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Polygyny 109 - Rebuttal to Kingdom in Context & Wretched

Polygyny 109 - Rebuttal to Kingdom in Context & Wretched

God Honest TruthGod Honest Truth



Dive into the facts with our latest video as we address and debunk misconceptions surrounding polygyny. In this insightful counterargument, we respond to videos put out by two widely-viewed channels that have presented incorrect perspectives on the practice of polygyny. https://godhonesttruth.com/wp/2024/01/26/polygyny-109-rebuttal-to-kingdom-in-context-wretched-god-honest-truth-live-stream-01-26-2024/


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In this final video of the Polygyny series, the speaker addresses two ministries, Kingdom in Context and Wretched TV, and their opposition to the practice of polygyny. They review the topics covered in previous videos such as the biblical examples of polygyny and its regulation in scripture. The speaker argues that polygyny is valid and endorsed by Yahweh, citing instances where multiple wives were given as rewards. They criticize the opposing ministries for poisoning the well and not providing proper justification for their arguments against polygyny. The speaker encourages viewers to question their traditional beliefs and study scripture for themselves. They emphasize the importance of context and unbiased interpretation in understanding the truth about polygyny. Shalom and welcome to our final video in our Polygyny series and our third and final video in our grouping of rebuttals to various ministries around the internet who have done a video opposing the scriptural practice of polygyny. Now in tonight's video we're going to be rebutting a ministry called Kingdom in Context and also another ministry titled Wretched TV or the Wretched Network. But before we get into that let's go ahead and do a quick review of what we've accomplished so far during the course of this series on polygyny. In our first video we went over the introduction and the terminology that we'll be using in the course of this video. In our second video in the series we went over various polygynous of the scriptures like Solomon, David, Moses, etc. In our third video in the series we went over polygyny by the scriptures, how the scriptures regulate and guide people in the practice of this form of marriage. In our fourth video we went over polygyny throughout history mainly focusing on Christians and after the first century up until today. In our fifth video we went over a patriarchy and how that's important not only to polygyny especially but also monogamy. In our sixth video we went over the advantages and the disadvantages of polygyny. In our seventh video we started the first in a grouping of rebuttal videos and that one was a rebuttal to a video put out by a ministry called 119 Ministries. In our eighth video in the series in our second rebuttal video we did a video rebutting a video put out by a messianic teacher named David Wilbur and a mainstream preacher named Mike Winger. And now finally in this video we're going to be finishing up the grouping of rebuttal videos and also we'll be finishing up the entire series. So if you haven't seen the previous videos go back and watch those for teachings on how polygyny comes from the scriptures and also the rebuttal videos to answer common objections that most people have to polygyny. Now like I said this video is going to be a rebuttal to a ministry called Kingdom in Context and also a ministry called Wretched TV or Wretched Network. In this video we're finally going to be addressing the creation ideal argument as well as some passages in the Brit Hadashah or the aka New Testament. So definitely some stuff that we have intentionally not addressed so far just because we knew we're going to be addressing it in this video. So with all that being said let's go ahead and start out with our first ministry tonight that we're going to be rebutting and that is a ministry called Kingdom in Context. The entire book is relevant for us today and we would happen to agree the entire book the entire Bible the entire set of scriptures is still relevant for us today including all of the regulations on polygyny all of the instances where the faithful men and women of scripture practice this form of marriage the entire Bible and everything in context. So what's interesting to me is that a person can can argue and try to debate for this concept that it's that they think it's something just because there's no legitimate law to punish someone if they do it right so people say well God allows it therefore it's okay well God did allow it you're right there's some instances where it was allowed and no one's punished for having more than one wife and that you know some people theorize that's just because of the the caretaking involved of what happens according to the law so that when you do take another wife sometimes it was given to you by other people to take care of her unfortunately there's provisions and rules about how you treat the wife you love and a wife you don't come from that we read about that later to the contrary it's actually fortunate that there are regulations telling people how to go about this type of marriage and you're right in that no one in scripture was ever condemned or punished for having more than one wife the reason for that is because scripture never prohibits it and never condemns it and the people of scripture for thousands of years understood that it was okay with Yahweh to have more than one wife we even see Yahweh himself rewarding Leah for giving her handmaiden to her husband in essence she was rewarded for giving her husband an additional wife we also see Yahweh giving multiple wives to David in 2nd Samuel chapter 12 verse 8 Yahweh gave the wives of Saul to David so not only is it never prohibited not only is there regulations guiding us and how to go about polygyny but there's also ample evidence to show that Yahweh endorses this type of lifestyle the point is this is a subject that I feel needs to be rightly divided and carefully divided and you're correct here as well this is a subject that needs to be rightly divided and correctly divided and when you take the entire context of scripture into account and not just certain passages by themselves out of context we see what scriptures actually teaching that polygyny is a valid form of marriage according to Yahweh and the scriptures and we see kind of a trend of popularity of polygyny or polygamy whatever you want to call it plural marriage within this community now here they're talking about the community being the Torah community or the messianic community and yeah more and more people are coming to the understanding that this is a valid scriptural form of marriage even for today and that nowhere in scripture does it prohibit a man taking more than one wife and the reason more and more people especially within the messianic community coming to understand this is because like many of us we come out of mainstream denominations and ways of thinking and we've realized that the entire word is still for us today so we start questioning what we've been taught in the past we start questioning our traditions that we've been spoon-fed and force-fed down our throats and one of the things that we start questioning or a lot of us start questioning is marriage both monogamy and polygyny so messianics are a questioning bunch we do that we've come to learn a lot of