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Work & Study Jazz 📀 _ A playlist (1)

Work & Study Jazz 📀 _ A playlist (1)

her mind, her thoughts



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jail, blah blah blah. Girl, he killed two women. Like, and the thing is, he didn't even have like a motive, he just did it, and he was just like, yeah, I was in a trance, whatever, whatever. He just went out one day and killed two women, and like, he, he didn't care, he didn't seem remorseful, and it's crazy, okay? It's real crazy how some people can like, be like, oh my gosh, that is so hot. Girl, being a convicted felon is not, oh wait, I said convicted, I meant convicted felon, is not cute. It's not hot, okay? Being on the death row is not cute. So I need us as a society to move away from that, because that's not what we've been doing. Not today, not ever, okay? Because that's just weird. It is weird, but it's just not it. So, that's something, I know I have to draw my limits, my limit is way before that, okay? There's no way that you can catch me simping to this man on TikTok, because, nuh-uh. Like, you have to draw a line somewhere, like, obviously. But, but yeah, like, y'all, it's just crazy out here. The world is one crazy, crazy place. But we gotta keep moving. So, moving on from toxicity, we'll be moving on to the want-to-be-in-a-relationship, which is a much more lighter, still a little bit deep, but it's much lighter than what I was just talking about. So, let's go. Now then, as I mentioned in the beginning, this is something I'm guilty of, because I think of it as like a human nature to see something occur and happen in front of you, like, so many times, you kind of end up, like, wanting it, because it's in your head quite often due to the fact that you see it everywhere, you know? And that is not really the right way to go about it, I know, but I'm trying to stop myself, which, like, self-awareness is key, y'all. Come on now. Everyone needs a good dose of self-awareness, and if you don't have one, I suggest you develop one, because, girl, everyone needs a little bit of self-awareness. The people that don't have it, who's trying to scare- you scare me. You scare me a little bit, I'm not gonna lie. But, like, that aside, okay, that aside, I think, instead of wanting and looking forward to the relationship that you want to be in, and the type of partner you've longed for and, like, you've pined for, it's okay to live in the moment and take it slow. And this is not just a message for you guys, but it's also a message for me, because, like, I do this too. We're all guilty of something, and this is something that I am guilty of, okay? Like, I'm okay with admitting it, because I feel like if you know me and you're around me, this is something- it doesn't happen, like, annually, it happens, like, once every two months. Which is really bad, but, like, hey, guilty as charged, right? So, it's kind of just, like, I fall back into anticipating what relationship I want to be in, and that I could rather be, like, instead of doing that, I could rather just be appreciating the relationships I have with people now. Even if it's not romantic, okay, yes, that's, like, obviously I want a romantic connection, but I feel like in order to feel romantic, you also need to appreciate the platonic relationships you have with friends, with acquaintances, your co-workers, and your parents too, okay? So, I guess it's kind of, like, it's okay. It's okay to just, like, sit back, relax, you don't have to worry about love for now. I think a lot of people, like, and their parents, my parents have said this even, it's, like, I think there comes a point in life where you get so focused on, like, relationships and love. I'm not saying that this happens to everyone, but I know it's happened to me at least, like, I've got so, like, focused on love and stuff like that, and, like, my parents have been, like, telling people to, like, Mikaela, don't focus on wanting to have a boyfriend, da-da-da-da, like, focus on school, focus on education, girl, like, I do focus on education, but in the time that my mind is not filled with education and the shows I'm watching and, like, all my other interests, that little nugget of a thought is still there, okay? I can't help it, and I think a factor in this is that once you've felt, like, a certain type of love for so long, you find yourself wanting to explore, like, love that you've never felt before, so if, like, obviously we've all experienced, like, a platonic love in our lives, like, a parental love, familial love, you know, like, obviously your family loves you, your parents love you, your, like, close friends, they love you, right? Once, like, you've experienced that love so, like, over and over and over and over and over and over again, it's not that you get tired of it, but it's just, like, I know they love me, of course they love me, and I love them back, but it's just, like, what other types of love are there? So, it's kind of, like, I want to explore that, you know, because romantic love, I think it's, like, I haven't really, I don't think I've experienced it, like, if you were to ask me, Mikaela, have you been in love? I don't think I can answer that, like, I can be, like, I've been in a heavy stage of like, but I've never been romantically in love before, and I think that's a question that, honestly, I don't know if we actually ask that a lot nowadays, like, have you ever been in love with someone before? Like, because, especially, like, at the tender age of 17, like, a lot of the older people in my life would be, like, Mikaela, you've barely even started life yet, and you're wondering about this, but it's true, what else am I meant to think about? I'm like, girl, please, but it's just, like, I don't think I've fallen in love, like, before, and that's okay, to be honest, because some people find love earlier than others because they're ready earlier than