The audio titled "Consequences" opens with a haunting melody that sets a sombre tone, instantly evoking feelings of sorrow and regret. The backdrop is a post-apocalyptic world, painted vividly through the soundscape. The dissonant hum of futuristic machines, the eerie echo of silence where human hustle used to be, and the occasional howl of wind whipping through desolate landscapes, all hint towards a sci-fi setting. The audio unfolds like a narrative, with the rise and fall of its rhythm and tempo acting out the dramatic arch. There are moments of intense build-up, where the music swells to a crescendo, echoing the chaos and destruction that often accompanies the apocalypse. Then, there are segments of melancholic quietude, where the melody slows down, gently nudging the listener towards introspection, urging them to contemplate the consequences of the actions that led to this point. The sorrowful tones that thread through the audio act as a poignant reminder of loss and devastation