truth by questioning and it just so happens that plural marriage is one of those things that we happen to question more often than the mainstreamers do now unfortunately in their videos Kingdom in Context engages in the same kind of poisoning of the well that David Wilbur did in his videos regarding plural marriage that's about that dirty word polygamy yeah so I want to get very clear that we're not saying that plural marriage is quote sin that there is a commandment that says thou shalt not but we feel like you know it can very bad so here you just heard them say and try to poison the well by saying that dirty word polygamy instead of actually showing you and teaching you what scripture has to say about this subject now fortunately they understand that plural marriage is not a sin because it's not because it's not prohibited anywhere in scripture but then they go on to try and continue poisoning the well by implying that plural marriage is a bad idea without giving any reasoning or justification as to why and that would be very important if you're trying to convince someone that something is a bad idea they need to know why it's a bad idea and alternatively also what else would be a good idea in lieu of that presumably they would be implying that monogamy is the good idea but saying that polygyny is a bad idea without giving any scriptural justification or justification otherwise well that's just poisoning the well and trying to get your mind in the way they're thinking about the subject instead of the way scripture wants you to focus and think about the subject again scripture should change us we should not try and change scripture but while they're still studying out they sometimes focus you know very biasly on certain phrases and skip over entire context and portions of other phrases to support a very specific narrative of polygamy now here they're trying to make it seem as though those of us who understand what scripture says about plural marriage are doing so I'm coming to this conclusion because we're doing it in a biased manner and skipping over various passages and other contexts any of you out there who have actually followed through this series on polygyny now you're starting to understand that those who oppose polygyny are doing so out of bias and skipping context and generally based on tradition and what they're used to and their feelings which could be theirs and or their spouses and that's not the way we need to go about discerning truth we need to go off what scripture says not what we feel about a subject not what our spouse feels about the subject now the actual practice of it that's a separate subject as far as the truth of the matter goes it's not based on what we feel the truth does not care about your feelings so once again here they're trying to reach those who are just now studying it or won't learn more about it they're poisoning the well and making these people think that if they come to a decision or a conclusion other than what kingdom and context is reached that they're doing so in a biased manner and that they're doing so by skipping over context however like we said those who oppose polygyny generally are the ones who massively skip over context in fact in these two videos from kingdom and context that we reviewed and are using clips from not once did I ever hear them bring up and address the situation where Leah was rewarded for giving her husband an additional wife or where David was blessed by Yahweh with additional wives that was never addressed so that's skipping over context it's very simple example given to us by the Creator at creation you made a man and a woman just one of each there was only Eve created there was not multiple women created yeah the father didn't bring a harem up to Adam and said here you go yeah one woman it was Adam and Eve not Adam Eve Jackie Heather and Donna is just one woman one man simple not Adam and Eve and Heather and Jackie so time and time again lots of people bring up this issue of how it was at the beginning they try to appeal to the creation model as if that's justification for a monogamy only standard however it does not hold any weight and it's invalid as an argument against polygyny when we take the entire set of scriptures into context what we see in the creation account regarding Adam and Eve and their marriage together is a descriptive story not a prescriptive command so if we're going to take this as a prescriptive command how far are we going to take it check this out for instance Genesis chapter 2 verses 21 through 22 so Elohim caused a deep sleep to fall on the man and he slept and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh in its place and the rib which Yahweh Elohim had taken from the man he made into a woman and he brought her to the man so are we now to say that we can only have a wife if she's created from one of our very own ribs no that's just silly I mean Martin Luther used to refer to his wife as his rib but that was metaphorical and kind of neat I think but anyways we cannot take this as a prescriptive command because there is no command of one man and one woman it's all assumed it's all I suggested and it doesn't hold up when you examine the entirety of scripture instead of taking just certain passages now also consider this from the creation account Genesis chapter 2 verse 25 and they were both naked the man and his wife yet they were not ashamed so once again if we go back to the creation model should we be walking around naked all the time I mean those who out there who use this argument of the creation model or the creation argument I have yet to see any of them fully nude trying to teach this thing so how much of the creation model are they going to go after just what suits them and their traditions or are they going to be consistent in their argument I mean think about it how silly do we have to be to think that this is prescriptive for everyone nowadays post all it's not it's not prescriptive it's descriptive now also consider this at creation Yahweh tells them and Genesis chapter 1 verse 29 and Elohim said see I have given you every plant that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth and every tree whose fruit yield seed to you it is for food Genesis chapter 2 verse 9 and 16 out of the ground Yahweh Elohim made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food with a tree of life in the midst of the garden in the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and Yahweh Elohim commanded the man saying eat of every tree of the garden and again Genesis chapter 3 verse 2 and the woman said to the Nahash we are to eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden so by using the creation model or the creation argument we can also make a good case that at creation they were vegetarians eating the fruit and the plants that were created now I don't care one way or the other if they ate meat in the creation or not but we know that considering the entire context of Scripture that eating meat is permitted and there's even a case that can be made that eating meat is commanded almost at Passover when it tells you to take the lamb for your family so are we to contradict the Passover commandment are we to condemn everyone in Scripture who ate meat because the creation model pretty much tells us to be vegetarian I mean no just because it was a certain way back in the garden does not mean that is prescriptive for everyone from there on out we are not