This audio recording, titled "Cicadas Recorded with 4 Microphones at Akasaka Hie Shrine", presents a captivating soundscape of Japan during the summertime. The recording is set in Akasaka, a bustling district in Japan, yet offers an immersive experience into the natural ambience at the Akasaka Hie Shrine, a tranquil sanctuary amidst the city's hustle and bustle. The use of four microphones for the recording enhances the depth and dimensionality of the soundscape, allowing listeners to feel as if they are right in the midst of the scene. The distinct, rhythmic sound of cicadas, locally known as 'semi', dominates the audio, setting the tone of the Japanese summer. The sounds of the cicadas are complemented by the subtle ambience of the cityscape in the background, creating a harmonious blend of urban and natural sounds. This field-recording audio truly captures the essence of a Japanese summer, with the cicadas' chorus