Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The hosts of the podcast are catching up on their lives and discussing recent events. Emma talks about upcoming concerts and teaching events, while Gabby shares about her brother's wedding. Lila mentions important interviews and seeing a Metallica concert. They then talk about their experiences with sleepovers, including asking parents for permission and planning activities. They reminisce about making music videos and movies during sleepovers. They also mention pillow fights and funny moments from recent sleepovers. Speed talk. Okay, don't digress, hit up a topic, move on. Thank you, Kyle. One, two, three, go! Hello girls, gays, and guys who like y'all. Welcome back to Girl Debrief. Yay! Episode six? Six, did y'all call it? Um, sorry to be missing last week's episode. Life gets crazy sometimes, but we're back. So welcome back, and we hope that you're as ready as we are to get back into it. So, let's get- Emma, tell us what's been going on with you, girl. Um, you know, I have some concerts this coming up week. Woo-dee! Tomorrow, Aurelia, the Webster's Toggle Choir, has a collaboration with the Whitman's Women's Choir, and the students from Corioligi High School. We're doing the Whitman's Suffrage Concorda. It's very beautiful. That's tomorrow, if you'd like to come see. Well, actually, it'll be today. Right. Um, and then on Monday, the 13th? The 13th, there's a Webster Jazz Collector concert as well. So if you'd like to come see that, I'm playing the trombone in the jazz concert. Um, another thing is, I have been joining a teaching event, a club club teaching event, which is really cool, really fun. Um, seeing old friends, doing things I love. Also, um, the Webster Teach Season has started up. Um, I just submitted my first Instagram video. Yay! So I'll figure out how to do it on Monday. So yeah, that's really what that is. Gabby girl? Well, my brother got married on Saturday. Yay! Um, I was a bridesmaid. It was so much fun. Um, my nephew and older brother came into town, so I got to see all my family, and we danced the night away. My legs were sore for like three days afterwards. That's how you know it was good. So much fun. Um, that is why we, part of why we missed last week, is because I was gone from Thursday through Saturday, and schedules just didn't align. But, and life can be kind of crazy for all of us, so, busy busy busy. But, Lila, how about you? Um, I had some important interviews this week. Um, I don't know if I can talk about it, because I just like, it's not, this is not me trying to be like top secret. I just, I just, I don't think it's that top secret. But I don't know if I'm allowed to talk about it, just because I don't want to get in trouble, because I'm literally a freshman, and I don't want to already get kicked off. So, I'm doing big things. Big, big things. Send my big things. Um, and then I also, in more exciting news, I think, personally, I saw Metallica, was it last week? Yes. Last weekend. It was really, really good. I went to their Friday concert. They came to St. Louis. Um, I don't really know a lot of Metallica songs, but it was just like a good vibe, you know what I mean? It was just like, the energy was there. People were there having a good time. I was like, alright, I'm part of it now. It's great. And, in my, uh, in our reporting class, me and Gabby's reporting class, Larry Baden, um, showed a piece of work that I wrote when I was six years old. Trashy. Trashy. Trashy. And that was really funny, and that was really good. And it was very, uh, very full circle moment. It was really good. But, that's kind of what's been going on with me. Not much, but, you know. Chill life. Chill life. We're coming at you guys a little bit later in the night time than usual. So, what better way to celebrate late night reporting than to talk about the universal experience of girl sleepovers. Yes! Girl sleepovers are, they are so unique. I deeply apologize to any of our listeners who had the parents that we met go sleepover. Like, it's just indescribable how, like, transformative that experience is for young girls. It's just really crazy. And, what did you think about that today? First of all, they're nothing like the movies. As much as I wish we would all wear, like, matching PJ sets and, like, have pillow fights and feathers go everywhere, that is not what we did. First of all, our pillows do not have feathers in them. No. Last time you had a pillow with a feather in it. Never in my life. Never ever in my life. I've always had the cool gel one, you know what I'm saying? Like the, yeah, whatever they're called. Did you guys have actual pillow fights? I didn't. Maybe it was just not fun. I didn't. Me and my friends, the one time we tried, because we were like, why are our pillows not like the movies? And we tried to, and we were just like, this is not fun. This is not fun. This isn't fun. And