The audio titled "Rooster" begins with an ambient, peaceful silence, abruptly interrupted by the crowing of a rooster. This sound, so common in the countryside, is unexpectedly followed by a meteor-like whooshing sound, creating a surreal feeling. This atmospheric effect is further deepened by the echo that seems to reverberate around the room, bouncing off the walls and resonating in the space. Gradually, an undercurrent of music begins to unfurl, a synthesizer creating a harmonic layer beneath the sounds of nature and the universe. The music is haunting and ethereal, creating an atmospheric soundscape that is both grounding and otherworldly. The rhythm is slow, almost meditative, allowing the listener to fully immerse themselves in the audio experience. As the soundtrack continues, the rooster's crow, the meteor sounds and the music all blend together to create a cinematic soundscape, reminiscent of a film score. The combination of natural and synthetic sounds adds a layer