As the audio begins, we're introduced to the narrative of a girl named Sara, set against the backdrop of a school in Bordils. The audio captures the essence of her daily life, intertwined with her school environment, the Escola, and her family. We delve deeper into Sara's world, capturing the lively chatter of her school corridors, the soft hum of her family's conversations, and the silent whispers of her town. Sara's story is a mosaic of memories, a collage of experiences forming the fabric of her existence. Her family is depicted as a significant pillar in her life, their interactions shaping her experiences and perceptions. Conversations are filled with laughter, wisdom, and sometimes disagreement, reflecting the authentic dynamics of a loving family. The Escola - her school, plays a significant role in Sara's narrative. It's not just a place of learning, but a microcosm of her universe where friendships are formed, lessons are learned, and character is molded. It's portrayed as