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005 - Prophecies outlining the second coming of Jesus Christ

005 - Prophecies outlining the second coming of Jesus Christ




In this podcast, I’ll summarize the events preceding the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. Before listening to this podcast, it’s crucial that you understand the following. Listen to the previous podcasts for a perfect understanding. 2024-10-04-005 It is essential to be aware of the following before you listen to this podcast. THE SEVEN SEALS EIGHT KINGS SEVEN TRUMPETS

Podcastevents preceding the 2nd coming2nd coming of Jesus Christend of daysUnderstand revelationend time eventsisrael warsthe second comingthe 2nd comingthe last daysgtl.news podcast

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God's Timelines, welcome to our prophecy podcast where we explore events of the past, present, and future. It's time to exterminate and expose misinformation and reveal the truth. We will discuss how ancient predictions relate to current events of our day. Timothy Thompson, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, becomes a prophecy expert after 50 years of dedication. He aims to share his incredible knowledge and wisdom with a remarkable teacher. Shouldn't we understand prophecy if it's given by God? And now, presenting your host, Timothy Thompson. Welcome, brothers and sisters. This is Timothy Thompson, and this is October the 4th, 2024. This is going to be an exciting podcast. I wanted to take the time to share with you how everything will unfold. And I'm not going to talk a lot about the scriptures. You will see this in future podcasts as I focus on smaller topics. For instance, we're going to talk a little bit about the seven trumpets and exactly when that will start. But in future podcasts, I'm going to take, let's say, trumpet number one and break down exactly the scriptures and exactly what happens when the first trumpet sounds, the first angel sounds the trumpet, and exactly when it's going to happen. So I'm going to break it down over the next year, and I'm going to have little bitty mini-podcasts that will still be the same amount of time, but we're just focusing on one more topic at a time. Pretty much like I've been doing, but I get a little carried away sometimes. So what is going to happen? This is 2024. It's almost 2025. You can expect that Donald Trump will be elected, according to Daniel. And you can expect that Iran is going to continue to push the North, South, and West. I say Iran, I'm including Turkey as well. So they're going to start a war, and you can expect that the United States of America is going to go after Iran. And apparently a lot of it has to do with the fact that they start the war, but something happens, they cut off the United States, and they couldn't have something to do because they're trying to kill Trump. And that doesn't really sit well with the United States. So I don't know what's going to happen. It's already starting to happen. I think there's been what, two or three attempts on Trump's life already, and a lot of it is falling back to Iran. But Iran starts the war, the United States goes after Iran and Turkey, and the United States goes with a vengeance, and the war is fought above, it's not on the ground. It's not on the ground. And we killed the leaders of Iran and Turkey, but something happens, whether it happens while we go to war, or it happens a little later after the war. The United States is divided into four territories. We have four leaders in the United States. We've become four countries. Oh boy, things are getting interesting. But when we go to war with Iran and Turkey, like I said, the United States is divided into four territories. We kill the leaders, the Persia area becomes the North Kingdom and the South Kingdom. Over a period of years, the North Kingdom and the South Kingdom go to war among each other. They go back and forth. Well, you learned a little bit about the eight kings that lead up to the second coming of Jesus Christ. The fourth king is the one that, you know, starts the war with Iran and Turkey. The fourth king is the one that pushes to the North, South, and West. But once the United States goes to war, they have the fifth king. And that's, you know, that is when it becomes the North Kingdom and the South Kingdom. Got a little ahead of myself there. So there's, you know, there are things happening. I'm pointing things out that are in the scriptures, which I will cover in the future. Okay, so that is something that is literally right in front of us within just a few months and a year or two, all this stuff will unfold. We are at a very critical moment. We also learned that in 1935 that Persia changed her name to Iran. And that's when we had the first king. And we, and since then, we're all the way up in 2024, we have the fourth king. When the United States goes after Iran and kills the leaders, we'll have the fifth king in Iran. It's interesting because once we have the fifth king, we will have the sixth king. And guess what the sixth king is? That's the king that brings in the Mark of the Beast system. The Mark of the Beast of Revelation 13 that many people have heard about. The Mark of