The audio begins with an eerie silence, soon interrupted by a distinct sound of an undead creature groaning. The ghastly groan carries a chilling echo, resonating with an unworldly terror that sends shivers down your spine. Suddenly, there's a grating noise, akin to the pulling of a heavy object. The sound is laborious and drawn out, evoking the image of a zombie exerting its full strength to move something massive. A series of low, mournful moans follow, further intensifying the creepy atmosphere. The moans have an uncanny resemblance to a human voice, yet there's an unmistakable hint of the supernatural, a signature trait of a ghoul. As the audio continues, the pulling sound becomes more frequent, intermingling with the groans and moans to create an unsettling harmony. Towards the end, there is a high-pitched whining that seems to linger in the air. It screeches like a banshee's w