Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker talks about a conversation they had with someone who was encouraging them to compromise their beliefs for worldly success. The speaker refuses to compromise and shares how they have seen the negative effects of compromise in their own family. They emphasize the importance of staying true to their Christian faith and trusting in God to guide their paths. The speaker also discusses the responsibility they feel to represent Christ in their conversations and interactions with others. They encourage the audience to be coachable and open to learning from others, and to seek help and support when needed. The speaker concludes by referencing a Bible verse and discussing the importance of not relying solely on their own wisdom, but reaching out to others for guidance and support. Hallelujah. Oh, take the whole world. Please, take the whole world, but give me Jesus. Praise God. Hold fast to His hands. Thank you. God bless you. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. I had a conversation last week, Brother Anthony, with an individual I'm working with. You and I both know who I'm talking about. And those that don't have internet at the house, those that don't have TV, Brother Tim knows enough about me to know this conversation isn't going to go away the way that he wants it to. And he's been trying to encourage me to do more and do more in my business and just go out there and just go all out on it. And he was talking to me about some things, and he said, you know, he was beating around the bush, he was trying to get to a point, and I told him, I said, just tell me. He was trying to get around, trying to figure out the best way to tell me without me seeing exactly what he was trying to say. And he finally told me, he said, well, he said, I know you don't have internet, I know you don't have TV, he said, but there is a certain time in life when you've got to pick those things up. Because, he said, in order to prosper in this world, you're going to have to know what those things are. And I told him, I just smiled. I didn't really say a whole lot. He knew the answer before we ever asked her. He wouldn't have had such a hard time asking me that. But I'm going to stand up here flat-footed and stand up here with all confidence and tell you that I will never give in to compromise. And I don't care what the world has to offer. That compromise is not worth it. I've got a whole family lost in sin because they gave in to compromise. And where are they at? They're calling me in the middle of the night crying, drunk, crying. What am I going to do? Laying all their trouble in front of me through the phone and saying, what do I do with this? And I told him, you know exactly what that is. That's a bunch of sin and you know exactly how to get rid of it. Compromise don't get us nowhere. We've got to be that old-time Christian. You get that asked a lot. You one of them old-time Christians? Absolutely. Proverbs chapter number three. Verse number six through verse number twelve. And all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes. Fear the Lord and depart from evil. It shall be the health of thy navel and the marrow of thy bones. I will repeat that verse there. It shall be the health of thy navel and the marrow of thy bones. Honor the Lord with thy substance and with the firstfruits of all thine increase. So shall thy barns be filled with plenty and thy presses shall burst out with new wine. My son despised not the chastening of the Lord, neither be weary of his correction. For whom the Lord loveth, he correcteth. Even as a father, the son in whom he delighted. Pray with me tonight. Lord Jesus, we ask you, Lord Father God, to come in this house. Lord Jesus, anoint my tongue, Lord God. Use me in your way, God. I want to give you honor and all the glory, God. Lord God, I want to edify your word, Jesus. Lord God, I want to witness as you come down here and anoint these altars, God. O God, anoint these people. Anoint the ears to hear, God, I pray. In Jesus' holy name, Lord Father God, grace and mercy. Amen. Verse number six. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths. He shall direct thy paths. How often as we have saints, Brother Jameson, have we not wanted to sit in that pew and not wanted to be preached on and not wanted the Holy Ghost to move and known that we've got something in our lives and maybe we don't know exactly what's there or we do and we just don't, we think all eyes are on us. Well, they ought just be, but we're at that time, Brother Anthony, where we are in training to become somebody and something for this kingdom. And that is with us being pretty much Christians. And I have preached out of this chapter of recent, a couple of messages ago. I preached out of this chapter. The Lord brought me right back to it. And you know, I was reading and I was studying this and I really felt the Lord here. So I'm right back where I have been before. And so I'm going to preach. This isn't the same message I have preached previous times, but it is a little different route. But bear with me. The title that I'm going with today is Your Lifeline is Christ. Your Lifeline is Christ. And everybody here knows what I do on a daily basis at work and at Altec. And it also goes, it's become something that's after work too when I go to my renovations. Most of my conversations I have, they're usually geared towards Christ. And I try to make it to where they do that, Brother Tim, within reason. And there's some things I can't, but there's a lot of