we stopped. So, it was like an actual, like, fight. Yeah. Okay. So, for me, there was no, like, intentional pillow, like, oh, let's have a pillow fight. It was, oh, I'm throwing a pillow to you for you to sleep on, and it accidentally hits you, you know, maybe in the face. And then war ensued, and people were knocked to the floor because they got hit with a pillow, so our pillow to the face is, like, really destructive. Speaking of pillow to the face, this is actually a story from very recently, okay? So, what was it? So, a couple weekends ago, Gabby was sleeping in our room, okay? And Emma was gone. So, Gabby was sleeping on Emma's bed, okay? I don't remember what the story was. I don't remember the story. Once I tell it, you're going to remember it, because I remember telling you this. So, Gabby is sleeping in the room, and we have someone else in the room as well. On an air mattress. On an air mattress, and their alarm goes off, okay? Gabby thought that this was my alarm, and the alarm kept going off. And so, here's what I imagine. I believe it was actually my birthday. I believe. It was my birthday, I think, actually. So, happy 19th birthday. I open my eyes. All I see is stuffed animal chucked at me, like, flying 50 miles per hour towards my face. Okay. All right, all right. Okay, but I know it was hot. Here's what happened. Yeah, that's actually so true. You have a good, like, throat. I underhand lobbed it at you. I was going to wake her up, and so I took Emma's green Squishmallow, and I barely lobbed it across the room at Lila to try and wake her up. That's why it was in my bed. Sorry. She did open her eyes right before I saw that, and she did become very afraid. It did not hit her that hard. I don't think it hit me at all. I think it went... It hit you in, like, the side, but it was very... Did it? I don't remember being injured. I was going to wake you up, not actually hit you when you were awake. No, it was just very funny. Sorry, that made me... That's like a side tangent. That made me remember that story. Anyway, go on. Keep it going. Chuck it right along. Okay, so first before we get into, like, what the sleepover was, getting to have the sleepover. So, like, having to ask your parents, can I sleep over at so-and-so's house? Or, can you please drive me here? You know, and, like, having to, like, get their permission and stuff. Yes. For me, it was like, you're only allowed to sleep over at their house if I know their parents, and their uncles, and their grandparents, and their cousins, and, like, everybody in their whole family. Because if not, girl, quite literally, like, I swear, if that information was not known, you ain't going. Yep. Sucks. Womp womp. You ain't going. My favorite thing in the world was when, like, my friends would be like, will you please sleep over at my house? My parents will come get you. Like, my parents will pick you up. Aww. That, like, that made it more likely for it to happen, and it was just so... It was just nice. It was so funny. That's so nice. I know. Okay, so then you get to the sleepover. For me, we would either have an activity planned and then do the activity and get to this point, or we would just get to this point the moment I walked in the door. When you have no idea what you're going to do, and you deep dive into, like, TikTok and Pinterest and look up, like, sleepover activities, and it was all very unrealistic things. But, I don't know, that was just my experience. I feel like all the sleepover activities required, like, having to buy stuff in advance. And we never did. Like, and also so expensive for no reason. Oh, yeah. Like, dog, I'm not spending $175 just for one night. Sorry. Love you guys. I'm poor. Like, don't know what to tell you. Like, this is the truth. Most of the sleepovers that I've had in my life have been with my friend Katie. Katie, I don't know if you're listening, but hello. She's in my best friend's high school, and she lives in a different college right now. So, she doesn't have some sleepovers. But, at her house, we would, like, she was, like, the designated sleepover house. Yes. We would always go to her house. We would never go over to my house, just because. Like, there was a community. No, yeah, yeah. We would have to go over to my house, and we didn't have much to do because all the things that we wanted to do at her house, you know? Yeah. I get that. But, we would, like, put a bunch of makeup on, and I would, like, bring clothes in my bag, and we'd, like, make music videos. Yeah, the making music videos phase? Did y'all have that, too? Oh, my God. Making movies? Yes. Oh. Katie, we would be making movies. Did you ever have the iMovie app on your phone? Yes. And you would, like, insert clips? I think I still have videos that I... Dude, I did, too. I used to, like, make videos. Like, I used to be, like, a video editor, like, whole thing. And then I would... One time, oh, this