others. Some people don't find it until later in life, and most people find it when they least expect it, and it comes with the, like, the thought for me that's just, like, it's okay to live in the moment of singleness and sit and enjoy the crush you may have on someone, that's fine, it's just that we all need to remember love takes time to form and grow, and think of it like baking bread, okay, we're going to use an analogy here, like, think of it as baking bread, right, you need to, like, mix the flour, the salt, the water, the yeast, whatever you need to make bread, you can do it as fast as you can, however, once you've finished mixing it and all that, you still need to, like, let the mixture rise, so, like, the yeast can, like, gain energy, like, whatever, guys, I'm not going to explain the process of making bread, but you kind of get the point, right, you need to let the dough rise, and then you come back to it, it's risen, and you're just like, oh, you must think, like, we're done, obviously, right, but no, you need to, like, I think, if I can remember correctly, I'm a bit of, like, a cooking nerd, a little bit, a little bit, like, you kind of, like, take the, you kind of take the bread mixture, like, out of the bowl, and, like, you, like, most people just punch it, and then it deflates, then, like, you just need to knead it, and then, like, you need to set it to proof again, and proofing, which is when it rises, that takes, like, an hour, maybe two hours, so you still need to wait for it to rise before you can even put it in the oven for it to actually bake, so the main message with this is that you need to, like, waiting is key, because in the Bible, it says good things come to those who wait, and that is a very key factor, because I think nowadays with relationships, a lot of people tend to rush it, and I don't know, like, why we kind of rush it, but it's, like, there's also been, like, a discussion with, like, how long do you think a talking stage should be, and I've heard the answer from being one week, to two weeks, to three weeks, to three months, and for the people that have had a talking stage that has lasted a year, my love, I don't know what's going on there, because what are you talking about for a year, like, that is, that is very questionable, but, like, you can never stop getting to know someone, but it's just, like, you need to move forward in it, and that is not the question I'm here to answer, because that's a topic for another day, that's a topic for another day, but it's kind of just, like, it's better to wait and let things happen, and this is a message to myself once again, wait and let things happen rather than rushing it, because in, in, like, the manner of rushing it, it can turn out wrong so fast, and it's, like, things can get out of hand so quickly, and you don't even realize that you did, and it's, like, you end up wondering how did I even get here, I was sure I did everything right, did I miss a step, and you wouldn't know because you were going too fast, right, and I think with rushing it, it's, it's kind of bad, I'm not gonna lie, because it's just, like, if you're thinking of pursuing someone, right, you need to take time, because you need to get to know them, you need to know what they're like, if they, if they're even compatible with you, it's all important, and you need to figure that out before you decide, okay, yes, we're gonna be boyfriend and girlfriend forever, and, yeah, I think that's just what I think as well, and so the title of boyfriend and girlfriend, before I even get into that, as you can tell, we straight away from the want to be in relationships, I'll come back to that, we're on a bit of a tangent here, okay, like, don't mind me, this happens, okay, but, like, I feel like nowadays, we've taken the topic of, like, the name of being, like, boyfriend and girlfriend, I think it's, like, the meaning of it has kind of, like, decreased a little bit, not to say that people don't appreciate being, like, called one's boyfriend or girlfriend or significant other or whatever, but I think, like, the, the meaning of it might, like, I think it's kind of switched a little bit, because I think it also ties into, like, the fact of, do people date to marry, and that is heavy, like, sometimes I think about that, and I have friends that, that, like, they're in a relationship, and they're just, like, we want to marry each other, like, obviously, like, not right now, because we're young and all that, but, like, it's the fact that, like, in my head, I kind of don't think like that, and I don't know if I'm at a point where I am going to change to think, like, I want to date to marry, but I, like, I think this is going to sound so bad, it's just, like, I kind of, I'd date, but I wouldn't put any heavy expectation on it, you know, it's not like I'm dating without purpose, okay, that, that's not something I'm going to do, it's just, like, I'm not going to put a time bracket on it, okay, but I salute those that, honestly, those that want to marry, go for it, like, I have no problem with either and all, okay, like, everyone has their own different experience and their own view of how marriage is, like, due to things that they've seen in their lives and whatnot, and I think, I don't know what has caused me to think, like, I don't really think of dating to marry, because to be honest, if I'm going to be honest with you right now, like, I think, I only got on board with the idea of actually wanting to be married to someone, like, what, last year, like, this is really, this is really weird to admit, I'm not going to lie, but, like, I haven't told, like, a lot of people, but I've only told, like, a few people, it's just, like, I only got on board with it last year, after, like, seeing what, like, a wedding was really like, and I was just, like, you know what, maybe this is something I would be interested in, not just for the wedding, but just, like, seeing