to be walking around naked in front of each other we it's okay to eat meat that's obvious from the rest of the context of the entirety of Scripture and we take the entirety of Scripture into account it's also okay to have more than one wife because the appeal to the creation model simply falls flat and we don't ascribe to no Lillith prehand before you know that no because that's not in the text with it and that's good we don't either for the exact same reason because it does not come from Scripture however what we do get from Scripture is that plural marriage is okay but the only time he said it's not good is when Adam was alone and then to remedy what was not good and make it good he just gave him one woman yes he added to Adam just one woman but he added to David at least two women we can also see in the example from Adam and Eve that Eve was made from Adam's rib and that Eve was brought to Adam fully naked they were both naked and there was no problem with that that's the creation model so again if you're going to go by the creation model you're going to be completely naked all the time like they were at creation and everyone on earth is going to be okay with you being naked like the situation was at creation because at creation everyone on earth was okay with everyone else being naked so how far are we going to take this are we going to correctly divide the word and understand it as descriptive or are we incorrectly going to divide the word and take it as prescriptive right so he not only did he give it okay so Adam was a king being the first and the elder of all men okay so Adam was not a king no for the same reason that we don't ascribe to the little thing because it's not in Scripture it also wouldn't make sense to call Adam a king because there was no nation there was no people to be a king over because it was just him and Eve again you're going back to the creation model so Adam was not a king and that means that and Adam was considered righteous they follow God's ways and for the most part that's correct but take into account that due to Adam sin entered the world Scripture tells us that through one man Adam sin did enter the world because he listened to the voice of his wife that the Torah does not instruct marry multiple women right and it gives you the precedent like you read from Genesis 2 right off the bat of one person one woman one man right actually there is a legitimate case to be made that the Torah does instruct plural marriage take the leverage marriage laws for example it does not give any indication whatsoever any leeway for if the surviving brother is already married it is tell them to marry the deceased brother's wife to raise up seed to the deceased brother there is no allowance made for whether the existing surviving brother is already married or not and this whole idea of one woman one man does not come from Scripture you do not read that from Scripture that's not what you draw out exegetically that is read back into Scripture isogenically and the verse that most people refer to when they say this kind of thing that doesn't come from Scripture what they're isogenically reading back into Scripture is from this verse in Genesis chapter 2 verse 24 for this cause a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and they shall become one flesh now there's two things to bring up real quick on this point to set it to rest hopefully forever for anyone watching number one are we really going to go off the idea that since it has husband and wife in singular especially the wife part in the singular that that is prescribing monogamy only how would that apply if we took the same standard the same way of reasoning and being consistent throughout the rest of Scripture how would this work out for us because as we read in Exodus chapter 13 verse 18 and you shall inform your son in that day saying it is because of what Yahweh did for me when I came up from Mitzrayim is that to say that Oh scriptures stating right here that we are only to have one son because it's used in singular or how about this Exodus chapter 20 verses 8 through 10 remember the Sabbath day to set it apart six days you labor and shall do all your work but the seventh day is a Sabbath of Yahweh your Elohim you do not do any work you know your son or your daughter or your male servant or your female servant or your cattle or your stranger who is within your gates and notice here that the word son is in the singular the word daughter is in the singular male servant is singular female servant is singular and stranger is singular so is this a command from Scripture that we are to only have one son one daughter one male servant one female servant and one stranger that we can help at any one time I mean are we going to be consistent with how we interpret these verses or is it just the case with this one verse in Genesis 2 24 and once again Proverbs chapter 29 discipline your son and he brings you rest and delight to your life so here we've got the singular son and the singular he so is this a command from Scripture again to only have one son no as we can plainly see Scripture does not tell us that we can only have one son nor does Scripture tell us that we can only have one daughter or that we can only help one stranger who is within our gates at any one time likewise if we're going to be consistent and correctly divide the word then we have to accept and admit that Genesis chapter 2 verse 24 is not a command it's not a prescription for monogamy only it's not saying there's to be only one man and one wife it's not saying that a marriage is to be only one man and one woman now the second point is that if this verse Genesis chapter 2 verse 24 were a prescriptive command then lots of people would be guilty of sin and breaking the Torah who am I talking about celibate people people like Elijah people like Paul people like most of the disciples in the Apostles but most especially people like our Master and Messiah Yeshua cause let's read it again Genesis chapter 2 verse 24 for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and they shall become one flesh notice that first part right there for this cause a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife shall so if this is a prescriptive command it's definitely commanding a man to leave his father and mother and get married and anyone who does not get married is guilty of sin because they're breaking the Torah but we know this is not true because celibacy remaining unmarried is not prohibited in Scripture many of the great men in faith were celibate so once again Genesis chapter 2 verse 24 is not a command it's descriptive not prescriptive it is not saying that marriage is to be between only one man and one woman likewise the argument that marriage should be based on the creation model does not hold weight and we think that Deuteronomy 17 is a wonderful example of the father encouraging us that that's not the ideal example Deuteronomy chapter 17 verses 14 through 17 when you come to the land which Yahweh your Elohim is giving you and shall possess it and shall dwell in it and you shall say let me set a sovereign over me like all the nations that are around me you shall certainly set a sovereign over you whom Yahweh your Elohim shall choose set a sovereign over you from among your brothers you are not allowed to set a foreigner over you who is not your brother only he is not to increase horses for himself nor cause the people to return to Mitsrayim