times when I have those conversations one-on-one at work and I end up feeling like I'm the work priest or whatever you want to call it, the chaplain. I hear a lot of things that people come to me, they see me as who I am. And I've got to learn, Brother Anthony, each time that I have that conversation with somebody, each time that I'm talking, I'm talking as Christ would talk to them. Because I might be the only Christ they ever see. I'm trying to catch up on some of the ministers' conference messages, and I was listening to Brother Webb this week, and was that a message? That was a message. But the Lord led me here, and I just want to obey the Lord. Now, verse number 6, Acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes. Fear the Lord, and depart from evil. It shall be the health of thy navel, and the marrow of thy bones. Honor the Lord with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase. So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst with the new wine. My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord, neither be weary of his correction. For whom the Lord loveth, he correcteth, even as a father the son in whom he delighteth. Saints, we're here in time. We're in 2024. This is a whole new time for us. And what have we been... We've all kind of taken part of... We want to see 50 souls saved this year, correct? We all heard that, right? And what are we doing to become that person that can talk to somebody and persuade them? That might be just something that I'm interested in. That might just be something that I've been looking for all my life. And I'm here to tell you tonight that everything that we do, and every conversation that we have, we have to be in the mind of Christ. And we have to know that everything that we do can reflect exactly, and encourage somebody, and discourage somebody. We've got to be careful, saints. And I was kind of a little bit on the coachable thing on this. I'm a coach at work. And coaching, yeah, that has its place at work. And I'm up here, and I don't really look at this as coaching. I'm up here preaching. I'm preaching the Word of God. This is coaching in a way, but it's ministering as well. There's all kinds of sorts of coaching and things. And when you go to looking up stuff, when you go to preach something, you look up coaching. And, of course, all the sports and all the junk pops up, and they have this great idea, Brother Anthony. They've got this really wonderful idea. But there's something missing in it. In a recent conversation I've had with several people of higher up that have been my mentors, they told me if you don't have the heart, say, Brother Tim, if you're at work, if you don't have the heart to do what you've got to do, Brother Austin, if you don't want to work on animals, you're not really going to be real good at it. And people aren't going to believe in a conversation. When you have this long conversation, if you don't use those big, long words and the things that you know, they're going to think this guy doesn't know what he's doing. How many of us are going to talk about Christ and actually know what we're doing? And be able to be an example, but also that person looks at us and says, you know what, this might be the real thing. This man might be exactly what I need to witness to me, and this is exactly what I want. Verse number six is to acknowledge Him. Listening to God is the key to understanding what He wants us to do. This type of behavior is allowing yourself to be coachable. It can be the beginning of a long and prosperous journey in Christ. That being said, everything that we do, saints, everything that we do, everything, every conversation we have, it can be something that's being used. Or if it can't, we need to check ourselves. Verse number seven. Be not wise in thine own eyes. And we're going to turn to Galatians 6 and 1. Now, be not wise in thine own eyes. We are often very confident in ourselves. And we can figure it out. We know what's best. Like me, personally, this is... Guys, I'm talking to me as much as I'm to anybody else. I'm one of the first ones to try to handle it all myself. I'm one of the last ones to ask for help. But I'm here to tell you that this is not something we need to fight by ourselves. We have to reach out. I wrote some stuff down here. We have been here before and we can navigate through this thing. We know what we're doing until we just get to that spot where we just absolutely have to have help. It always is wise to reach out and ask for help. That can be anybody, Brother Anthony. That can be any brother in the church. That can be your deacons. That can be your elders. That can be your pastor. I would implore you to reach out, Brother Jameson, to those that are your mentors that are in Christ. I would implore everyone in here to reach out to that person that could guide them because we are not in this thing alone. We are here. We are together. We are stronger as a Christian team as you might put it out there. Galatians 6, 1-8 Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, and one in the spirit of meekness, considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted, bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceived himself. But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. For every man shall bear his own burden. Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teaches in all good things. Be not deceived, God is not mocked. For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption. But he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life everlasting. That last verse, verse number 8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption. But he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life everlasting. The direction I'm wanting to go right there with that is I've been there before where I felt like I could handle it all myself. And where did I end up? I ended up in a world, brother Quentin, of sin. I was off by myself. I could handle it all. I had all the answers. I had all the answers, brother Quentin, but I was depending on myself. When we start depending on Christ for every move that we make, for our exact spiritual life, we are going to be in the will of Christ. And He is strengthening us. And He is helping us through. Verse number 8 there, that speaks to me as what the old Joe, the old man. I don't want that old man to come back. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption. I remember that time, brother Anthony, when I woke up with a headache. I remember that time. I remember what I did to get rid of that headache. I remember a lot from back then. And I don't ever want to forget that. That was corruption. And everything that I'd done was a thing that I'd done to myself. I can handle it all myself, sister Andrea. I got the answers and I can take off with this. When we start looking in the wrong direction, and the wrong direction is not at self, it's upwards. It's at Christ. We're going to turn right back over to Proverbs. Verse number 7 says, Be not wise in thine own eyes. Fear the Lord and depart from evil. Verse number 8, It shall be health to thy navel and morrow to thy bones. I was looking into this, and I'm not sure how many of you have ever looked up this scripture and what this scripture means. But like brother Anthony, when we're depending on Christ, and Christ is feeding us and leading us, and we're becoming somebody that is led by Christ, that scripture there, it shall be health to thy navel. Navel is your body. When you're looking into it, it's everything. It describes it all, but it's your inside of your body. Without it, you wouldn't exist. And then the morrow of thy bones. What does morrow in your bones do? And if you look into the morrow, brother Jameson, of your bones, without your bone marrow, you wouldn't be anything. It supplies your blood. It does everything. So your bones also, what does bones do? You are what your bones are. Without bones, we wouldn't be anything. But you look into that scripture, it shall be the health of thy navel and the morrow of thy bones. Everything that Christ is feeding us, brother Anthony, the walk that we're learning, the talk that we're learning as Christ, the example that we're giving everyone, that is what we're depending on. And it depends on us to be exactly... It's everything in us. It's our whole body. It's everything. And it is exactly what that scripture says. It is the health of thy navel and the morrow of thy bones. Verse number nine, honor the Lord with thy substance and with the firstfruits of all thine increase. It just keeps on going. And I'm going from scripture to scripture here. This is just astounding to me how the Lord is leading, guiding, and explaining here. Honor the Lord with thy substance and with the firstfruits of all thine increase. Let's elaborate a little bit on that scripture. So much of the Lord has saved us from. Taught us. So much the Lord has saved us from. Taught us even with our everyday walk. He has shown us that He cares for us and we ourselves can be taught. Stay humble. Stay true. Don't ever forget what God has done for you and lean on that. Let this be your life lesson. Without Christ, I am lost and a sinful soul on my way to destruction. On my way to destruction, Brother Anthony. That's a long ways to go. And it ain't that far once you get off the road to heaven. That's straight and narrow. Once you get off that, it's a dreadful way. Verse number 10. So shall thy barns be filled with plenty and thy presses shall burst out with a new wine. It says it there. I've got a full house. I am overflowing, Brother Jameson. Me as a Christian, I remember what I used to be. I remember what I am now. My barns are full. I'm not thirsty no more. Jesus said in the Bible, thirst. You drink of that water, you'll thirst again. But you drink from my living water and you will never thirst again. He said it. And then here we are looking at... Let's see here. So that the barn is filled with plenty and thy presses shall burst out with new wine. I've got new wine tonight. And it's still new. I've been saved almost... I forget, 2014, however long. That's nine years ago or close. I think this year I might be working on my 10 years. But, Brother Anthony, new wine. Still got the new wine. And it's flowing out. It's flowing out. And you know what? It's contagious. The more we are with these people, Brother Anthony, or Brother Quentin, I'm looking at... Brother Quentin got a little less hair there. Alright, verse number 11. My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord. Neither be weary of his correction. How many of you guys have children? Or was raised and we didn't like that discipline? How many of us have sat in a church, Brother Jameson, like started out this with, and we got disciplined? And we got preached on? And we may not have liked it, but we were there. But how many of us, Brother Anthony, my picture of you in every service that I've ever known you, is you are leaning forward on the edge of your seat taking in every word. And I love that. I want to be just like... I want to soak in everything that