In our audio, titled "Lid for Coin Collector," we are introduced to a fascinating world of sounds. Right from the beginning, the noise of found-sound becomes apparent, evoking images of a coin collector diligently sorting through his precious trove. The audio is characterized by a percussive rhythm, echoing the steady, rhythmic sorting of coins. The heart of the audio is the metal noises, which carry a unique resonance. They mimic the sound of a coin collector's metal lid being opened and closed, offering a glimpse into the collector's world. The metallic clangs and clinks are rich and varied, offering a delightful mix of high and low pitches that create an immersive soundscape. Towards the end, the percussive noise takes on a heightened intensity, almost like a grand finale. It signals the end of the collector's day, as he closes the lid of his treasure box with a satisfying clink. The audio ends on this note, leaving behind an echo of