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You must attain a certain level of faith before daring to inquire about the whereabouts of the God of Elijah. Pastor Z. Malaza elaborated extensively on the reasons behind posing this question, the expectations associated with it, and the consequences that may follow. "Where is the God of Elijah" stands as one of Pastor Z. Malaza's most impactful audio messages, a recording that warrants repeated listening.

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You are so important. Amen. It's an honor to see you. Let those who hate you hate you. But I love you. And I will pastor you. Praise the name of the Lord. Why would I pastor you? It's because you are powerful. You may not have yet realized that. But I said, Elijah was working in the fields. Then the man Elijah touched him and he felt something come upon him. Actually, in response to the touch, Elijah left everything behind, stopped whatever that he was busy with, and ran after the man of God. He actually used the yoke to make the fire. He made a kind of an offering, a sacrifice, with the oxen that he had. Elijah used everything that he had and he remained with nothing. The only thing he was left with was the man of God. There are times when God will do something to your life and in your life that will energize you to live and forsake everything and say, God is enough for me. And yes, He is enough. But we still need certain things in order to live and enjoy life with Him. But then Elijah left everything. He left his job. He left his business. And he left his people to follow the man of God. He started a journey that was new altogether. He enjoyed the presence of Elijah but for a moment. But there came a time when Elijah was taken away. Elijah struggled with the concept of losing Elijah. Elijah tried to stick with Elijah. And Elijah tried to trick him that he goes back to his people. At the initial stage, Elijah asked Elijah, what did I do to you that you want to follow me? It was a simple touch. When the mantle of Elijah touched Elijah, there was a connection. It is very important that there be a connection deep within with your destiny in God. Sometimes things may not look to be working out well but as long as you feel the touch that is enough for us. Elijah says to Elijah, go back to your people. And Elijah persisted. And there came a time when Elijah had to be taken away. The prophecy before Elijah placed his mantle on Elijah. God spoke to the prophet Elijah so God says to Elijah, you are about to be taken away. Go and anoint someone that will take over after you. When leadership guru says there is no success without success. Whatever that you do now, raise a prodigy, raise someone that will take over after you and even do better than you. Jesus says to the disciples, what I did you shall do. And even much more. When God raises your son, when God raises your daughter, when God raises your prodigy, to do what you do and you feel threatened, it simply means you have lost touch with destiny. Actually as a parent, it should be a prayer that if you drive a Toyota car, your children must graduate and drive better than you. If you are driving a Mercedes, your C-Class, it is a cry of every parent that the next generation must graduate, must step it up and drive bigger than you. And the reason why God said Elijah must raise Elijah in a school that Elijah also must graduate. But come along with me, that is not necessarily my point. But the Bible when time came for Elijah to be taken away, Elijah could not take it. But the reason why they met it was for the same reason so that Elijah could be taken away. But when the time came for Elijah to be taken away, Elijah could not take it. What am I saying today? There are times when God would give you grace to do something. But when the time comes for that thing to come to pass, sometimes it can take it because the manifestation of what God has laid in your heart sometimes comes with a measure of pain. The Bible says when Jesus chose the disciples he was so that number one they could be with him, number two so that he could send them. Basically this man thought that Jesus when he leaves he would leave the grave and leave the assignment with the disciples. And when Jesus left the disciples again could not take it. I submit to you today God of the times when you come to the brink of your breakthrough and come to the measure of pain Jesus says to the disciples what I do you shall do and much more. But they couldn't do it until Jesus was taken away the promises Elijah promised the miracles that Elijah did but as long as Elijah was still there Elijah could not emerge. Elijah could not move in the perfect way. Elijah could not work any miracle. What am I saying to you today? In order for you to move to where God is taking you sometimes there is something that you must lose. Somebody said one day there is no pain without pain. The pain is not demonic but Elijah's pain. Where is the God of Elijah? Because at the moment Elijah found himself with no support. Elijah says I have lost my job. I left my business I left my people. I went after this man but the same man is leaving me now. Somebody that you have been at a time where you are not where you used to be but you are not where you are supposed to be. And yet just in the middle of nowhere you have lost your friend and you are chasing something but you are still not there. And now you don't know what to do. This is what I suggest. This is what Elijah did. Elijah challenged the God of Elijah. It is very important that in life you must understand in someone or understand in something because the problems many of the afflictions or the rashes or the lodges will deliver them out of the mouth. As long as you are alive problems will fill in you. Thinking that they come by the will and thinking of the will just comes with a pill and much more when you are anointed much more when the hand of God is upon your life. This man Elijah he couldn't raise it while he was still living in the comfort of Elijah. I am not talking about leadership per