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cover of BrunaFB, GuimPS, MarSB, AynoaC
BrunaFB, GuimPS, MarSB, AynoaC

BrunaFB, GuimPS, MarSB, AynoaC


In this audio piece, the narrator vividly describes the bustling scene at Brossart Square, a prominent location in the city of Bordils. The sounds of local residents engaging in daily routines, mixed with the hum of the city's activity, create a lively backdrop to the narrative. GuimPS, a significant reference used in the audio, represents the train station in Bordils. The sounds of trains arriving and departing, their whistles piercing through the air, and the rhythmic clatter of the wheels on the tracks are recreated in the audio. The station, a hub of activity, is painted with the energetic chatter of people, the rustling of newspapers, and the occasional announcements reverberating through the station's PA system. MarSB, another reference, stands for the hustle and bustle of the Bordils' city square. You can hear the murmur of conversations, the laughter of children playing, the soft rustle of the leaves in the wind, and the distant hum

Sound Effectsbordilsestaciobrossartsquaretrainstation

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