the two people that got married, like, their journey and all that, it was just, like, wow, you know, and was I there for my parents' wedding, like, because with me being Zimbabwean, like, we have traditional weddings, and then, like, a white wedding, you know, I wasn't there for the traditional, but apparently, I was there for a white wedding, that's pictures on this wall in front of me, do I remember being there? No, I do not, but, like, it happened, obviously, it's just, like, I think dating to marry, it obviously keeps you with commitment in it, and it's just, like, it's something that's really sweet, because hearing people's love stories, like, when they're older, and being, like, oh, yeah, like, we met when we were teenagers, and we've been together ever since, and it's been wonderful, like, those stories touch my heart, because it's so sweet to hear, and it's just, like, that's the type of love that I think everyone deserves to have, and it's just, like, once you find your forever soulmate, like, you're the missing rib, okay, like, just talk, you know, I'm, like, like, love is just really so beautiful, y'all, like, like, I'm innocent for love, because it's just, like, sometimes, it's just so sweet, it's just so sweet, and I, like, I love, I love love, like, I really do, but, um, I feel like I actually got carried away, oh, my gosh, but, okay, back to, back to the point to being in relationships, okay, because I, I really did, I really did, like, go off, oh, my gosh, as I was saying, good things come to those who wait, so it's all just a matter of waiting, and that doesn't mean, like, during the time that you're waiting, that you should just stay still and be, like, oh, I'm not going to do anything until I get really in a relationship, no, let's not do that, take it as time to grow for yourself, because you can never know yourself well enough, because we're all constantly growing in this life, and I think there's always opportunities to learn more about ourselves, whether it's in the small things in life, or in the big events, life-changing events, you can never truly know yourself well enough, so, like, take the time to grow, appreciate the things around you, like, take it as an opportunity just to, like, slow down and take it all in, because I don't think, like, once you're in a relationship, obviously, you can, like, slow down in it, but, like, nothing's ever really the same as it was before you got in a relationship, okay, like, you know how, you're now with someone in it, so it's just, like, I don't, I can't really speak on it, but I kind of, I hope you'll get what I'm trying to say, anyways, which is, like, yeah, like, take the time to learn more about yourself, like, maybe indulge in a new hobby, because I think, like, hobbies are becoming a thing that, like, everyone's getting back into nowadays, like, whether it be scrapbook, for some people, it's scrapbooking, for some people, it's making small vlogs, or, like, little edits, drawing, making music, anything, like, if you take an opportunity to learn more about yourself, that's fantastic, like, honestly, and I like discovering new things, and I like seeing people that, like, I know and love discovering new things about themselves, like, it's just, like, oh, I didn't know that you liked that, but, like, now that I know, I can keep an eye out, and it's just, like, if a person that I know, like, likes something like that, I'm just, like, oh, that's something, like, they're interested in, and, like, if I see a post about you on TikTok, I'll just be, like, oh, I'm going to send that to them, because I know they like this, and it also creates a means of, like, making new friends and making new connections, and also, like, making connections between the people that you know stronger as well, because it's just, like, maybe something that you've just found an interest in, it's, like, something that one of your other friends or one of the other people in your life also have an interest in, also have an interest in, so it's just, like, more, more things to bond over, what can I say? Okay, so, I feel like I've bothered on for long enough. As you can tell, this episode is more than 15 minutes long, so I hope you don't mind the new format of episodes, guys, and because I have a new recording, like, I don't know, application, app, I don't know, if anyone, like, wants to know what I record on, I record on Audacity, and then I have, like, this, this mic that my uncle gave me, thank you, uncle, to record on, it's a Yeti Blue mic, I don't know if anyone asked for this at all, but it's just, like, in case anyone just wanted to know, okay, and it's, like, USB connected to my computer, then I listen to my stuff through, in my headphones, whatever, okay, that's the recording setup, because we, I don't have the studio to record in, but we'll see, but yeah, I don't know if there's anything else I want to say, I'm, I think I'm gonna start on, I know, you know, I'm just gonna make the playlist anyways for the podcast, it's gonna be on my personal Spotify, but I'll link it for sure, okay, I'll link it for sure, and it'll be in the podcast Spotify, like, I think there's, like, probably gonna be, like, a liked playlist thing or something, or, like, my account will be followed on there, so you can find it easily, but yeah, like, guys, I hope you enjoyed this week's episode, there will be an episode that comes out right after this one featuring a special guest, so I hope you are able to tune in for that, and I hope you enjoy that, and once again, I'm so sorry for the fact that I've not been here for months, it was not intended, I never actually expected this to happen, but c'est la vie, it is life, but I hope all of you are doing well, and thank you for tuning in to this week's episode, and this has been your host, Mikaela, with the Heather Minter Thoughts Podcast, and see you next time, bye!

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