the Lord has. When He's laid on one of our preachers, when He's laid on an evangelist, when He's laid on a missionary, I want to hear it. I want to soak it in. Because that's exactly... I'll never forget when I first accepted the call to preach, Brother Austin, the preacher looked at me and said, we need all the help we can get. We need as many preachers as we can get. We still ain't touched this thing. He picked up the Bible. Some of you may remember that. He picked up the Bible and he's like, we still ain't hit it all. We still need this Bible preached everywhere. And I don't ever want to forget that. I don't want to have a conversation with somebody and look at them for what they are. But I want to look at them for what they can become in Christ. And when we start having empathy with people and we're having a conversation with somebody, Brother Anthony, and we're trying to relate to where they're at, or not trying to relate to where they're at, but remembering I was there once. I can lead them. I might be able to get them right where they need to be. And I could possibly lead them right to Christ. And that needs to be our goal. We are the lifeline of Christ. And once we start getting the lifeline in order with ourselves, it's just second nature. We're going to have conversations that change things. We're going to have people that are reaching out to us. Brother Beavers told us last year or the year before, he said, when you catch on fire, they'll come to watch you burn. And that's an old song I heard years ago when I was younger. But he said, they'll come in. All you need to worry about is getting yourself in line and getting on fire for God and making sure that you're in the right way and they'll come to watch you burn. And it's not that hard. As all of us have seen, you catch on fire for Jesus and they'll come to watch you burn. My son despised not the chastening of the Lord, neither be weary of his correction. Verse number 12, For whom the Lord loveth, he correcteth, even as a father the son in whom he delighteth. Christ showed us when He was on this earth what we need to do as Christians. Jesus taught the young man and the old how to be obedient Christians. He showed us what being obedient looks like. Philippians 2 and 8, and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient unto God. Being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death. Even the death of the cross. Even as a father the son in whom he delighteth. Each one of us are proud of what our children have accomplished. A father and a son have a special bond. All of us can relate to that. Brother Anthony, you're proud of your children. I'm very proud of my children. I'm proud of my son. I'm proud of what he's become. I'm very happy that he, I'm astounded that he has gave his life to Christ. And I see him up here with his hands raised. And that just, that joys my soul. And that's the longest, that's the biggest thing that I could have ever wanted is my children to have the desire and have a church that has the liberty for them to come forward and just reach out. God, I want exactly what I see everybody else. Everybody that I'm looking up to around here, I want exactly what they have. And we, as mentors, us as brothers in Christ, us as sisters in Christ, remember there's children looking at us. They're following in our footsteps. We've got to be willing, everyone, we've got to be willing to walk in a way that our footsteps can be followed behind us. Not in leaping long strides that a child can't walk in. And I just, I'm coming at you with that. But everything that we do, make sure that someone can follow us right to Christ from behind. And that is my children. That is an example, and I'm an example to the children here. I'm an elder, or I'm a deacon, I'm not an elder, I ain't that old. I'm a deacon in this church. I'm a deacon in this church. And I want to be that person. And all of us, I know all of us are striving to be exactly what we need to be to lead to Christ. And I know this is a different message, I'm doing a lot of reading here, but I really felt the Lord, I really felt the Lord, and I really wanted to just follow along. I almost feel like this is more like a teaching than a preaching. And I'm going to keep on reading here, and a little bit farther I'm about done. You can come to your feet if you would, and then somebody come to the piano. Each trial is a growth. It's a journey. It's a growing, it's a building up of the mind towards Christ. I've talked about it recently. Our minds get affected. Brother Webb mentioned that with having a busy life, and that message he preached at the ministers' conference. And I've mentioned it oftentimes before, but my mind gets busy quickly. And I've always got something, I've got a hundred somethings going on in my mind. But it's real easy for me, I'm speaking frankly here, it's real easy for me as Joe Durbin to get so busy that my mind is so busy I don't have anything left for Christ, Brother Jameson. And when we are that way, someone walks up to us, Sister Andrea, and they need that support. They need that person to listen to them and be exactly what they are looking for. There's a gentleman at work, and he's gone through a lot. He's gone through so much. He's been coming to me all week, and he's sitting down and he's talking to me. And it's opened a lot of doors up. And he's gone through a lot of personal things, and he doesn't say he's ever been to a Pentecostal, but he says his grandmother is from Hodgeville, and she's a Pentecostal. And I've not been able to get