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2024-03-03AM- Sunday Morning Exhortations

2024-03-03AM- Sunday Morning Exhortations

Gospel Light Holiness ChurchGospel Light Holiness Church



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The speaker begins by thanking the Lord and discussing how the ark of God brought blessings to Obed-Edom's house. They mention how David danced before the Lord with all his might and how it was a duty that turned into a desire. They talk about their own past experiences of giving everything at country concerts and compare it to worshiping the Lord. They express their appreciation for the Lord's presence and blessings. They then shift to discussing the importance of obedience and sacrificing things for God's plans to be fulfilled. They mention the story of Abraham and Isaac as an example. They encourage the congregation to search their hearts and lay down anything that may be hindering God's blessings. They end by singing a song and inviting everyone to the altar to seek God's guidance. Go ahead, obey the Lord. Hallelujah. Well, I'm so thankful for what I'm telling here this morning. Oh, hallelujah. I was in prayer earlier this week, and I've read this, and I know you've read this many times. I'm not going to be long here. I'm going to get out of the way. But we know what the Bible tells us about the ark of God. When it was in Obedahm's house, how that it blessed his house. And the Bible tells us in 2 Samuel, in chapter number 6 here, that it was told King David, saying, The Lord has blessed the house of Obedahm and all that pertaineth unto him because of the ark of God. Because of his presence. His presence was with them. Right. Like what it said, Brother Camden. So David went and brought up the ark of God from the house of Obedahm into the city of David with gladness. But I'm going to tell you, don't stop there. I got to reading this, and I about had a shouting fit in my prayer closet. Glory to God. And it was so that when they brought, or they bared the ark of the Lord, had gone six paces, he sacrificed oxen and fatlings. Listen to what the Bible said. And David danced before the Lord with all his might. And David was girded with a linen cloth. I looked at that there, and you can read, you can follow back up, and you'll read those instructions on how to bring the ark of God. There was a duty there. That David knew how to do this. There was instructions. But something happens along this journey that the duty of God becomes the desire in David's heart. And he dances before the Lord. And I began to think about that as I was praying. Amen. And this morning, amen, how God's a-falling in this house. Amen. My mind went back, Brother Camden. Amen. When I was about 18, 19, 20 years old, I would go, amen, and I would spend money on these country concerts. Amen. I would go in there, amen, and they would get up and sing. They didn't care nothing about me, Brother Austin. It didn't matter if I was there or not. Amen. But I would hoop and holler. Amen. I would give everything. Amen. When they got out to sing, what I thought this morning, when I came into the house of God, and when I come to serve Him, amen, it didn't cost me nothing, but it cost Him everything. Amen. I'm telling you, I'm here this morning to give praise to the Lord. Why? Because, Brother Robert, His blessings, His presence are here. And David said, I'm going to dance before the Lord. He told me to care. He said, I'll tell you what, I'll do it greater the next time. I'll dance before Him. I won't hold nothing back because He gave everything to me. Amen. I appreciate the Lord this morning, what I feel in my soul. Amen. I'll tell you, I don't ever want to hold nothing back from Him. I want to give Him all. Amen. Of my heart, David danced. Amen. With everything in Him. He gave everything he had because he knew the blessing and the presence of the Lord was among him. Hallelujah. I appreciate the Lord this morning, what I feel in my soul. Amen. You know, some people may come in here sometime, amen, and see us carrying on. Amen. And they may think, well, amen, they've probably done that all their lives. Amen. I've got news for you. Amen. I'm ashamed of a past that I've had. But I'm so glad this morning that I've got a Savior who separated as far as the east from the west, put it into a sea of forgiveness, never to remember it again. And I've come into His courts, in His courts with thanksgiving, into His gates with praise. Amen. To enter into it. Amen. And praise Him with all of my heart, soul, and mind. I appreciate the Lord, what I feel in my soul this morning. Amen. I had to get it off my chest. Amen. I had to magnify Him. Amen. We were still teaching. Amen. And I know, amen, you all, Brother Michael's teaching the same. Amen. But I'm telling you, amen, Paul, let them know, I've come to preach the gospel. It's Jesus Christ crucified. It is the cross. That is why I can stand this morning and shout hallelujah. That is why I can come in here and praise Him and give Him all the glory that He deserves. Amen. Amen. He blessed the house where the ark was. Amen. And I believe He's right here this morning. And I appreciate what I feel in my soul. Hallelujah. The house of Obed-Edom got so blessed that word made it to King David, and David said, I want that. I look around this place today and I say, I want that. Praise God. Hallelujah. I want that. Praise God. I want that. And you know what David did? He could have sat back at the palace and said, it sure would be nice if we had that. David got up and went and got it. Hallelujah. Praise God. I don't want you to hesitate today, but I want you to give glory to God. Somebody's got something on their heart. Come right ahead. Go right ahead. Come on. Yes. Hallelujah. I usually, I typically don't bring my phone to service. I don't bring my phone here. This