In the audio titled "Flange of Monster 185", the resonant and eerie sounds of a monster, alien-like in nature, are prominent. The audio begins with an intense, low-pitched growl that seems to echo from a different world, resembling the monstrous roar of an alien creature. It is followed by a sequence of robotic sounds that are mechanical and rhythmic, establishing an atmosphere of a technologically advanced extraterrestrial environment. As the audio progresses, the monstrous sounds and robotic tones intertwine, creating a thrilling soundscape that merges the organic growls of the monster with the synthetic echoes of the robot. The audio ends with a fading echo of the monster's growl, leaving behind a haunting imprint of this alien-robotic creature, known as the Monster 185. The audio is a unique blend of monstrous and mechanical elements, providing an immersive and chilling extraterrestrial audio experience.