that information out of him, but he knows, Brother Tim, he knows what's right. And he looked at me, he's the one who looked at me and said, Are you that good Pentecostal, or are you that other Pentecostal? And I said, I think I might be the good, the old-fashioned Pentecostal. And he's like, Dresses? No makeup? No ring? Yeah, that's it. Okay, yeah, you're good. So he trusts me, and he comes in there. And that is what we're here for, guys. And it doesn't matter if we're in this. It's harder when we're in Walmart, unless you're just that person that stops some random person pushing a cart. I kind of go in the store and want to get out of there. That's probably my weakness is I'm not stopping and talking to everybody and being a witness. And I might not be a real good witness when I'm pushing a cart through the store at 100 miles an hour trying to get out of there. But that being said, we've got to be very careful how we react, because every conversation we have, everything that we have, we're an example to that person, to what we claim we are. I don't want to be that person that's already been mentioned, that's that sometimes Christian, that Sunday Christian, or that weekend Christian. I want to be that person, that living by example, that is exactly what you may want, that you're missing. You've had something missing in your life for a long time, and you might just come across one of God's saints, and they might just exactly have what that person needs. I've mentioned it already tonight. I've got family that's lost, way, way lost. And we've kind of pulled away from our family a little bit. I don't go see them as much. But I have to make sure that I don't do that a lot, because it's going to pull me completely out of that fold, and they won't be able to example me. There's a possibility they could be coming this weekend. And we all are going to be around. We'll be witnesses to those. And there's going to be other people that we see on an everyday basis that we are witnesses to. And if you can get anything out of this message tonight, remember that we are the reflection of Christ. And our lifeline, their lifeline, is Christ. Hebrews 12, 6-7, For whom the Lord loveth, he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. Verse number 7, If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons. For what son is it he whom the Father chasteneth not? Saints, when we're in a church, and we're in fellowship, and we get put in our place, or we get preached on, or the Word of God is preached, let us be humble and put ourselves right here where we need to be to stay where we can be that lifeline for Christ. In every conversation, in every act that we have, let us be that witness. And if you can take anything out of this tonight, let us all be witnesses for Christ. Every conversation and every action that we do, let us be examples for Christ. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. Let us pray. We're not just calling out names that they ain't even paying attention. They don't even know we're praying for them. Now, God's got people's attention. And let's keep them on our hearts and continue to pray. Is there anything else that I'm not announcing that I should be? Alright, let's stand together tonight. Yeah, go right ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Alright. Alright. Yeah, yeah. Go right ahead. But the Lord, I was in prayer this evening, got home a little late. I'll make this quick. I got home a little late, and my wife texted me, she said, I'm going to pray. That was hard enough for me too. And I went to Callie's room, and I was praying. Glory to God. And in my prayer, I was just saying, Lord, let us worship you tonight. Let us just go have church. And he checked. I mean, and I'm glad that he did. It wasn't a chastise, but he checked. And while I was praying, I felt my spirit. Did I not set you free? Did I not save your soul 22 years ago? Have I not been there for you? And just worship you. Amen. Just today. And tonight, I was up here, and I mean, I'm not bound in this place. Amen. But I know it's my position. Amen. But I'm putting it down, and I'm going to do what you said, Lord. You checked me in my prayer closet today, and I'm going to listen to you, and I'm just going to worship you. If nobody else does, I'm going to do it. I appreciate the Lord tonight. He saved my soul. He sanctified me. He filled me with the Holy Ghost. He's done so much in my family, so much for myself. Amen. I tell you, my father-in-law was exhorting tonight. Hallelujah. Amen. I've got so much to praise God for. Amen. That's why he just told me in my prayer closet. I'm saying, let us do this, Lord. Let us do that. Let us. He just said, do it. Do it. Do it. You're free to worship. You're not bound anymore. I appreciate the Lord tonight. I love Him. I don't want to get started. I'll never quit. Amen. I appreciate the Lord, and I'm glad to see Sister Nicole here. Let's stand together tonight. We'll be dismissed. Lord, thank You so much that we knew Your visitation tonight. God, we have faith and confidence that You're with us when we gather in Jesus' name. But tonight, You manifested Your presence right here with us, and for that, I thank You. I thank You for the Word that went forth tonight, God. Burn it in our hearts, Lord. Direct our path. Show us the way, O God, and anoint us as we reach for lost souls, and we give You glory, Lord, every step of the way. Keep, Lord, our church safe, and bring us together, God, together ready to worship or ready to do Your will in Jesus' name. Amen. Praise God.