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cover of Walk Recorded on March 21, 2021
Walk Recorded on March 21, 2021

Walk Recorded on March 21, 2021




The audio begins with the distinct crunch of footsteps, each step echoing the crispness of leaves underfoot. This field recording, taken on a walk on March 21, 2021, immerses the listener in the ambiance of a peaceful forest stroll. The sound of each footstep is carefully captured, the rhythm steady and unhurried, as if the walker is taking their time to enjoy the surroundings. It's a rhythm that paints a vivid picture of a solitary walker, their footfall the only human sound in the tranquility of the woods. The lush, verdant forest around the walker is alive with the chatter of birds. Their songs are diverse and melodious, a symphony of different pitches and rhythms that fill the air and add a lively soundtrack to the walk. Each birdcall is distinct, a testament to the variety of species inhabiting the forest. As the walker progresses, the rustling of leaves becomes more pronounced, suggesting a path strewn with fallen foliage.

Sound Effectswalkingfield-recordingfootstepwalkstepforestbirdsleaves

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