The audio titled "Heavy Stone" opens with an anticipatory hush, setting the stage for a compelling narrative. The story revolves around a character named Miny, who is on a journey of self-discovery, strength, and resilience. Miny, an ordinary individual, is confronted with an extraordinary situation - having to move a 'bhari pathar', a term in Urdu which translates to 'heavy stone'. The heavy stone is not just a physical entity but serves as a metaphor for the challenges and hardships we face in life. The narrative unfolds as Miny grapples with moving the stone, a task that at first seems insurmountable. As the story progresses, we are taken on a journey of grit and determination, as Miny refuses to be defeated by the weight of the stone. The story is filled with moments of struggle and triumph, making it an emotional rollercoaster ride. The sound design is perfectly synchronized with the narrative, adding depth to the story,