Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker expresses gratitude for being in the house of the Lord and emphasizes the importance of relying on God. They mention the presence of God in the church and the need to respond to His word. They then read a passage from the book of 1 John, emphasizing the importance of walking in the light and confessing sins. The speaker then transitions to preaching about the blood of Jesus and its power to save and redeem. They talk about Jesus' entry into Jerusalem and the significance of His sacrifice on the cross. They encourage listeners to seek Jesus and find peace through His blood. They also mention the current state of society and the need for Jesus in a world filled with chaos and wickedness. The speaker concludes by emphasizing that Jesus conquered death and sin, offering a way for people to overcome and live above sin. They mention the Israelites' bondage in Egypt and how the blood of the Lamb saved them. The speaker encourages listeners to overcome by the blood of Jesus and the Well, it's certainly given me the house of the Lord tonight. How many knows I can't walk? I can't walk without Him holding my hand. I'm thankful for what God has done for me, how He's been a present help in a time of need. I'm thankful for the opportunity to be here with you all, and I love preaching here and being with my church. How many is thankful for what God has done for you at this place? How many has had touch in this house? How many has felt God in this house? Now I'm thankful for this place. Let's go right to the Word of God tonight. Let's go to the book of 1 John. First John, chapter number one. First John, chapter number one, and we'll begin at verse number six. Hallelujah. If it's okay to stretch your hands real quickly and ask God to bless the Word tonight that God would help us. God, I pray that right now, as we go into this Word, that You, O God, would help us tonight. That the God... And that You would help us, God, and that the guidance of the Holy Ghost would come in here. Move, O God, speak unto us that the Word of God be an evocation to the church. I pray that, O God, that we would respond to the reading and the hearing of the Word of God tonight. In Jesus' name I pray, amen. First John, chapter one, verse six. If we say that we have fellowship with Him and walk in darkness, we lie and do not the truth. But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another. And the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His Word is not in us. Back at verse number seven, but if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another. And the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all sin. Lord, help me, I want to preach on the blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus. Come with me now. Let's travel back to Jerusalem. Passover's creeping up quickly. As we can see in Jerusalem, everybody's busy. If you can imagine here, Passover's creeping up. They're getting ready for this holiday that Jerusalem is so dedicated to. It's the Passover, the remembrance of when God brought the children of God out of Egypt land as Moses led them out. But in all the chaos and all the busyness, there came one riding on a donkey, as it was mentioned this morning. He came into the city of Jerusalem riding upon a donkey. As they were laying down the branches, and they were crying out, Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna. And there was one in the crowd of all the busyness that said, who is this man? Who is this man that everybody's so crazy about, and they're making a loud noise about, and they're making commotion about? I can imagine here, as the priests are watching all this, they must be saying, this is just too much. This is too much here. He's just a man. And I can imagine how the disciples are coming in Jerusalem, and they're getting ready for the Passover. And they had in their minds, we're just coming in to eat some bread and have a feast. But Jesus was coming in the town for some bigger plans. He was coming in to save the world and to redeem from all sin. His entry was to save and to redeem from all sins. I don't know who said, who is this man? I don't know who spoke those words and said, who is that? Who is this man? Well, as we know, we read the Bible, the priests did go to the disciples and went to Jesus and told Him, make them stop. Keep them quiet. And Jesus told them, if I stop them, the rocks are going to cry out. And I want to tell you something here. You might not know who He is right now, and you might not understand, but He ain't come to just eat some bread. He's my Jesus. He's come to redeem and to save that which was lost. He's come to save and to bring out of corruption. It's in the blood of Jesus. You ought to give Him honor. It's in the blood. I said the blood. What can wash away my sins? Nothing. I said nothing but the blood of Jesus. We live in a shaky society. Nothing is sure and steady in the souls of man. There is an internal conflict in the depths of a man or a woman's soul. The battle of wrong and right. But there are those who are dedicated to diligently seek and find that steadfast feeling as they are seeking and looking. I can picture in my mind as they're focused on what I need. I need counseling. I need guidance. But as they're seeking and as they're looking, there's a man in the background who's hanging on a cross and he's crying out, Come unto me, O ye that are heavy laden. My God, my God. I come a tale, a generation, and stop running from God. It's in the blood of Jesus. And you will find the peace that you're looking for. When they're looking and as they're searching through this sinful world and this wicked life, do you mind if I preach for you? Preach to you for a moment here. We live in a wicked hour. We live in evil days. It don't take us long to figure that out. I mean, it doesn't take you long to get on your news app or wherever you look at and start scrolling and see all the chaos and the confusion and the horrible life that is in people. And it's become a wicked, wicked hour. And I know sometimes it seems like we're far off from Jesus. It sometimes