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cover of Trams

The audio begins with the distant hum of trams rolling down the tracks, a sound that echoes through the quiet night. The rhythm of the city is palpable, a pulse that seems to be in sync with the intermittent clanging of the trams' bells. The ambiance is filled with the occasional rumble of cars passing by, their headlights illuminating the darkened streets in brief, fleeting moments. You can hear the crisp crunch of tires on the pavement and the soft hum of engines, each vehicle adding to the symphony of the city's nightlife. The faint murmur of street conversations and distant laughter adds a layer of life to the scene. Every so often, the soft swoosh of the tram doors opening and closing punctuates the night, followed by the subdued murmuring of passengers. The trams, like the city's heartbeat, slow yet steady, keep moving, their tracks singing a metallic song against the quiet backdrop of the night. This audio paints a vivid picture

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