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Henry Bryant Lanier Sr., a member of the U.S. Army Signal Corps, is seeking urgent assistance from government officials. He and his family have faced injustices in Ukraine, including corruption and harassment. Despite his loyalty to his country, he cannot overlook the injustices he has faced. He has suffered financial losses and retaliation for raising concerns about corruption. Legal attempts for justice have been obstructed, and his family lives in fear. He implores the government to take action against corruption and hold those responsible accountable. Lanier's pleas for help have gone unanswered, and he demands justice for himself and others affected by corruption in Ukraine. He urges the international community to support him in fighting against injustice. He hopes for a swift response and resolution to receive the justice he deserves. Urgent request for assistance, dear government officials, I hope this message finds you well. My name is Henry Bryant Lanier Sr., Esquire, Ph.D., and I am a member of the U.S. Army Signal Corps, SPC-9. I am reaching out to you with a heavy heart, as I am currently facing serious injustices that not only affect me, but also my family and my business in Ukraine. I urgently seek your assistance in addressing these issues before it is too late. On July 17, 2024, I submitted an affidavit of fact to the National Police of Ukraine, seeking justice against corrupt government officials who have wronged my family. Although we were granted political asylum, our new documents were seized by Ukrainian agents as we crossed the border, leaving us in a state of fear and uncertainty. Will we ever be safe from their reach, or is this just another chapter in our ongoing struggle for justice? As a proud American citizen and a successful private investor in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, my loyalty to my country has always been steadfast. However, reflecting on my military service since the age of 17, I find myself conflicted. My military orders have led me into a situation filled with personal and financial turmoil. The unlawful actions of the U.S. Department of State, along with the governments of Ukraine and Italy, have resulted in devastating financial losses for my family, totaling approximately $932 billion. Despite my love for my country, I cannot overlook the injustices we have faced. My military assignment in Ukraine exposed me to corrupt practices among Ukrainian officials and their connections to high-ranking U.S. government officials. When I raised concerns through the appropriate channels, I was met with retaliation and threats against my family, leading to my wrongful termination from the project and blacklisting from future government contracts. After being forced into early retirement from the army, I established a private investment business in Ukraine. Unfortunately, my family and I became targets of corruption once again, facing extortion attempts, illegal asset seizures, and ongoing harassment from Ukrainian authorities. Our attempts to seek justice through legal means have been met with constant obstacles and manipulated court proceedings, revealing a system that prioritizes the interests of the powerful over justice. It is heartbreaking to witness my family suffer due to our efforts to expose corruption. My wife lives in fear of being followed or harassed, and my son's dreams of attending an American university have been shattered by our financial losses. Despite these challenges, we remain committed to our pursuit of justice and refuse to be silenced by those who wish to oppress us. I implore you, as leaders of this great nation, to take action against these injustices and help end the corruption that plagues Ukraine. Our rights as American citizens have been violated, and it is our duty to hold our government accountable for its actions. I ask for your support in bringing attention to our plight and urging investigations into these corrupt practices. The future of my family and business in Ukraine depends on it. For over a decade, I have sought justice and support from the U.S. Embassy and Department of State, but my pleas have gone unanswered. Despite providing evidence of corruption and retaliation, I have received only generic responses or complete silence. It is disheartening to see the lack of action taken to protect citizens wronged by corrupt foreign officials. The kidnapping of my daughter by corrupt police officers in Ukraine was one of the most devastating moments in this ongoing battle for justice. She was taken to intimidate me into dropping my legal complaints against them. Despite presenting evidence of their involvement, our government has failed to hold them accountable This ordeal has left us feeling vulnerable and abandoned. I refuse to be a victim of corruption any longer. I demand justice for myself and all those who have been wronged by corrupt officials in Ukraine. It is unacceptable that those responsible for stealing from me and kidnapping my daughter continue to operate freely. I will not rest until every penny and document that was taken from me is returned, and those responsible are held accountable. I urge the U.S. government to take a stand against corruption in Ukraine. It cannot continue to turn a blind eye to the suffering of its citizens at the hands of corrupt officials. I also call upon the international community to support me in this fight against injustice. No one should have to endure such hardships when seeking justice. In closing, I ask you to review the evidence I have presented and take immediate action on my behalf. Our rights have been infringed upon, our safety compromised, and justice denied. I hope for your swift response and resolution in this matter, as our lives are on hold until we receive the justice we deserve. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Henry Bryant Lanier Sr., Esquire, Ph.D. As veterans of the United States of America, we pledge to maintain a state of constant readiness in all domains, land, sea, and air. Our goal is to eliminate the root causes of usury, debt, poverty, and war for future generations. This oath was established on December 17, 2018. We declare this document and email authorized under 22 U.S. Code Section 2295A, 50 U.S. Code Section 1702, 10 U.S. Code Section 2304, 26 C.F.R. 1.507-2, and Title 47, Telecommunications Chapter 5. We authorize this release. Original 1 of 1 Copyright 1939-2024 Lanier Family Trust. All rights reserved.

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