the Beast, 666. Having a mark on your right hand or in your forehead. And if you worship the, if you worship the Antichrist, then you'll be cast into hell for all time and eternity. And we don't want that. You know, focus on Jesus Christ and become more like Jesus Christ and learn to love one another, learn to pray, pray every day, read the scriptures so that you know how you can be saved. The Mark of the Beast system I'm thinking will happen around 2033. I really believe around that time period. You know, if it's a little later, it's a little later. It's not exactly focused on exactly what year that will be. The reasons I believe that the scriptures and the events help me to understand. So what happens next? Well, we have the war with Iran. The United States is divided and it becomes four different territories, four different leaders. But in the late 2020s to early 2030s, there's going to be a major earthquake throughout the entire world. Most likely would be a lot of, a lot of earthquakes. The earth will shake. Every mountain will move, will be shaken. Now that's pretty significant, isn't it? But it's also meteors that come from the sky from heaven. And so what happens is what I believe is because of this event, we end up having to start all over again on earth. Economy is broken down. The money system is broken down. There's total chaos. And so here comes this leader, you know, the Antichrist, making promises, starting a new economy. The new economy is the Mark of the Beast system. To be able to buy or sell. You do not want to be a part of this, brothers and sisters, because the Bible says if you take a part of it, you will be cast into hell for all time and eternity. You'll be burnt. You'll be in pain, constant, always remembering, you know, always knowing and hating God and Jesus who loves you so much. And yet you chose, you chose hell. You chose Satan. You chose the Antichrist. Well, you know, people who believe in Jesus Christ, they want love. They want to be able to love one another. They want to live in peace and harmony. So they don't, we don't want people who are wicked. We want people who want to do things Christ way, which is to love one another, to overcome our weaknesses so that we're not slaves to sin. And since we all have a freedom of choice, those who take the mark and worship Satan are choosing, you know, hell. They're actually choosing it. And when they probably get there, you know, and they're in the pit, they're going to wish that they would have been more loving and caring towards other people instead of killing them. So, yes, there's a lot. I think that when we have the meteor and earthquakes, I think that's what's going to cause us to have the market abuse system, the Antichrist come to power. And I believe that's going to be around 2033. But in 2033 is when the seventh seal opens up. And how do I know that? Well, we've studied this stuff. I hope you listened to my previous podcast. So go back and listen to them. But what happens is Jesus Christ died on the cross. And when he was resurrected in the year 33, we entered the fifth seal. Each seal is a thousand year period. So you add one seal a thousand years to the year 33, you end up with 1033. And then you have the sixth seal. And we are still in the sixth seal, but we're at the very end, because remember, a seal is a thousand years. So the 1033 plus a thousand years for another seal takes us to the year 2033. So in 2033, well, you read the book of Revelation and you learn exactly what happens when the seventh seal opens up. And notice in that chapter, you start reading exactly what happens. The first trumpet is sounded. And that is when the rapture takes place. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I am blessed with additional information that clarifies the Holy Scriptures, the Bible. And I understand that there's going to be a trumpet. And you can read about that in the Bible as well. But what I'm trying to tell you is that's the first of seven trumpets. Now we have 2033, we know that we have the first trumpet. And there's going to be a second trumpet, right? And a third all the way up to the seventh. And each trumpet has certain events that will take place. And we will cover, there's more than one rapture. But really, in Revelation chapter 20, they call it the first resurrection. So the first resurrection is the rapture. But there's more than one rapture. You have the second trumpet. And that's going to be like several months or, you know, a distance in between each trumpet. There's another rapture. And then the third trumpet, there's even another rapture. But after that, those who believe in Jesus Christ, good souls that would accept Jesus Christ are off the earth. After the third trumpet, there is no, there is none that is left that believes in Jesus Christ. Now that doesn't mean that some won't be saved, that may change their way as they go through the plagues. But according to the scriptures, many of them would just harden their hearts and curse God. So anyway, when we get to the sixth trumpet, that is when Armageddon takes place. So that's like several years down the road from 2033. How many years down the road? I have no idea. 10 years, maybe 12. I'm not giving you a time