The audio titled "Affection for Technology" begins with the distinct, harmonious hum of a powering up PC. This is followed by the gentle tapping of keyboard keys, creating a rhythmic melody that reflects the intimate bond between man and machine. The comforting whir of the hard drive working in sync with the user's commands, along with the occasional soft beep, signifies the successful execution of tasks. Suddenly, there's a brief pause, and the sound of a video starting to play fills the air. The audio from the video, crisp and clear, resonates throughout, adding a new layer of complexity to the technological symphony. The audio is punctuated by various sound effects, or SFX, which add depth and texture to the overall experience. These effects range from the familiar, such as the notification pings and email alerts, to more immersive FX sounds, such as the futuristic whoosh of data being transferred or the low, steady hum of a system update. This audio