to increase horses for Yahweh has said to you do not return that way again and he is not to increase wise for himself lest his heart turn away nor is he to greatly increase silver and gold for himself so unless God just came up with a new rule then in Deuteronomy 17 17 where it tells the Kings does not multiply wise okay so here in Deuteronomy 17 this is not a new rule in fact there is no rule whatsoever forbidding any man from having more than one wife we see it's not a new rule because we see the example of Abraham before this we also see the example of Jacob before this so this is not a new rule it's not even a prohibition against plural marriage for anyone not even Kings specifically even though during the days of Deuteronomy they didn't have one yet father knew they were gonna have one so he's already given them laws ahead of time knowing that they're gonna you know okay so Adam was a king so if in Deuteronomy they hadn't had a king yet then this contradicts the other statement where he stated that Adam was a king but of course we know Adam was not a king for the reasons stated previously and from what you can see in scripture itself so when he's stating that in Deuteronomy they hadn't had a king yet he's absolutely correct but the statement of Adam being a king is wrong but one of the requirements the king was they can only have one wife and the one supposed to multiply horses as well which is interesting because we kind of see Solomon do both he did well he also multiplied gold and silver to himself I mean he pretty much violated every single one of those requirements yeah now as far as the king if he's trying to encourage him off the bat if you're a king right you shouldn't have multiple wives don't multiply money don't multiply horses now this is a very interesting and unique argument most people who oppose plural marriage will state this section of verses especially Deuteronomy 17 17 stating that a man or I'm specifically a king should not have more than one wife however they will not be consistent in the gold and horses area here with kingdom and context they are trying to be consistent in saying that kings should only according to Deuteronomy that kings should only have one wife that King should only have one horse and a king should only have one piece of gold now how much distance does that make and in fact it actually contradicts scripture when Yahweh tells King Shlomo King Solomon that he will give him riches verse Kings chapter 3 verses 5 9 and 11 through 13 I give on Yahweh appeared to Shlomo in a dream by night and Elohim said ask what I should give you Shlomo said shall you then give to your servant an understanding heart to rule your people to discern between good and evil for who is able to rule this great people of yours so Elohim said to him because you have asked this and have not asked long life for yourself nor have asked riches for yourself nor have asked the life of your enemies but have asked for yourself discernment to understand right ruling see I shall do according to your words see I shall give you a wise and understanding heart so that there was none like you before you and none like you shall arise after you and I shall also give you what you have not asked both riches and esteem so that there shall not be anyone like you among the sovereigns all your days so when we take the entirety of scripture into context then we know that Deuteronomy chapter 17 is not forbidding a king or anyone from having more than one wife being consistent we can also see that Deuteronomy chapter 17 is not forbidding a king or anyone from having more than one piece of gold or more than one piece of silver because we see from scripture for ourselves that because King Solomon asked for with them in ruling Yahweh's people that Yahweh said that he would give him riches not just one piece of gold riches and it goes on to say that during the time of King Solomon's reign that silver was as common as the stones on the ground and that he had forty thousand or so horses he also had a thousand wives but we can see that Deuteronomy 17 is not forbidding a king or anyone from having multiple wives multiple pieces of silver and gold multiple horses take everything properly into context so that we can rightly divide the word if Deuteronomy 17 is forbidding a king from having more than one piece of gold then breaking that would be sin and therefore Yahweh committed sin by giving Solomon more than one piece of gold heaven forbid we can also take everything into context and see that if Deuteronomy 17 was forbidding Kings from having more than one wife that Yahweh committed sin by giving David multiple wives heaven forbid so no once we take the entirety of scripture into context and not just select verses out of context once we take the entirety of scripture into context we see that Deuteronomy 17 is not forbidding Kings specifically or men in general from having more than one wife or from having more than one horse or from having more than one piece of gold and silver so when we see David multiply wives and we see Solomon multiply wives it was not intended they were actually breaking the command so people who say there's no law against it are clearly ignoring this here in Deuteronomy and they're also ignoring everything in the New Testament so we'll get to the issue of the New Testament in just a moment but as we can clearly see when we rightly divide the word when we take everything into context here in Deuteronomy this is not a command this is not a law against plural marriage Timothy 2 3 I believe is the first mentioned by Paul talking about a deacon or elder should be a man of but one wife what are we reading first Timothy 3 2 a deacon an overseer someone that's respectable in the word someone that can lead and teach should have but one wife okay first Timothy chapter 3 verses 2 through 5 an overseer then should be blameless the husband of one wife sober sensible orderly kind of strangers able to teach not given to wine no brawler but gentle not quarrelsome no lover of silver one who rules his own house well having his children in subjection with all reverence for if a man does not know how to rule his own house how shall he look after the assembly of Elohim so here's another common argument against plural marriage at the face of it it sounds like it's a valid argument against it but when you take everything in the context when you study this out when you look for yourselves you find that this argument does not hold water so first and foremost if we just take another look at this real quick we can see that this passage is speaking about elders of the assembly specifically just elders so if we were to take this into context on a surface level we would have to admit that this is only for the elders the overseers but not everyone in general so that's on the face of it however when we actually get deeper into the word to understand this how they meant it when they originally wrote it we can see here that the word in Greek for one in this passage is strong g3391 this is the word Mia and Mia can be translated something as one or first or a so Matthew 3 2 through 5 could be translated as the husband of one wife or it could be translated as the husband of a wife or it could be translated as husband of first wife now let's test this to see if any of these would be better or if they would all be valid on their own in equally or how this would work out if it said husband of one wife okay that's