morning I did because I know after the service we have plans to go out. So I decided to bring my phone with me this service just so I would have it between services. And I'm not going to say that everybody needs to do that. That's just what I've been doing. I've been keeping my phone home for the most part. I decided today to bring it with me. But as I came to the altar and as we worshipped the Lord, there was a burning in my mind. And nothing was specifically addressed on my phone, but what it was was that my phone needed to be laid down while I was right there worshipping the Lord. My phone ought not to have been in my pocket when I was right here worshipping the Lord. And I'm not saying anybody has to do that along with me. But I'm going to leave my phone at home when I go to service. I'm not going to bring it with me because God burned it in my mind to leave it. And I'm thankful that He did. But as the Lord blessed me, and I so thank the Lord for it, that I believe the Word of God came to me. I truly believe this. I'm not trying to blame foolishness on the Holy Ghost, anything that I could say, just any random thought that came across my head. I'm saying I believe the Word of God came to me. And I'm thankful for it. And the Word of God that came to me was about Abraham and how God had a plan. And the plan of God was to bless Abraham by building for him a nation. And I believe that God wants to build something for somebody. I believe God has a plan for a building here. I believe that God has building plans. And I believe the Lord has spoken to me and has told me to tell you all that before Abraham got his promise, before Abraham got that nation built for him, the Lord told him to sacrifice his son Isaac before Abraham got his blessing and before Abraham got his promise. It was a test of obedience. And I believe that just like my phone, and I don't want to cheapen the Word of God, but just like that phone, to put it away and to lay it down was burning in my mind. And I'm here to tell somebody that God will not give you that building. God will not fulfill that promise until you do what He said to do. You've got to be obedient to God first before He provides you that building, before He gives you the material for that. He has first given you building plans. And that has to start with a foundation. And the foundation might just be your Isaac. The foundation might just be that thing that you have to lay down first. I'm not here to change the service. I'm not here to get the spotlight. I'm here to glorify the Lord and deliver the Word of God. I believe, as I was preaching the other night, as I just started talking about the ladies, and I started specifically talking to them for a few moments, and I believe that God is telling a woman that you need to lay Isaac down. I believe that God is telling a woman that before you get your promise, you have got to do this first. You have got to lay it down. And I believe that until Abraham did it, it burned in his mind. And it will burn in your mind until you make the sacrifice. I want to give this back to Brother Tim. This is what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to be obedient to the Lord. Until you lay it down, God will not fulfill the promise. I cannot help but think that somebody knows exactly what Brother Camden is talking about. I can't help but think that somebody knows just exactly what this is about. Hallelujah. So give us a song because we're going to make an altar. And we're going to give opportunity while it's fresh. While it's fresh. Don't take it home and say we'll work this out later. I'm going to give you the opportunity right now that we'll get in this altar and we're going to start doing some searching. And if you wonder if it's you, it's a good place to get in this altar and say, Lord, I want to know. Because God, there's things that I need. There's things that I need. And if that is in the way and I cannot loosen my grip from it, Lord, would you pry my fingers. Let's all come. Let's all come. And I really want you to talk to God. Oh, what is it? God's more than happy to make sure you know. He's dealing. He's more than happy to let you know just exactly what needs to go. When I lay my eyes down, broken hearts of my fathers frown. When I lay my eyes down, broken hearts of my fathers frown. When I lay my eyes down, broken hearts of my fathers frown. When I lay my eyes down, broken hearts of my fathers frown. When I lay my eyes down, broken hearts of my fathers frown. When I lay my eyes down, broken hearts of my fathers frown. When I lay my eyes down, broken hearts of my fathers frown. When I lay my eyes down, broken hearts of my fathers frown. When I lay my eyes down, broken hearts of my fathers frown. When I lay my eyes down, broken hearts of my fathers frown. When I lay my eyes down, broken hearts of my fathers frown. When I lay my eyes down, broken hearts of my fathers frown. When I lay my eyes down, broken hearts of my fathers frown. When I lay my eyes down, broken hearts of my fathers frown. When I lay my eyes down, broken hearts of my fathers frown. When I lay my eyes down, broken hearts of my fathers frown. When I lay my eyes down, broken hearts of my fathers frown. When I lay my eyes down, broken hearts of my fathers frown. When I lay my eyes down, broken hearts of my fathers frown. When I lay my eyes down, broken hearts of my fathers frown. When I lay my eyes down, broken hearts of my fathers frown. When I lay my eyes down, broken hearts of my fathers frown. When I lay my eyes down, broken hearts of my fathers frown. When I lay my eyes down, broken hearts of my fathers frown. When I lay my eyes down, broken hearts of my fathers frown. When I lay my eyes down, broken hearts of my fathers frown. When I lay my eyes down, broken hearts of my fathers frown. 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