feels like, where is the redemption? I come to remind you, Ephesians says, But now is Christ Jesus. Ye who sometimes were far off or may nigh by the blood of Christ. He might feel like you're far away, but get the blood and he'll draw you in. I say get a hold of the blood, the blood, the blood. Raise your hands real quickly and thank God for a moment for the blood. Hallelujah. Jesus shed for me. Glory, glory, glory to God. Hallelujah. They're searching and they're seeking to find that peace in their mind, in their soul. It seems like it doesn't take us long to find somebody who's battled with some kind of infirmity, that battled with some kind of anxiety or depression or oppression. I have to be honest with you. Don't take me the wrong way. They tell you, I've tried this. Have you tried Jesus? Have you tried Jesus? Have you gotten a hold of the blood? Maybe that's why you ain't got peace in your life. This world is not in peace. Because they missed something. They forgot the blood. I said they forgot the blood. Jesus came into town and he came to save. He went to a cross and he paid the price. No one exactly knew what was going on. But there was one who was on the cross suffering and paying the price for all humanity. I said all humanity. All humanity. That was you. That was you. No one in this building was there when he was crucified. No one in this building was at Golgotha when he was nailed to the cross. But you might feel like you're far away. But I want to remind you. He was thinking of you. Hallelujah. I said he was thinking about you. He was on the cross. And he was paying the price. So you don't have to live in darkness. Colossians 1 and 13 says, Who have delivered us. That's speaking of Jesus. That's from the power of darkness. And have translated us. He changed us. I once spoke a language of sin. I once spoke as a sinner. But he translated me. He changed me up. Hallelujah. Us unto the kingdom of his dear son. In whom we have redemption. Through the blood. Even the forgiveness of sins. You can be forgiven. But it's through the blood. It's through the blood. Jesus said unto his disciples. John 6. 53 and 55. Then Jesus said unto them. Verily, verily, I say unto you. Now I don't know about you. But I hear some boldness in Jesus' voice here. Verily, verily, I say unto you. Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man. And drink his blood. Ye have no life in you. Whoso eateth my flesh. And drinketh my blood. Hath eternal life. And I will raise him up. At the last day. He that eateth my flesh. And drinketh my blood. Dwelleth in me. And I in him. For my flesh is meat indeed. And my blood is drink indeed. Jesus was talking to them. I can drain the death out of you. And I want to put life back in you. I want to put life back in you. I want to remind you of something right here. When Jesus was on the cross. He conquered death. And he conquered sin. He said it is finished. He conquered it. It was a done deal. He sealed the deal. He paid the price. He laid him in the tomb. And they sealed him. And they locked the door. And he went down to hell. And he got the keys. I said he got the keys. Then he conquered the grave. On the third day. I said he's a conqueror. I said he's a conqueror. He got back up. And he rose in victory. I said he's a conqueror. I'm really thankful. I'm going to raise my hands. I serve a conquering Savior. One more time. Raise your hands. For a moment. He conquered hell. He conquered death. He conquered the grave. But he conquered you. And me. He conquered our sins. We're born sinners. Let's be honest here. We're born to live as sinners. It's natural for us to sin. It's in us to live like we do. But he made a way. That you ain't got to live in sin. I just want to tell you something. You ain't got to live in sin. I said you ain't got to live in it. He gave us a way. That we can get above it. That we can rise above it. And not have to live in sin. Hallelujah. Revelation 12 and 11 says. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb. And by the word of their testimony. And they loved not their lives until the death. He said they overcame him. By the blood of the Lamb. I want to bring you back real quickly. To the Israelites when they were in Egypt. Remember they were in bondage. They were slaves to Egypt. They lived every day. Under the control and the wrath of Pharaoh. The leader of Egypt. But after all those plagues. Not one of them worked. Old Pharaoh did say. Yeah I'll let you go. But he always changed his mind. Or he had some business with it. You can go but you've got to leave your livestock with me. You can go. But I've got some negotiation to do. And see that's how the devil is. He likes to think he lets you go. But he's got some strings on you. He's got some attachments. But I want to tell you something. After all those plagues. And after all of that. Do you know what got them out of Egypt? It was the blood. I said it was the blood. And it got them out. You remember on Passover. When they applied the blood. Over the door post. And the deaf angel. It passed over them. It was the blood. That got them out. And it's the same with you and I. It's the blood. I will get you out. What can wash away my sins? I say nothing. I say nothing. But the blood. Me whole again. Nothing. But the blood. Of Jesus. Isaiah said. He was wounded for our transgressions. Bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him. And with His stripes. We are healed. I want to tell you a little testimony. That happened with me. As I don't tell it a whole lot. But as many of you know. A few months ago. I went through a battle. And no I didn't publicize it to everybody here. I didn't go around. Telling everybody I was facing something. I was up against something. I don't know exactly what it was. I look back on it now. And I believe it was anxiety. I'm not for sure. But as I was facing this. The only way I can describe it. Is everywhere I looked. I saw the enemy. I looked back. I even looked above and below. I felt like I was surrounded. By the enemy. And no one knew this. I shared it with my parents very briefly. But I couldn't really explain to them. What