fine but again it only goes back to specifically the elders the overseers we translate it as the husband of a wife that would hold up with the rest of this passage about ruling his house well so we would need to have a family unit with at least a wife and then it goes on to say having his children in subjection well to properly have children you need to be married for both men and women so husband of a wife would also work in this passage and would be a valid translation now how would this work if we translated it as the husband of his first wife this would also work because the rest of Scripture taking it into context forbids divorce except on the grounds of adultery so this passage if we translated it as a husband of his first wife would be stating something to the effect of it cannot be improperly divorced it should still be married to the wife he was originally married to not counting divorce due to adultery and not counting being a widower but that he was faithful and that he stayed married to the woman he originally got married to so this would fit in with the rest of Scripture but how about the husband of one wife meaning one singular and no more than one wife this would not fit into the Scripture the rest of it in context because as we see from the rest of Scripture there is no prohibition for anyone kings or men in general there's no prohibition against having more than one wife so translating this and understanding that as the husband of only one single wife would be in contradiction to the rest of Scripture and Scripture does not contradict itself it's only our understanding of Scripture that is at times contradictory however we come to the correct understanding that Scripture allows for plural marriage this passage makes a lot more sense and Scripture becomes harmonious but is it true that this word Mia can be translated as one or first or eighth do we see that other places in Scripture well in fact we do for instance in Matthew chapter 5 verse 18 for truly I say to you till the heaven and earth pass away one yod or one tittle shall by no means pass from the Torah till all be done the word here in Greek being the word Mia now it's also translated in other translations such as the ESV as or truly I say to you until heaven and earth pass away not an iota not a dot will pass from the law until all is accomplished so there's one witness mark chapter 16 verse 2 and very early on day one of the week they came to the tomb when the Sun had risen now here in the ESV it states and very early on the first day of the week when the Sun had risen they went to the tomb so in fact we see from the evidence of Scripture that this word Mia can be translated in a variety of ways as one or first or a but why cannot just mean all three at the same time well it's kind of hard to translate that into English is all three at the same time but we can have the understanding and know what this word means for ourselves when we look at passages like first Timothy chapter 3 verse 2 another way that we know that first Timothy chapter 3 verse 2 is not limiting a bishop or an overseer specifically or men in general from having only one wife at a time is because in Greek there is a word that means only one single no more than one and that word is Strong's g3441 monos and it means single only one here you can see the outline of biblical usage from blue letter Bible org the Strong's definition backing this interpretation up meaning soul or single the only one Thayer's states the exact same thing meaning one only the Greek English lexicon of the New Testament the only one so a first Timothy 3 2 wanted to say that a bishop or an overseer could only have one wife monogamously and no more they could have very well used this word monos from the Greek to indicate that and tell us what they specifically meant in fact this word is used in other places in Scripture to denote something of a singular nature that's one alone and no other for instance in Matthew chapter 4 verse 4 but he answering said it has been written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of Yahweh so here we're saying that man shall not live by bread by itself and only bread and just that one thing this word monos in Matthew 4 4 is indicating something that's single and only one and by itself and what Yeshua is referring to is the bread the bread alone the bread by itself the bread alone and again we read in John chapter 5 verse 44 how are you able to believe when you are receiving esteem from one another and the esteem that is from the only Elohim you do not seek esteem that is from the monos Elohim you do not seek so here in John 5 44 this word monos is used to reference Yahweh himself that Yahweh alone is God that Yahweh alone is Elohim he's the one single only one God so that's the word monos in contradiction to the word Mia that's used in 1st Timothy chapter 3 verse 2 if the writer of 1st Timothy wanted to indicate that an elder an overseer a bishop or even men in general were to have only one single wife at a time they could have wrote specifically monos instead of Mia but they didn't they used the word Mia to not prohibit an overseer from having more than one wife but rather to indicate that an elder and overseer should be married first of all and that he should be married to his first wife and not unrighteously divorced yeah also in Titus 1 6 I believe it's Titus 1 6 we have another mention of the same concept of man you know any any leader in the church he needs to be of one wife he can't have multiple wives so Titus chapter 1 verse 6 if anyone is unreprovable the husband of one wife having believing children not accused of loose behavior or unruly so this one is fairly easy this again uses the Greek word Mia not monos it's saying the exact same thing as 1st Timothy chapter 3 verse 2 scripture is harmonious when we take everything into context and understand what they are telling us the writer of Titus is also not limiting the leaders and the elders of the assembly to only one wife nor are they limiting men in general from having only one wife once again they could have easily and very well have used the word monos instead of Mia if they wanted to limit the leaders of the assembly to having only one wife I think it's hilarious to try to say someone could acknowledge the fact that we have leaders amongst the body but yet somehow this rule doesn't apply to them yeah oh no this rule applies to the leaders in the body but this rule does not prohibit oral marriage and this rule does not apply to men in general so yes this rule does apply but you need to understand it correctly and rightly divide the word in context more wives more problems people like yeah it didn't seem like anyone was really enjoying that situation very much so is it really more wives and more problems this is so not thought out on the surface is indicating that a woman is a problem and when you get a wife you're inheriting and taking on a problem and by taking on more wives you're taking on more problems but is that scriptural I mean it doesn't mean it makes sense from a common-sense level but is it scriptural Proverbs chapter 12 verse 4 a capable wife is the crown of her husband but one causing shame is like rottenness in his bones Proverbs chapter 18 verse 22 he who has found a wife has found good and receives favor from Yahweh Proverbs chapter 19 verse 14 houses and riches are the inheritance from fathers but an understanding wife is from Yahweh Proverbs chapter 