is not a sleepover thing, but one time, me and my sister made a Cupcake Wars, like, parody. You still have those videos? I could probably find it. It's on my Mac somewhere. I have to find it. Like, it's actually so funny. We had, like, different outfits, too, and we're, like, imitating each of the judges. It's so funny. I have to find that video. But, anyway. It's a parody of Hell's Kitchen, but it's called Next Kitchen because we were young. I like that. This is really good. We need to have, like, a show of these. Absolutely. I think we should go into the screening room and then do that. I never did makeovers. We just didn't play with makeup ever, unless it was for, like, a joke. Like, we would take, like, really bright colors and make them look like clowns. Like, oh, you look so pretty. You look so good. And then we would turn each other around. Like, psych. And we would look actually crazy. We would, like, we would do, like, the challenges, like, blind makeup challenge, and we would do, um, like, take your makeup out of, like, the little cups. Oh, my God. One thing that me and Katie used to do all the time was, oh, my God, oh, my God, we would, like, seven Supergirls. Wait, wait, wait. Okay. I was never, like, into the lore of, like, seven Supergirls, but, like, I, like, I remember seeing, well, you've never seen seven Supergirls? Remember all, like, the parody accounts? Like, I forgot all of them. Do you not remember the names? It was, like, seven sassy something, and it was, like, seven Supergirls, like, run through an actual, like, organization. Like, they had a manager, and they had, like, people that would film them with, like, cameras and stuff. Um, and it was these seven girls that auditioned to be a part of, like, this kind of reality YouTube channel, and they would do that. Oh, wait. I think I know what you're talking about now, actually. It was, like, Jazzy, and then it was Kaylin. Jazzy. Oh, yes. Okay, okay, okay, okay. I still follow Kaylin on Instagram. She's so hot, but, um. I'm sure she, I haven't seen her as of late, but I'm sure they're all, like, beautiful now. I mean, they've been, I mean, they've been, but, like. But we would watch seven Supergirls, and we would always do the blind pizza challenge that Jazzy did, and we would, like, fill cups up with, like, marshmallows and cheese and pepperonis and, like, chocolate chips and gummy worms and, um, for sauces, we would have, like, mustard and mayonnaise. Wait, so, so would you, like. Wait, I don't remember this challenge. Like, would you have to make pizza and, like, randomly pick the ingredients? Yeah. Oh, I see. And then you would pick ingredients out of the cup, and you had to take them back and forth. You knew what the ingredients were, but you knew what you were supposed to expect. So, like, if somebody got a really good thing, you'd be like, dang it, I really wanted that thing, I'm not going to get something good. Or if, like, all of the good things were taken, you'd know what you were going to get. Or, like, the last two, if it was a good thing and a bad thing, you knew what you were going to get. And then you'd have to eat it. You wouldn't have to eat the whole thing, but you'd have to take a bite of it. And it was, like, poor memory, dude. Poor memory. For me, slick-over, like, activities were, one, we baked a lot. I mean, that's kind of what my passion for baking has been. See, I was never a good baker, so I feel like every time I was attempting to bake, I was wasting the food, like, the ingredients. Well, we started off on box mix. My first, every time my mom let me and my friend use the oven, we made this lemon cake mix. Ooh. But, well, she kind of just let us flounder a little bit, so... Oh. First of all, the lemon cake mix was expired. Wait, what the freak? So we put it in a meatloaf pan. Wait, what's a meatloaf pan? It's like a bread, like a bread loaf pan. Okay. It's smaller and thinner. Oh. And so the inside was raw, and it was expired. It was really bad. It was bad. But we baked a lot, and then we honestly just played outside. We did a lot of stuff in the woods. Oh my god, stuff outside! Writing spoilers. Um, we played a lot of, like, outdoor games. Like, when we would have, like, sleepover parties with a bunch of people. Like, ghosts in the graveyard. Um, kick the can. Wait, what's kick the can? Um, it's kind of... I'll explain it to you later. Okay. It's kind of boring, but it was fun. For context, all the outdoor games happened in the dark. That's what made them fun. Oh, so it doesn't count. It's in pitch black, and you were running around. I don't know how some of us didn't die. Oh, no, you're in the middle of the woods. That's fun. Oh my gosh. Durr durr durr. That's so fun. I was never allowed to do anything super in the dark. Because my parents were strict, and so were my friend's parents. And so they said, um, we're locking all the doors. You cannot