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cover of Breaking Celery 01
Breaking Celery 01

Breaking Celery 01


In this audio piece titled "Breaking Celery 01", you're immediately greeted with a symphony of crisp, fresh sounds. The protagonist of this audio story is none other than a stalk of celery. As the audio begins, the celery stalk is whole, but soon, it starts to encounter a series of transformations. The celery is being broken, but it's not a soft break. It's a sharp, clear snap, similar to the sound of a bone being cracked or a knuckle meeting its pressure point. The sound resonates and reverberates, leaving an echo that's just as crisp as the original snap. In between these bold cracks and snaps, you can hear a softer, lighter crackle. It's the sound of the celery's intricate fibers breaking apart, a sound that's reminiscent of firewood gently crackling in a carefully tended fire. Over time, the snaps become more frequent, the crackles more immediate, as if the celery is being broken down

Sound Effectsbonesknucklescracklesnappingcelerysnapcrack

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