I was facing. I couldn't really explain to them. Put it in words. What I was up against. But I was in a battle. I was facing it hard. I couldn't even sing the way I wanted to. Let me just get on going here. It was in Revival with Ray Asher. And I got up there and sang. And I can't explain it. But I literally felt just oppressed. By the enemy. I just felt oppressing on my spirit. I can't explain it. I wish I could. But I really can't. I just felt like I was just so oppressed. And the devil was really pressing me hard. And as I was praying that night at Revival. I asked God what is wrong with me? I don't know what I'm facing here. And I felt God open up my eyes. And realize that I was facing an attack of the enemy. Well I began to really pray about it church. I mean I went to my prayer closet every day. And I began to really pray about it. I was like God. Take this away from me. Please relieve me of this. I'll be honest with you. I didn't feel nothing. I wasn't feeling it. But it was here in this church. I was singing with my mom. And you all may remember. We were singing something about the name of Jesus. We were singing that verse that says. There are days I feel the enemy is surrounding me. And if I breathe he will come. And he will devour me. And I'm talking I was praying. I mean I was praying while I was singing. And I was like God. I need you right now. I need you now. I can't go another day like this. And it was in that moment. I can't explain it. But my back did this. And my head went down. And when I came back up. I was loosed. Did you hear that? I was loosed. I was free. I mean immediately. It was God. I'm talking God. By the power of the blood. By the power of the blood. You may not feel like. You are trial you are facing. It's too big for God. But there is a remedy. I said there is a remedy. Hallelujah. I didn't testify about it that night. I didn't know exactly what that was in her mind. Well it might just be right now. I'm going to wait until I get home. I got home. I went to praying again. I'll tell you the Holy Ghost moved. And I felt his presence. And I was free. And from that point since. I've never faced it again. Your problem is not too big for the blood. It's not. Through the blood there is healing. Through the blood there is healing. Hallelujah. Raise your hands one more time. Ask God to help me here if I try to get you to an altar. God. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Oh yes. You might feel like it's just too big for God. It's just too big for God. I can't get out of this. You are getting lied to. The devil is lying to you. There is hope. I said there is hope. You know why I know that? My God went way for me to believe there is not hope for you. I'll pull the Holy Ghost right now. There has been too much hope shown. Too much love expressed. And too much mercy shown. For me to believe that you can't come out of that. Hallelujah. I said there is one that can get you out of that. He died upon an old rugged tree. And somehow in some way he even loved me. And with this blood I'm finally forgiven. I've now found the purpose for free living. You can come out of it. There is a fountain filled with blood. Drawing from Emmanuel's veins. And sinners that plunge beneath the flood lose all their guilty stains. Hallelujah. You're greater than what you're facing. The Father of God. Little children. And have overcome them. Because greater is He that is in you. That's in you. Than He that is in the world. You don't have to leave this house the same way you came in. I said you don't have to leave this house the same way you came in. And quickly come to the music please. The same way you came in. There is power. Wonder work and power in the blood. I said there is power. Wonder work and power in the blood. Hallelujah. There is power in the blood of Jesus. You can come unto Him and get what you need. One more time raise your hands. Oh hallelujah. I want to tell you something. You might feel like it's hopeless. But I know a man who got up on a tree so that you can be saved. Hallelujah. His blood runs deeper than depression. It runs deeper than anxiety. It goes deeper than addiction. It goes deeper than homosexuality. It runs deeper than the scars of the past and bitterness and the stains of sin. It washes it all. Why don't you come and get a taste of the blood. Hallelujah. Stand across the house. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. You might feel like it's hopeless. I can't get out of this. I want to God you make a move. I want to God you make a move. He showed His love. He paid a price. I'm looking for somebody to make a move. I said make a move right now in the name of Jesus. And get your blessing right now in the gospel of this church. Get your blessing. Somebody make a move. Right now. Right now. Step out and get a blessing. Right now. Come on. Let's fill these altars. Step out and make a move. Right now. Anybody want to make a move? Can somebody make a move right now? If you're waiting for me to give an altar call I'm sorry. I want to see you make a move. I said I want to see you make a move on Palm Sunday. He's come to seek and to save that which was lost. You ought to make a move right now. Right now. And get what you need from God. My God in heaven. My God in heaven. Oh I know it was the blood. I know it was the blood. I know it was the blood. Come on make a move. Let's fill these altars. Let's raise your hands. Lift up your hands. I want to see you make a move. Raise your hands. Come on let's go. I know it was the blood. I know it was the blood. I know it was the blood. For me. One day when I was lost He died upon a cross. I know it was the blood. I know it was the blood. I know it was the blood. I know it was the blood. I know it was the blood. I know it was the blood. For me. One day when I was lost He died upon a cross. I know it was the blood. For me. They nailed him to a cross. They nailed him to the cross. They nailed him to the cross. For me. For me. One day when I was lost He died upon a cross. And I know it was the blood. For me. I know it was the blood. I know it was the blood. I know it was the blood. For me.