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cover of Feeling of Fear
Feeling of Fear

Feeling of Fear


The audio titled "Feeling of Fear" commences with a low haunting growl, followed by an eerie grunt, instantly creating an atmosphere of dread and horror. The sound design is reminiscent of a futuristic scenario, where something sinister is lurking in the shadows. In the background, there's a continuous glitch sound, which mimics the unpredictability and tension often associated with a malfunctioning interface or app. The glitch sound seems to grow more intense, mirroring the escalating sense of fear and anxiety. Suddenly, there's a distinct growl that sounds oddly like a dog, adding an element of unpredictability and shock to the soundscape. This growl is not of a friendly pet, but of a menacing creature, further intensifying the feeling of fear. As the audio progresses, a soft murmur of chatter can be heard. It's as if someone is narrating a chilling tale on a blog or an app on the AppStore, with the growls and glitches providing a

Sound Effectsappappstoreblogdogfutureglitchgrowlgrunthorrorinterface

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