The audio titled "Fated Impact" begins with an ominous, chilling tone, immediately setting a horrifying atmosphere. The sound of a death knell echoes in the background, symbolizing the inevitable demise. It's followed by a cacophony of terrifying, inhuman growls and shrieks, unmistakably those of a demon. These ghastly sounds create an image of an evil entity lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike. The audio then transitions into a guttural, malevolent laughter, which sends chills down the spine. This laughter, echoing from the pit of doom, seems to be mocking at the frailty of human life. It's a chilling reminder of the looming threat of evil. Subsequently, the soundscape dips into a dreadful silence, only to be filled with the haunting, dissonant notes of what sounds like a demonic orchestra, playing a symphony straight from the depths of hell. The audio ends with a final, powerful impact, a doom-laden