period. It doesn't really matter, does it? Because if you believe in Jesus Christ, you will not be here when, you know, when Jesus Christ comes back and Armageddon takes place. However, there will be some who do believe in Jesus Christ in Israel. In some ways, they're on their land, they're escaping a lot of the torments and the things in the last days, and Jesus Christ will come back. When Jesus comes back, Armageddon, it's for his people. There are Jews that have converted to Christianity. But really, the Jews, you know, of Israel are, they love God. Many of them love God. They've just been blindsided and taught when they were born that Jesus Christ was nothing but a prophet. It turns out that Jesus Christ, who is what the Jews were looking for all along. They were looking for the Messiah, and it turns out to be Jesus Christ. So that's another topic in its own, but Jesus Christ comes and saves those during the time of Armageddon. When Jesus Christ comes back, the Mount of Olives will be split, and it will cause a path so those who are Christians will be able to escape. Things are happening, and I just gave you an idea that 2033 is the rapture, and that if you're a Christian, you will not be on the face of the earth. So why worry about the second coming? You won't even be on the earth, but it's good to know the events. It's good to know what is going to happen, because if you know prophecy, and you know what's going to happen, then you can have a better idea of how close we are to the second coming. And I just gave you a lot of information, and so please listen to my podcast in the past, and listen to my podcast in the future, and please tell other people about the podcast. God bless you. I love you, brothers and sisters. That's why I share these things with you, and I love you, and I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Hello, brothers and sisters. This is a special message. I wanted to mention a couple things. One of the things I wanted to mention that if you jump into one of my podcasts, and you don't listen to the very first one first, and then the second in the proper order, you're going to be confused, because you're not going to know what the seven seals are. You're not going to know what the seven trumpets are, and you're not going to know exactly what year it was when Jesus Christ arose from the dead, because that tells you the time period of where we are right now. So these are things that I've already taught, so in a future podcast, when I mention something, and you don't understand what the translation is, then it's going to be hard for you to understand and comprehend exactly what will happen that leads up to the second coming of Jesus Christ, and this is very important. It's important to me, because if it's done right, you will have the well factor, and you'll be like, wow, this is amazing, and it is amazing, because most of the world is walking around not having any idea when the second coming is, and no one knows the day of the hour except for Jesus and God, and we went over that, how Jesus, because the scripture says that only God knows, but we already covered the fact why Jesus Christ knows. It's because he earned that right when he was resurrected, and it's accorded to Revelation chapter 5. So yes, you'll miss pieces of the puzzle if you don't take the time to listen to the podcast in its order. The first one was September the 6th, 2024, and the other thing I would like to mention to you and to share with you, if you get a lot from this podcast and you listen to it, it's amazing stuff, and I need help promoting it, and I'm asking you to get in touch with me, but the best thing that you can do is to share it with your friends. Share it with your members of the church. If you're a member of the church of Jesus Christ, share it with them. If you want the truth spread, and you want others to know and become closer to God and Jesus Christ, by all means, that's what this is all about, because what good is knowing prophecy if you don't believe, you know, in what you're hearing? Well, you know, one thing about me is I know that this stuff is true. I know that I'm human, and I give my opinion, you know, once in a while, and I might not, I'm not going to get it 100% right, but I tell you there are certain things that I do understand, and those are the things I'm trying to share with you. I know exactly what the seven trumpets are. I know about the time when they're going to start sounding. I know that there's an Iran war that's getting ready to take place. I know that the United States is going to be divided up into four territories. These are some amazing things that I understand. I know what the seven seals are. I know what the eight kings are. All these things tell us how close we are to the second coming of Jesus Christ, and so you're invited. Invite your friends to be a part of this podcast. Every week is something very interesting that you just need to hear if you believe and truly love the Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you. Pray, pray often, and you have a wonderful day. This has been a GTL News podcast, October the 4th, 2024. You have a great week, and God bless you.

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