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The radio show "Point Counterpoint" discusses the existence of extraterrestrial life. Trevor and Jake believe in aliens, while Hunter disagrees. Trevor argues that there is scientific evidence, credible publications, and testimonies from experts supporting the existence of aliens. Hunter counters by saying there is a lack of research and no concrete proof. They also debate the historical belief in aliens and the absence of mentions in religious texts. Despite recent reports and sightings, Hunter remains skeptical. The show ends with a humorous moment as Trevor's car gets towed. Listeners are invited to share their opinions via email. The program was directed by Dakota Bertoni, with contributions from Trevor, Jake, and Hunter. The next episode will discuss Bob Ross. You're listening to Point Counterpoint on NPR, your local mutilated public radio station, at any time on the web at NPR.net. On today's show, titled Beyond the Star, we're discussing the topic of Cosmic Proportions. Are there life forms on other planets? While this may sound like a simple topic and answer, this topic is quite multifaceted. It continues to divide even the most casual observers of this topic. With me this evening, I have amateur astrologist, Jake Harper, professional horoscope writer, Trevor Arnett, and NASA janitor and current Crossword Puzzle world champion, Hunter Powers. Gentlemen, thanks for joining me. No problem. My pleasure. Let's get this over with. I'm in a no parking zone. As the panel stands, Jake and Trevor take the point that extraterrestrial life does exist, and Hunter is taking the side of the counterpoint that they do not. To keep the numbers even, I will be joining the side of aliens are not real. So Trevor, let's start with you. Do you believe that aliens exist? I believe it because it's a fact. And so many facts point to yes. There are indeed other life forms out there. Science has proven the universe is extremely large, if not infinite. So it is an extreme high chance that we are not the only ones occupying space. It's not a thing that only crazy people believe. So many credible publications believe that aliens are real. Time Magazine, one of the most respected publications, published an article called, When Will We Discover Alien Life? It's not asking if they exist, it's asking when we'll discover them. The magazine expects that will be sometime in 2040, as NASA estimates humans will be on Mars in the early 2030s. Who knows what they'll find when that happens? I mean, time and time again, this has been something that people believe in so strongly that they have testified to Congress about it. Most recently, David Bruch, former U.S. Defense Department employee, testified in front of the House of Representatives. In that hearing, he said that the government is, quote, absolutely, certainly in possession of the UFO. He said in a recent crash of a ship going supersonic speeds, was found recently, and multiple colleagues report to have found, quote, non-human biologics. The Department of Defense in 2020 released a video of that ship, captured by official naval aviators. The film is of an unknown object moving through the sky at an extremely fast rate. After it was released, an informational piece ran in the New York Times, stating, and I quote, the Department of Defense confirmed what speakers of extraterrestrial life have been long hoped to be true. They're real. Like he said, it's not just something crazy people believe in. I like a quote from NASA astronaut Carl Sagan saying, the universe is a pretty big place. If it's just us, it seems like an awful waste of space. It's exciting, though it isn't. With all that space out there, we just can't be the only ones occupying such a vast space. Why do you think there are no other intelligent life forms in this universe? I think that most telling research that they don't exist is a lack of research. Humans have been around for millions of years. And for these millions of years, we've never been able to say for sure, yes, aliens do exist. There's never been any true photographs. We've never knowingly talked to them. And it can't be proven in any books. Also, speaking of books, if we were to point to other religions, the sacred texts of Christianity, Muslims, and Jewish people mention nothing about extraterrestrials. To many, this proves that they do not exist, and to others, it makes them completely question their beliefs. Saying that aliens don't exist in some way discredits all of these religions. One thing that we should think about is that the first well-known UFO sighting wasn't until 1947. If other life forms do exist out there, then why is it that we've really only started hearing about them in recent history? That was the first sighting. People believed in aliens long before that. War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells was written in the 19th century, for goodness sake. But that was fiction! Still, it shows that people have believed in aliens for a long time. Believing in something and it actually existing are two separate different things. Take Santa Claus. But Santa is real! Still, no one sane has seen extraterrestrial life forms and been able to prove it. Most of these accounts are done by people who are obsessed with this stuff. If you are hyper-focused on something, then eventually, yes, you're going to see something to justify yourself for devoting so much time to it. Despite that hearing from 2020, a report published by the Pentagon last month says that there have been no reports made in the last 10 years of UFOs and therefore aliens. Last year, a journalist from Mexico's edition of 60 Minutes claimed that he found 700-year-old aliens in South Africa. He put them on display for everyone to see, claiming they were real. Turns out, they were just dolls. A handmade doll he made with human bones and glue. If there were other life forms out there, then that guy wouldn't have to make his own art and craft projects. Well, you can't tell us that in an entire galaxy we're the only intelligent life forms out there. Well, you also can't tell me that there are other life forms out there. I think we're getting a little bit away from the research right now. Let me ask you this, though. Look out the window. Tell me honestly. Do you believe aliens are out there? Look out the window. What do you see? Well, the only thing I see out the window is Trevor's car getting towed. Oh, crap! Well, well. That's my car! I'm afraid we've run out of time. Do you believe that there are life on other planets? Did we change your mind? We'd love to hear from you. Email us at pointcounterpoint.gmail.com and let us know what you thought. Tonight's program was directed by Dakota Bertoni, Trevor Arnett, executive producer, logo designed by Jake Harper, and original music was written and performed by Hunter Powers. Tune in tomorrow when we'll be discussing Bob Ross. Were his paint strokes too big or too small? Stay tuned for Cooking with the Liver King, followed by your local letter. This is Dakota Bertoni speaking, and remember, even if something doesn't have a point, that could be the point. Take care, everyone.

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