se but I am telling you today there are certain things in life that God has to forcefully take away in order for you to discover yourself. Some other time you lose friends in order for you to discover something. But this is what Elijah did. When he had lost everything outside of Elijah having lost his outfit and the yoke taken away the voices of the enemy began to ring in his head. Have you been asked by people and say you are Christian how is it working for you? Someone once said that if it is not your thing I would give you a tree of gold. It has led you so far and your thing is troublesome. One person says when I pray with you today someone says to someone this thing of yours of not getting children I know the problem is not yours the problem is yours but you are troublesome you will die without children because of your children. If you could help him some other time he will challenge you and say where is your gold when such a thing is happening. Are we in here today? Somebody shout hallelujah. When he was sold by himself when he was paid by the river children at first he had crossed the same children he had crossed with Elijah but now he was sold by himself there comes when the devil will challenge you and say your thing is wrong when it is like this when it is like this but this is what Elijah said the barber says he waited for the mentor he waited for the mentor to rest upon Elijah to rest upon him not just to touch him I suggest to you to more victoriously don't just taste it the power of God that stays in the presence of God in the presence of God will not sustain you you need the power the barber said Elijah said where is the gold of Elijah and this is my point the mistake that Elijah did he didn't have a personal gold he didn't know the gold the gold of Elijah he didn't know the gold of the mentor but he knew the man of the gold I pronounce today I submit to you it is not enough to know your past it is not enough to come to church it is not enough to know the God of my life people don't preach I submit to you come beyond your past you need to connect and hold your hold you know the reason why people fall away is because they are watching they are following but this is what Paul he says follow me if I follow Christ but what happens when Paul falls away the barber said one day Peter he was eating with the Gentiles but when the Jews came but they came Paul Paul says to Peter what a hypocrite you are I am not deciding to fall away I am not saying I am going to forsake the faith I am not saying I am going to fall go beyond the past stop worshipping the men of gold go beyond the men and go to the God the God of the man not just the man and preach I am in trouble I find yourself when your friend has forsaken you is taken away collapses in your own eyes when your ministry is calling when you can't fast anymore people don't want to fast it's a health condition they just cannot fast but what must I do when you find yourself locked up in a tattoo you must know one thing that even in the store the Lord is saying Jesus said to the disciples when it was over you need to die the father said Jesus said it was over he spoke about the destiny he didn't tell them he didn't assure them that they will not come to his store but Jesus said when it was over even though he received that said let them go but he said be alive why am I saying to you the cry of the lives when you are crossing over when you are delivering God for something great delivering God for something super don't run away when the storms of life come your way it is still part of the crossroads we are still crossing over Jesus did not promise us that triumph that storm will not come but he said to us we shall arise somebody shout we shall arise we are crossing over like God left us but when we are going when we are crossing I may not have what I used to have I may not have the peace I may not have the support but we are crossing when we are crossing when we are crossing when we are 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prophesy prophesy and say up your name they will collapse on you up your name I was the anointed I was the pious by your name by your name by your name by your name by your name by your name by your name by your name by your name by your name and change it but when you are weak by your name and change it they call you weak they say you are a traitor by your name and change it you know how it's not by power not by might but by the power of the Holy Ghost that shall manifest the power of prayer and the will of Mary Jesus informed the woman of a cruel procession but when the hellenic power should know what the woman did say this is the will of the God who appraised Isaac and he was like heaven but when he said what the woman did the God of Satan said Buddha and heaven said your name will change that is why the woman changed from a prostitute into a woman and finally she went back to the same man that used to abuse her and she said everybody come and see and let them obtain an authority and let them obtain power and change it this very thing has been changed in your name in your name in your name in your name it changed the woman of you I speak to you the power of prayer when souls wanted to pray the power of prayer when the father the father Israel wanted to pray his soul the power of prayer the old man the man with the black the man who was the black the power of prayer he called he called his head the night declared there is a cross there is a cross there is a there is a cross there is a cross the message that was meant for you to kill you to fire you in the name of in the name of Jesus in the name of in the name of the power of prayer every hour there is a relief a change will never last the power of prayer every hour day by day it is by luck it will not last if it has been relieved but it cannot last what shall happen he will cry and go back he will cry the power of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of in the name of in the name of in the name of in the name 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