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cover of Washing Machine 008061
Washing Machine 008061

Washing Machine 008061


This audio clip, titled "Washing Machine 008061", is a sound effects recording that vividly captures the characteristic noises of a washing machine in operation. As the audio starts, you can hear the initial hum of the washer being turned on. The low, steady drone quickly becomes a rhythmic churn as the drum begins to spin, creating a soothing, repetitive pattern. The occasional sound of water sloshing adds a layer of realism, transporting the listener right next to this common household appliance. As the audio progresses, you can discern the distinct stages of a wash cycle, from the vigorous agitation of the cleaning phase to the high-speed spin of the rinse and the final, slower rotations of the spin-dry. The audio ends with the gentle yet definitive click of the machine being turned off, signifying the end of the cycle. Overall, this audio clip provides an immersive experience of a washing machine's operation, as indicated by the washer and sfx tags.

Sound Effectswashersfx

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