leave. Like... Well, yeah, I grew up in a Slavic household in a Slavic community, so... Things ain't flying. Things don't fly. But I remember when... I remember we used to play the game Egg on the trampoline. And I was a very tiny child, and so I would fly. You know what I'm saying? See, you are the one destroying me in this scenario. I remember when everyone used to... I was never... I was not a very fun child. I was never able to do, like, the cool, like, gymnastics tricks on the trampoline. But I used to watch people do them. And, like, I remember one of my friends was really into it. And she was, like, watching me do, like, a front handspring. And I was, like, what is that? Explain. I don't know gymnastics. She was, like, it's this. And then she would do it. And I'm, like, wow. That's so cool. You can do a backflip on a trampoline? Can you do anything... Can either of you do anything, like, on the ground? Absolutely not. Can you do a cartwheel? I can do a cartwheel. I can do a cartwheel. I can't do a cartwheel. I did a cartwheel yesterday. But wait, what's a somersault? Like a roll. Like a roll. Like a... Oh! Oh! And, um, Gabby was on the floor. And I was sitting in my chair. And then I, like, kneeled down on the floor. And then I rolled over to the front. Yeah. Somersault. What a surprise. The Gabby laying on the floor. I shouldn't have to say that. It's just a joke. It's implied. Okay, so... For me... Okay, so, like, you get to the sleepover. You're doing the activities. You're having a blast. And then, like, three in the morning hits. No, back up. Oh. I'm going too fast ahead of myself. First, once, like, 12 p.m. Or 12 a.m., I guess, technically. One hits. You're so tired that you're slap happy. And everything becomes so funny. This is when the delusions start coming in. The goo. The loo-loos. This is when you make the best memories. You're laughing with everybody. You're telling stupid jokes that aren't funny, but they're funny because you're really tired. Yeah. Yes. But then, a couple hours later, you're laying there. And it's usually dark. And everyone's in their bed. They're like, oh, we should go to bed. And they're all just laying there. We're all wired because we've been laughing so hard. And this is when the deep talk and the TMI talks come in, too. Yeah. I've had the craziest talks. Isn't the fact that you can't see each other because it's dark makes it easier to have those conversations? I mean, for us, that's not an issue. We'll have a conversation in broad daylight. We have. There was one conversation. I remember we had. It was such a vile conversation. Not even bad. But it was so, like, explicit. And it was so, like, not like for real. Remember when we were driving back from the mall? We went to the mall, didn't we? No. It was us three in the car. We were driving back from the craft fair. Like, see? See? See what I'm talking about? See? See? No, it's not. There's no TMI here. Yeah. Of course. Oh, my gosh. And that's when stuff got real. And then we talked about so many things. Which I would say here, because I'm open to talking about it, but on the podcast, probably not. So, for our listeners, if you really want to find out what we're talking about, come find us. Come find us. DM us. DM us. Um. So, my experience with staying up late to our stay home. Oh, no. Have you ever had those moments where, like, it's like middle school sleepover, et cetera. It's like once you're a little bit older and, like, sleepovers turn into, you know, like watching Netflix and, like, not doing some things anymore, just sitting at home talking, making hot food until you wake up. Right. Homework. Those are the worst. But, yeah. But sleepover turns into that, and then you end up staying up really late, and then you're like, hey, let's go back to the Barbies over there. Oh, my God. Just for old time's sake. For old time's sake, there's no other reason. I don't want to play Barbies, but for old time's sake. Just for a laugh. Do you want to play Barbies? Just for a laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh. Laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh. We also wanted to play with the Barbies. Let's be real. You get out both of the Barbie houses. You get out the horse. You all had the horse? My friend had the horse. Oh. This girl had so many Barbies. We would call it old times. We would be like, we want to do old times. We would be like, yeah. And we just couldn't admit to ourselves that we just wanted to play with the Barbies at 13 years old. That's fine. That's literally fine. We should not have been embarrassed by it, especially in the comfort of our own freaking kids. We would get out both of the Barbie houses. We would get out all of the children Barbies. We would get out. Yeah, the children Barbies? Yeah, the children Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. The baby Barbies. 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