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cover of Sample 2 of Subtractor Synthesizer from April 13, 2014 at 10:37:01 UTC
Sample 2 of Subtractor Synthesizer from April 13, 2014 at 10:37:01 UTC

Sample 2 of Subtractor Synthesizer from April 13, 2014 at 10:37:01 UTC


The audio commences in the backdrop of a serene Sunday morning; the timestamp suggests it is precisely 10:37:01 UTC on the 13th of April, 2014. The central focus of the audio is a sample 2 of a Subtractor Synthesizer, an iconic piece of music technology developed by Propellerhead. As the audio begins, a deep, resonant bass note fills the air, a testament to the subtractor's prowess. It's an experimental session, exploring the vast capabilities of the Subtractor Synthesizer, revealing an intriguing blend of textures and nuances that push the boundaries of music production. The Subtractor and Reason5, the software in which it operates, are at the heart of this audio piece. This powerful combination enables the creation of a diverse range of sounds and effects. The audio represents an experimental journey into the depth and breadth of the Subtractor's capabilities, with the bass notes providing a rhythmic foundation that is both consistent and compelling.

Sound Effectssubtractorreason5propellerheadexperimentalbass

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