31 verse 10 who does find a capable wife for she is worth far more than rubies Proverbs chapter 31 verse 12 she shall do him good and not evil all the days of her life etc etc scripture goes on to extol the virtues of a wonderful and good capable wife that her worth is worth far more than rubies now yes there are examples of some women in scripture who were not good wives they were contentious they were argumentative they brought in all kinds of issues but we can see for the most part women are a good thing wives are a good thing scripture even tells us that he who finds a wife finds a good thing and that he receives favor from Yahweh so in contrast what we can see from scripture is that more wives more good more wives more favor and we can see this exemplified in the life of Jacob who had four wives and he had lots of children David had lots of children because he had multiple wives Abraham had lots of children because he had multiple wives so the statement of more wives more problems is not scripturally based and that's what we need to base our beliefs our doctrines our dogma on is scripture not our feelings not our modern culture not our church traditions of monogamy only we need to base our beliefs on scripture yeah it didn't seem like anyone was really enjoying that situation very much yeah Leo was constantly jealous of Rachel I mean it was bad but is this true do we get this concept from scripture that Leah was constantly jealous of Rachel Genesis chapter 30 verse 1 and when Rahel saw that she bore Yaakov no children Rahel envied her sister and said to Yaakov give me children or else I am going to die so just to still man their argument here they more than likely meant to indicate that Rachel was envious of Leah instead of the other way around so that's probably what they meant to say was go ahead and give them that at the moment since we see it clearly from scripture that it was Rachel who envied her sister but was it due to plural marriage was it due to Jacob having more than one wife no we can see from scripture that Rachel's envy of Leah was due to childbearing not plural marriage because we continue to read in scripture we see that both Rachel and Leah gave their husband additional wives so they were not envious due to plural marriage they had zero problem with plural marriage we can see the same thing happened with Sarah and Hagar and Abram Genesis chapter 16 verses 2 through 4 and Sarai said to Abram see Yahweh has kept me from bearing children please go into my female servant it might be that I am built up by her and he went into Hagar and she conceived and when she saw that she had conceived her mistress was despised in her eyes so once again the issue with Abram and Sarai and Hagar is not because of plural marriage Sarai gave her husband an additional wife and they were totally fine with that there was no issue just like everyone else in scripture had no issue with plural marriage Sarai had zero issue with Hagar until a child was born so once again the issue comes across from childbearing or barrenness because barrenness is a theme throughout scripture as well but that's another subject the issue is not with plural marriage plural marriage does not cause these issues there are other factors that you have to understand and realize are there if you want to correctly divide the word the issue we see from the story of Abram and Sarai and Hagar and with Jacob Leah and Rachel is due to childbearing or barrenness more wives more problems people like but actually is it more wives more problems no we've already listed a few reasons why this is untrue already but once you start to take everything into context and understand the situation that arises in a polygynous situation it's not more wives more problems in fact it's more wives more time for everyone involved generally more time for the women more so than the man but things get done a lot quicker and therefore everyone has more time for other things more times for themselves more time for each other but they have more time because things get done a lot quicker with more hands to help out more time more experience as we go through things in life we bring our own experience to the situation to resolve the situation hopefully in a beneficial manner we have more people in the family more adults who have life experience you have more experience to bring to any situation that may arise more wives more support there's more shoulders to cry on more people to support you in times of need for the women and the men in a polygynous marriage you have women who can support other women in that marriage in ways that only a woman can because men and women are different contrary to modern society men and women are different men and women understand things differently and this can be important in various situations that arise during a marriage with more wives more women to there to understand things in the way that only a woman can more wives more support more wives more education as well this kind of ties in to the more experience aspect because the more adults that are in the marriage the more education you bring to the table in order to adequately and efficiently take care of a situation whatever situation it is whether it be finances or child rearing or marriage resolution or taxes or what have you more wives more education and a lot of times when there's more wives there's more income instead of only a man and a woman bringing their income into the marriage now you can have three incomes coming in or if you're in a situation where the wife stays home or even the husband stays home and you've only got one income then you bring in another wife that could open up the door to having now two incomes instead of just one so more wives more income all depends on how the man structures his family and decides to run his family but it definitely opens up the door so more wives more problems no more wives more time more wives more support more wives more experience more wives more education more wives more income just the opposite of what they're trying to claim here then we also have Jacob right with Levin's shenanigans he has to marry Leah first seven years later he gets to marry Rachel now he's got two wives then what happens both of them deal with barrenness but do both of them deal with barrenness no as we just saw from Genesis chapters 30 verse 1 Leah was having children but it was Rachel who was barren at that time now eventually Leah stopped in bearing children and therefore she gave her handmaid to Jacob who bore him children then as well and then afterwards Rachel bore children so it wasn't due to polygamy that Jacob dealt with barrenness because Jacob did not deal with barrenness at all he had multiple wives to give him children even if one wife was not pregnant so Jacob didn't deal with barrenness and the specific reason that he did not deal with barrenness was because of polygyny but it does not I mean we've got a huge amount of rules yeah structures of God that are provisions legislates all kinds of yeah what he legislates all kinds of yeah okay this really stuck out to me when I first heard it that God legislates sin words are important and I think we need to define the words that we're using so that we know what is being said when we say it so what does legislate mean legislate in our common usage in the way we live now in our culture means to make or enact laws or to mandate something to establish something or to regulate by