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Fortnite 1 Feat

Fortnite 1 Feat

Gamer TJGamer TJ



All about Fortnite episode 1

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The podcast is about Fortnite. The host got interested in the game through a friend named Chase. The graphics and gameplay features of Fortnite appealed to the host. In the game, players drop from a battle bus, collect weapons, and compete to be the last one standing. The goal is to kill others while avoiding being killed by others. There are multiple weapons and item slots available for players to use. The game requires strategy and a bit of luck. The host placed first in the game once. Fortnite is enjoyed by people of all ages, but it is popular among kids. The game is not terrifying but can be nerve-wracking. A tip for players is to have medkits and a shotgun with ample ammo. The host likes Fortnite and considers it one of the top games on Xbox. The host's favorite moment was getting multiple kills in a row. The stress in the game comes from not knowing who is out there. Fortnite is a battle royale game where players jump from the sky and Okay, this is our podcast. It's about Fortnite. It kind of sucks. Okay, so sit down on the toilet and enjoy our podcast. And I'm going to be joined by Jamie today to have some questions about Fortnite and stuff. Hey guys, this is Jamie, Thomas' mom. So, do you have any questions about Fortnite or anything? Yeah, why don't you start by giving us the history. How did you first get interested in Fortnite? So, I know this kid, this guy named Chase, and he really introduced me to Fortnite. I mean, I've been watching people play Fortnite for quite a while, but yeah, he's the one who actually taught me how to play and stuff. What was the most appealing thing about Fortnite when you first discovered it? What stood out for you the most? I don't know what that is. What was the most interesting thing to you when you first started to play? So, Fortnite, there's just like, I just thought the graphics were cool and like, just like the maps and stuff and like the types of guns and stuff. And I thought that was cool. Yeah, can you tell us, for those of us who don't know anything about Fortnite, can you tell us a little bit about, what is the game about? What's the goal of the game? So, the goal of the game is there's, so this is a normal mode you can, so it's just a battle royale game where you drop out of the battle bus, grab weapons, eat floppers, and there's a storm enclosing on you. So, if you ever play Clawed Mobile's Battle Royale, you know what I'm talking about. Alright, so lots of action. Kind of what's the goal of the game? Like, do you progress through levels or is there one goal or are there multiple goals? Um, so like, the levels are the same. Like, I don't really know a lot about this, but in my opinion, this is just what I think, I think that your levels start over every time a new chapter comes out or something. I don't know a lot about the leveling system, but the goal is to be the last one standing. Got it. And how do you become the last one standing? What do you have to do to get to that point? So, what happens is people kill the other people. What happens is then you kill them. And then, so they've already done half the winning for you. And are you, you have like an inventory of multiple weapons you can use? Yeah, yeah, there's multiple weapons you can use. There's like, um, yeah, there's multiple weapons you can use. There's multiple item slots that you can use. Like, a hotbar from Minecraft just with inventories. Got it. So, this is really a game about strategy. It's also about luck, like where you land. Like, some of the new updates, it's just chapter 4, season 4, so I bet you'll be able to tell me this in the future. So, I'm not sure if I'm correct on any of this stuff. Okay, strategy. So, but you get to make choices about what kind of weapons you use and how... Yes, you can. Okay, so that's cool. That's cool. Um, how far have you gotten so far? Have you ever placed first? Um, once, yeah. I did, yes, a few days ago. Two days ago. Congratulations. Yes. That's a big deal. That's sweet. Now, what kind of audience would you say this game is really geared towards? Um... Kids? Adults? People in the military? It's around, like, 4 to 9 years of age. That's technically my point of view of it. But it's also technically for all ages. All ages. I've seen a lot of adults that play this game. Have you ever seen a 99-year-old play the game? Do you think a 99-year-old would like this game? If he had fast fingers. Oh, good point, good point. Your fingers, depends on how quick your fingers are. Yeah, yeah. Okay. I just need to shoot and stuff. Time commitment. How long did it take you to really be able to master this game? About, I'd say, like, 5 days. Okay. It's not the hardest game. Okay. So the learning curve isn't too steep. You can get decent at this game pretty quickly. Yeah, you can. Okay. Scale of 1 to 10, how enjoyable would you say this game is? I'd give it a solid 9.5. That's pretty solid. Yes. Okay, so pretty good game, pretty enjoyable. In terms of our viewers listening, how scary or terrifying would you say this game is? Like, if you're a sensitive person. Scale of 1 to 10. Yeah. I mean, so like, when you get shot at a number and you can't find the guy, that's pretty creepy. Yeah. So I'd say I'd give it a solid 4. Okay. So it's not totally terrifying. It's not terrifying at all. A little nerve-wracking. Yeah. Okay. Any tips before our viewers sit down to play this game? If you could give them, like, you know, one tip before they get started, what would that be? Always have at least 4 medkits and at least 1 shotgun with more than 50 ammo. Okay, now I... That's really all I need to learn. I'm no weapons expert. What's a medkit? A medkit? Oh, medkit. Got it. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. For injuries. Yeah, in Fortnite, there's a medkit. I do know about that. I've got 2 boys who are always getting injured. So I know a little bit about medkits. Okay. I'm one of them. Oh, right, right. Okay, so before we wrap up, anything else? Anything else you want viewers... We're not going to wrap up. Oh, we're not wrapping up. Okay. All right, on to the next part of the podcast. What should we tell people about now? That's such a lame question, but... What's next? So I really just want to talk about my point of view on Fortnite. Totally. Yeah, let's get into that. So my point of view on Fortnite is... I feel like... I just feel like all Xbox technically revolves around Fortnite, GTA, and stuff like that. Since that's kind of the top 2 games on Xbox. So when I think Xbox, I think GTA and Fortnite. All right, what other opinions do you have on Fortnite? Tell us about some of your favorite things that's ever happened to you in the game. Technically, one of them is I got 3 kills in a row. And then the storm came and I got 2 more kills. And that was my favorite moment that I've had so far. I'm always happy when I get a good victory royale, because I haven't... It's really hard for me, because I don't really get stressed out a lot when I'm playing Fortnite. What's your biggest stressor in the game? The biggest thing that's stressing me out is... You don't know who's out there. So you can't see them when you first see them. Yeah, that would be pretty terrifying. You mentioned something a second ago that some of our listeners might not know about. You mentioned a battle royale. Can you tell us a little bit more about what a battle royale is exactly? So a battle royale game... I only played 2 battle royale games, Fortnite and Call of Duty battle royale stuff. So a battle royale is when you technically jump from the sky. This is just my point of view from it. You jump from the sky and then you collect the weapons. As if for like COD Mobile and stuff, the last team standing. But technically there's a storm that's enclosing on you. So you need to stay inside the circle to be safe from the storm. Just play while you can. Okay, got it. And what about, is this a single player... Does this game have a multiplayer functionality? It kind of has a multiplayer functionality. You can get people on your team. This team is in Fortnite. Is it possible to send a friend a request and actually play with... Say you have a buddy that you want to play with. Can you play together real time? Yes, you can. Because Fortnite is a mobile game. You can outsource it. Great, okay. Anything else you wanted to tell the listeners about in this first episode of Fortnite? So technically, one thing is you can listen to this podcast a few more times if you want. We're going to make a few more podcasts on this topic. And then we'll just do some more on other videos. Awesome. I just wanted to let viewers know each podcast is going to be about 10 minutes long, right? So they know what to expect. Yes. Okay, all right. Well, that's all the questions I have for you. Do you have anything else to say? No. But, yeah, just enjoy our next few podcasts. So we'll see you there. Thanks, everybody. See you at Battle Royale.

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