, like, there was no one else. Like, it's either going to be you, and it's going to be him, and there's no evidence to show him that it's him. Like, who else could it be? You ran, you did all of this, you went to another city, you did everything. Like, what? So, I mean, I'm just, I'm going with either one. So I'm going to put in a request to speak with him on a video call, and I'm just going to lay it out for him. Right, because sometimes you just got to do it like that. Like, you don't, I don't think you understand. Like, just tell him the truth. I mean, not, I mean, it may be an accident. He not, I think, like, wouldn't your sentence be a little lighter if it was really and truly an accident or something like that? If it's an accident, and based on what, based on the statement that Quincy gave, and if he, if he's saying the same thing, yeah, they can consider maybe a lighter sentence. He's going to do time regardless. Right. You know what I mean? That's sad. And especially the fact that we can't find any motive of them having any type of... Can I interrupt real quick? Sorry, I'm trying to finish this up here. Did you already register your account? Were you creating a username and a password? Is that your, the ending of your e-mail address? Yeah, it's probably because I already got my APNC. Okay, do you know your password? I don't know. I'm listening. Sure. Thank you. Thank you. You're so careful. I think they're in there. What? I got makeup in my eyes, but who are they? What is it? Okay, there we go. Oh. You can click on forgot and we can reset it. So both my hands are forward? Mm-hmm. And so that will go up? Okay, put your last name. Come on. Bye. And then text a code, a temporary code to your number. I'm going to punch in whatever it is. Not create a password. And then your system's going to be active and you can connect to your, to your mobile. What? Help! Help!

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