as if by legislation so no Yahweh does not mandate sin Yahweh does not establish sin nor does Yahweh regulate sin in fact scripture the Torah prohibits sin just the opposite he legislates all kinds of sins so I don't think that what they're trying to say here just to try to steal man what they're arguing I don't think what they're trying to say is that God promotes sin or that God tells us to sin I don't think that's what they're saying here or what they're trying to say instead what I think Kingdom in context is trying to say here is that God puts provisions in place for when sin is committed ways to take care and deal with the after-effects of the sin that was committed I think that's what they're trying to say here just to give them the benefit of the doubt because it's very shocking for any Christian to say that God mandates and tells us to sin so I don't think that's what they're trying to say here the scriptures and the Torah of God instruction of God do not command you to take more than one wife one woman well again we've already been over that we've seen the scriptures and nowhere in scripture does it say you can only have one wife we looked at Genesis 2 24 doesn't say it there we looked in first Timothy chapter 3 verse 2 doesn't say it there we've looked in Titus 1 6 doesn't say it there we've looked in Deuteronomy chapter 17 verse 17 doesn't say it there nowhere in scripture does it command a man to only take one woman but he never encourages you to go off and get into that situation begin with right does God never encourage you to go off and get into polygyny what does scripture say in Deuteronomy chapter 25 verses 5 through 10 we see the law of the leveret marriage here we can see that when a brother dwells with another brother and one of the brothers dies and they do not have a male heir that the living brother the surviving brother is to marry the deceased brother's wife and raise up an heir to the deceased brother so that their lineage continues and if you'll notice in this commandment from scripture there is no provision as to whether or not the surviving brother is already married however when you review the laws against incest and other sexual sins we see that it is forbidden for a man to marry his brother's wife however the condition here is that the brother is still alive taking everything into context rightly dividing the entirety of scripture we can see that once a person dies their spouse is no longer married to them so therefore if a brother dies a surviving brother is not committing sin and he is not committing incest by marrying his deceased brother's wife so the provision is that the brother cannot be alive when the other brother marries his wife but there is no provision against the surviving brother marrying the woman if he is already married henceforth again we do not find a prohibition against polygyny and in certain circumstances God even commands us to live in this lifestyle a lot of times what I'm seeing is these men are just saying that they think they're being called to this lifestyle and they're telling their wives this is what we're going to do and this is what patriarchs did and we are going to seek out this lifestyle okay once again those of us in the messianic or Torah believing community are questioning things that we have been taught all our lives we are questioning things that have been taught from the pulpit we're questioning the traditions that have been handed down to us to test and see whether they are from scripture or not plural marriage and marriage in general is one of those things one of the things that we are discovering and learning from scripture is that a man has authority over his household he has authority over his wife just as Yeshua has authority over the assembly and Yahweh has authority over Yeshua so therefore from scripture is the responsibility of a man to lead his household and it's the responsibility of the wife to submit to her husband's leadership so husbands are tasked for making the right decisions for their family so both men and women are understanding that scripture does not prohibit plural marriage there are men who are discovering this because they're questioning they're studying they're learning contrary to what we've been taught all this time that plural marriage is accessible according to scripture there are also women discovering this as well so it's not always the man that's bringing this to the situation to the marriage but regardless it is the wife's responsibility from scripture to submit to the authority and the decisions of her husband if she was not willing to be submissive like scripture tells her to be then she should not have gotten married at all if she does not trust her husband and did not trust her husband then she should not have gotten married to him in the first place but now that they are married they need to stay married except in the case of adultery and the wife should submit to her husband yes she should have input and the husband should listen to her input but at the end of the day the final decision for the family rests with the husband and the submission to his decisions is on her she needs to submit to her husband and her husband's final decisions and in some cases I have seen women who have confided in me that they've been basically forced by their husbands into this lifestyle and they don't consent to it so I have no way of knowing who it is that's spoken to kingdom in context and or what their situation is I can only speak from my personal experience and this is in regards to the messianic or Christian community not any cult like Mormonism but from my own personal experience I have only ever saw one family where the wife was forced into it every other plural family I know of the wives and the husbands were in agreement and in fact there are several families that I know of where the wife is actively going out and seeking other women to join the family and to bring them under the headship of their husband once again I don't know who came in the context has been speaking with I can only speak from my personal experience but from what I've seen and speaking with actual plural families is that the wives are biblical they are submitting to their husbands they are in agreement with their husband's decisions they are in agreement with this oral lifestyle so there's this issue going on within the Torah community where men are just sticking to it's not a sin it's not forbidden God never said it was wrong and then they're turning that into they get to make this decision for their marriage and for their wife and their wife doesn't have to consent to it because it doesn't say in scripture anywhere that she has to consent well I would argue the majority of the time it was those women's ideas to bring other women into the marriages it wasn't necessarily the men coming and saying hey I think this is a great idea honey why don't we go give this a shot now once again let me reiterate that a wife is to submit to her husband if she's not willing to go according to scripture and submit to her husband and she should not get married at all if she's just simply unwilling to submit to that man and she should not have gotten married to him to begin with one nuance of having said all of that is that if at the time you got married if that both of you especially the husband so that he would love and honor and cherish his wife forsaking all others till death do they part then he has made a vow that he