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cover of Ice 9 Recording 061387
Ice 9 Recording 061387

Ice 9 Recording 061387


This is an atmospheric audio recording titled "Ice 9 Recording 061387". The audio begins with the distinct sound of doors; heavy, wooden doors being opened and closed repeatedly. Each creak of the hinges and thud of the door frame resonates, creating an echoing effect. The foley artistry is impeccable, making the listener feel that they are in the very room where the doors are being operated. The ambiance is further enriched by subtle background sfx, adding to the overall experience. The closing of the doors is particularly impactful, hinting a sense of conclusion or finality to each sound sequence. The entire audio encapsulates a unique blend of realism and depth, transporting listeners to a different time and place.

Sound Effectsdoorsclosingsfxfoley

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