The audio unfolds with the chilling atmosphere of the popular game, Dead by Daylight, often shortened as DBD. The main focus is on the character Feng, a determined survivor in the gruesome world of DBD. Suddenly, the calm ambiance is disrupted by the distinct sound effect of a bear trap snapping shut. Feng, the ever-tenacious protagonist, finds herself ensnared in the cruel jaws of a bear trap. The audio perfectly captures this horrifying moment with a sharp, metallic clanging sound, accompanied by Feng's startled gasp and subsequent groans of pain. The unsettling sound effects continue as Feng struggles to free herself from the bear trap, each tug and pull echoed by a heart-wrenching sound of metal grinding against metal. In the background, you can hear the eerie silence of the game world, only occasionally interrupted by the distant, almost ghostly, sounds of the otherworldly horrors that inhabit DBD. The audio is an intense portrayal of the high-stakes survival