The audio begins with a distant, anticipatory silence. Suddenly, a sizzling sound emerges, steadily growing louder and more intense, signifying the launch of a single firework. This sharp, hissing sound is quickly replaced by a swift, soaring noise, an auditory illusion of the firework jetting into the night sky. As it reaches its peak, the audio fills with a breathtaking, explosive boom, transforming the quiet night into a symphony of crackles. The firework's explosion is not a single, instantaneous sound, but a progressive, gloriously chaotic pattern of pops and bangs. The echoes of this explosion ripple outward, filling the soundscape with a dynamic, pulsating energy. This is followed by a slow, shimmering descent of light sizzling sounds, akin to rain gently falling on a tin roof, as the firework's remnants shower down. The audio gradually returns to the serenity of the night, with the fading crackles of the firework leaving behind