As the audio titled "Amphibians: The Frogs" begins, the soft croaking sounds of frogs overlay a serene backdrop of nocturnal nature sounds. The narration embarks on a journey to explore the life and behavior of frogs, a diverse and fascinating group of amphibians. The audio takes listeners through the journey of a frog, from its birth as a small tadpole to its growth into a mature amphibian. The narrator describes a group of frogs, or a 'frog army', vividly painting a picture of the hundreds of frogs gathered together in a chorus of croaks. The audio captures the ambiance of the scene, with the resonating calls of the frogs echoing in the night, a testament to their strength in numbers. The audio continues to delve into the unique characteristics and behaviors of these amphibians. The listeners are introduced to the diverse world of frogs, varying in size, color, and habitat. The subtle changes in the croaking sounds signify the transition from one