would only be with her and only be monogamous for the rest of his life that's the vow that he made and he cannot change that vow that he made that is a covenant that he has entered into between him and his wife and Yahweh he cannot break that however it can be released from that if his wife comes to the understanding of what scripture actually says about marriage now she does not release him from that vow then in my own personal opinion I would say that he is bound by his vow to remain to that woman for as long as they both shall live fortunately Yahweh blessed me with coming into this understanding of what scripture actually says about marriage before I got married and because I believe this was something that need to be disclosed before marriage there were several relationships that I went through before I found the wife that I have now and the wife that I have now was in full understanding of how I felt about this situation about what marriage is from scripture she had met several poor families understand that they did not have three heads and they were normal and she agreed to it beforehand in fact in our vows her vows were forsaking all others until death do we part her vows also included love honor and obey the whole submission thing as it comes from scripture my vows on the other hand were to love and cherish and did not include forsaking all others so praise be to Almighty that we were in this understanding before we got married and our vows are not at risk of being broken because of plural marriage neither mine or hers now all these years later even with all that being said with both of us in the understanding we are still monogamous is just me and her and that's fine we have never felt the need or the desire or the calling to go out and find additional women to bring into the family so it's not a requirement for everyone to go out and live in polygyny even when we understand what it is scripture is telling us about marriage and we also want to take this moment to invite Kingdom in Context to come on to the channel here and have a discussion about this subject or this video that's been made or if you so feel the need instead of a one-on-one discussion making a rebuttal video of your own to this one we look forward to reviewing that as well I just want to extend that opportunity to Kingdom in Context if you would like to come on here and have a brotherly discussion about this particular subject now you're going to see some stuff in there like David had 18,000 wives or whatever it was and nowhere does the Bible say and that was wrong okay so first off it's just silliness to say that David had like 18,000 wives it's clear when we're looking our scriptures is nowhere near that Solomon had the most number of wives and he had only a thousand so since it's so easy to prove and so silly to think this is actually a true statement from someone this leads me to think that he's just using this as a turn of phrase to say this to try to illustrate his point that David had a lot of wives so we'll still amend him on that but we also want to say that he's correct the Bible does not condemn polygyny what is the Protestant Reformation slogan that might help us get this and I think it's the analogy of Scripture that the clear interprets the unclear that the Bible interprets itself yes the Bible interprets itself and the clear interprets the unclear so if you're unclear about what Scripture says about plural marriage about polygyny and take the clear parts to determine and help determine what it is that is saying about polygyny and it's clear that there is no prohibition in Scripture of polygyny whatsoever it is clear that no one in Scripture was ever condemned or punished for having more than one wife it is clear that Yahweh gave King David multiple wives and it is clear that both Yahweh and Yeshua used polygyny as an analogy for their relationship to the people Yahweh uses the analogy of being married to two women Yeshua uses the analogy of being married to the five wise virgins so it is clear that both Yahweh and Yeshua used the analogy of polygyny to describe their relationship to the people it's clear there's no prohibition against polygyny it's clear that no one was ever condemned or punished for polygyny and it's clear that Yahweh engaged in polygyny by giving David multiple wives all of that is crystal clear so here's what we've got in the beginning God said that a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife singular and once again this whole argument to Genesis 224 holds no weight when we take this reasoning and apply it to the rest of Scripture because if it's the singular wife in 224 that commands us to only have one wife ever then we saw from other scriptures that we were told I have one son one daughter one male servant one female servant and only one stranger at a time so the argument does not hold weight keen so it is clear from Genesis to the New Testament this is about one man one woman no from Genesis Revelation it is clear that this is about a man marrying a woman not about one man and one woman because you don't find that in Scripture you find monogamous relationships in Scripture you also find polygynous relationships in Scripture which completely destroys the argument he just made in addition you never find a commandment in Scripture stating that marriage is to be between one man and one woman there is no commandment like that anywhere in Scripture because the truth of the matter is that Scripture does not prohibit a man from having more than one woman Scripture does not command a man and a woman to be in a monogamous relationship and it does not command one man and one woman in order to make a marriage Scripture is clear that celibacy is acceptable Scripture is clear that monogamy is acceptable Scripture is also clear that a man having more than one wife is acceptable that's just Scripture that's just what we get from the clear reading and the clear study and the clear exegesis from Scripture and that's just the God honest truth so thank you so much for joining us for this teaching once again this ends the teaching series on polygyny we're likely to redo this in a couple of years just to make it a little bit more stylish and a little bit more well put together can't change Scripture Scripture still going to state that plural marriage is okay but we might redo it in a couple years right now this is the last video in this series this playlist for this series is down below in the description feel free to go watch the series from beginning to end and if you happen to learn anything from this particular video in this teaching make sure to go down below and let us know in the comments what it is that you learned from this if you happen to disagree let us know what it is you disagree about or if you just want to say hi we always love hearing from you guys while you're down there make sure to hit that subscribe button and ring the bell so that you're notified every time that we go live or when we upload a new on demand video hit that like button and also hit that share button and share it around with someone that you may know thank you for joining us for another production from God honest truth ministries we hope that we have been of service to you and if you have any feedback then please reach out to us by email and make sure to visit our website at God honest truth.com for more information resources and contact

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