The audio titled "Elastic Crumple" begins with the distinctive, sharp sound of an object being crumpled. It's not a harsh, paper-like crumple, but rather, a softer, more flexible sound that mimics the characteristics of rubber. This crumpling noise continues intermittently, creating an intriguing rhythm of sorts. In between these moments of crumpling, there's also a unique sound that closely resembles a rubber material being stretched. It's a low, long-drawn-out noise that paints a vivid picture of tension and release, just like a rubber band being pulled taut and then let go. To add more depth to the audio, there is also a recurring squeaking sound. It's a high-pitched noise, almost like the sound of a rubber duck or a toy being squeezed. This squeak punctuates the otherwise low and deep sounds of crumpling and stretching, providing a contrasting audio element that captivates the listener.